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He looks badass as fuck. The only problem is not being black enough or not being blonde.

he actually looks good though

>that shitty shading

He looks a bit too cartoony
Not Pillar Men enough

I'm worried for his theme.

they'll make it into generic guitar or wubstep like every other dlc character.

Leave him be, OP. He's perfect.

yeah all 2 of them

>white hair
>no bronze skin
what the fuck

get your eyes checked

he's clearly white

this wouldn't even look good in 2010. Was the Wii you first system?

To be fair the whole trailer had washed up colors.
>tfw the game looks like that too






Dude is full on jojo pose there. I wish his suit was the same as his fight intro in SF3 though. This one isn't as suave with the open chest.

the only problem is he's not nearly naked enough



In SF3 he turned black/blond at the start of battle. This is how he looked right before.

Fucking KEK, I got that

>implying his suit won't burn off during his critical art

That would be pretty neat.

>sjws are now making me jerk off to skin tight latex

>show uriens boobies
>cover juri's boobies

So this is equality.


Yes please

Urien is supposed to be Greek.

capcom really just stole all the tekken 7 ideas
a middle eastern
a new brown girl
give a bad guy kazuya's new outfit

Too bad I have to keep waiting for Tekken 7

Any guy can work out and or juice to get big pecs like Urien. Good tits are a genetic lottery though.

It would be really cool if they did something like that. Although I'm not a fan of men in thongs...it's still Urien's thing.

tekken 7 confirmed for inventing middle easterns

street fighter didnt have one until tekken 7 created theirs

what a coincidence

That's fucking Lu Bu's face, I swear to God.

he's got a gem though

Rome and Greece shared the same gods so I always thought it was more fitting that he was Roman (not modern Italian like Rose).

Harada and Ono are bros, this is no coincidence actually.

You'll get to play as Urien and Juri this friday in story mode. We'll see then.

I don't like the black thing, cause the idea of Juri's sweaty tits being slightly exposed while fighting is hot with a little bit of midriff in there too

Story mode is releasing this Friday? I thought it was Ibuki and Balrog.

He was made long before that shitty show, so go away

Holy shit you're right


Its Ibuki+Balrog+Story Mode

It seems like they are combining the May, June and July updates into one for Friday, July 1st

>people are so ignorant they don't even know that urien coats himself in his metal powers at the start of a SF3 match, which is what makes his skin dark

as god intended it


- Ibuki
- Balrog
- Story
- Zenny shop + DLC costumes
- Story mode
- Challenges
- Beach level, Swimsuit Karin, Vegas level remake

It would be really cool if they did that or if he ripped out during his V-Trigger but I'm afraid that's a lot of attention to detail to ask for. I could be wrong, though; we'll have to wait and see.

WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat


Well it's kind of true in that it was Harada who gave Ono the idea having a middle eastern character after coming up with Shaheen.


Now she just looks like a whore

>no Rufus
>no Hakan
>no Chocolate Viper
>no blonde football guy

Why was SFIV such a failure?

You mean a new middle eastern, right? Because we already had Hakan.

I like her better with the undershirt. Wearing that outfit with a bare chest looks weird and with how she fights isn't practical.

Well Juri kind of acts like one.

Still think the black looks better. Laura's bonita one annoys me for the sole fact that her shirt is practically attached to her, otherwise her tits would be shown whenever she moved slightly. Might as well have just given her a full shirt if they weren't gonna go all out.

To be fair it probably took more work and attention to detail to give Necalli 2 forms.
Considering his V form has different hair, gloving tattoos and the red aura on his attacks.

Worst case scenario Urien gets different Costumes but when he rips them he looks the same in all variations only difference being the hair or possibly skin if he gets Gill Costume.

what's the problem

she is one, tumblr

Why didn't Capcom give those who bought it on PS4 a PC copy?

Why would they?

If you wanted it on PC why didn't you get it for PC?

Holy shit, hope you realize how fucking retarded you sound

Damn that's good


Capcom didn't even give us Guile's shades taunt from SF4 so all of his outfits look retarded

Urien will not burn his clothes off in any capacity. They don't give a fuck and probably don't even have the know-how to make it not look like shit. SF5 is the least attention to detail they could possibly show in the history of the series

Urien is not black. His skin is made of bronze.

I'm pretty sure his V-trigger will tear his costume and make him look like in 3S. Either this, or it will be his alt.

>Swimsuit Karin

How is that a jojo pose? You fags think everything is a jojo reference


The fuck is with retards thinking urien and Sean are black
Fuck off

What happened to his voice?

Is he okay?

>Zenny shop

Zenny Shop was dropped m8.

She is from the beginning. Just ask Hakan.

what a normal juri picture

I just want Akuma back so that I can do air projectiles...

Should I get this for PC?

ibuki has air projectiles bruh

If you're into fighting games, sure.

I don't want kunais, I want a hadouken.




Sean is black. Urien is a good ole fashioned bronze warrior.

No they didn't you retard. Rome took inspiration from the Greek gods but they weren't the same. Rome's gods were Saturn, Mars, Jupiter etc. Greece's gods were Zeus Ares Athena etc


You forgot the inner thigh.

no that would look retarded



I'm ok with the look, since his classic skin might be made available.

What I'm annoyed with is his voice. It does not have the same distortion that he had in SFIII.

If you're gonna get rid of the skin suit you better go all the way

This feels wrong....

with that logic might as well make her nude

Holy shit

No he turned black/white hair at the start of a match, along with his clothes blasting off.