You're in a speedrun event and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass, what do you do?
You're in a speedrun event and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass, what do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>speedrun event
>have gf
Something doesnt add up user
kill it with fire
Beat his latest record so hard that he turns back into a guy.
Tongue wrestle her while fondling her between her legs and moaning into her mouth.
Leave in a huff so she can run a train in his hotel room.
Why does degeneracy run rampant in the speedrunning community?
because theyre fat nerds that nobody likes so they have to live in the sewers
I want to fuck that tooth gap.
Fuck him in the boipucci
Holy shit that looks like some creepypasta monster or something.
Fuck him in the ass in front of everyone to assert my dominance.
She's a beautiful woman not a guy, you shitlord
Into the gas chamber
He speedruns out the door before I even realize what happens.
Are you joking she cant speedrun at all anymore least of all running
please guys
Why are autists so obsessed with speedrunning?
nothing cause I ain't pausing a speedrun
not that i'm worried that Wanda could steal my gf anyway
>tfw you were thinking of getting into speedrunning
>see all of this
atleast i have my shitty wr on top gear rally
Kind of want to do him, but he'd have to have his mouth closed desu, but honestly I'm a fucking manwhore
If my teeth looked like that, I´d rip them out with pliers. Couldn´t look worse than this.
Why is most of the pic black and white and his teeth are colored?
What happened?
Soy, never again.
To be honest (s)he looks really feminine, would be cute if it wasn't for those fucking teeth.
id honestly knock the shit out of this freak before it got a chance to even try
not because i think it would, but because i'd be so disgusted by the sight of this thing i would have to...i mean SHIT what the fuck is THAT
That actually scared me.
not video games
Beat his ass. HRT my ass, FUCK YOU.
Couldn't that be corrected with, like, braces or something?
what's the story here?
this right here
when i started to drink soy like a faggot, i put that shit in everything i could
and then after a year i realized it can cause health issues for men and women (women being periods can be fucked with) and men just getting any estrogen in general is bad
when i saw i started to grow tits from drinking that shit it was too late, but i stopped on the spot.
dont be like me. be smart, dont drink soy if you do, only do it sparingly
>people spend tens of thousands of dollars on hormone therapy
>it barely ever even works
>but you will incidentally turn female by eating a few grams of tofu
About as stupid as girls not lifting weights because they don't want to "get big", as if its not hard as fuck to do it even if you are actively trying.
fuck, does tofu count too?
soy anything user
tofu probably much less of an impact but its still an amount
Was this supposed to be something?
having tits AND a dick? where can i buy this soylent shit?
But if we know estrogen is so bad for the mind, why do we give equal rights to women?
Take your pills Sup Forums
Finally you understand.
Speed runners are autistic anyways.
Do you still have those tits?
Someone should work on it, it's the only way to save him.
>Is that how its gonna be?
>Pants him and turn him around
>Start fucking him
>Grab him by the hair
>Whisper in his ear
>"Is this as good for you as it is for me? I ain't even gay, motherfucker"
He seems to be drunk as fuck and they're trying to get him to leave. You can assume this because of the long handshake and him laying down on the fucking floor.
"I'd slap her to. Who the fuck does she think she is pissing a guy like that off"
Actually laughed.
can someone post the cut my life into pieces copy pasta
Yeah, and so thats like nothing at all.
just buy any soy product and ingest it for a year
you wont like the results my friend
unless youre fat which could fix that a little bit but in the end is it worth it when you'll become as emotional as a woman?
yes because they wont go away without some serious work to undo the process.
soy fucked my shit up and as delicious as it may be i do not like the side effects that it can cause
Its the jews that forced us
What the fuck is wrong with his teeth?
Adrian is so fucking hot
if you can't control your emotions through sheer force of will, then no amount of testosterone or estrogen will change your ability. I am a master of myself. the only thing i want is double d tits and a dick. i have the dick part, get some tits and i'll never need a woman.
Will she be at SGDQ?
Commit a hate crime
This sounds fucking retarded, in the east people eat soy constantly, but men don't turn into women.
was he always this fucking gay?
Slap hers back
>moused over it quickly and thought it was "screamer" and immediately moused off it
>realised it wasn't some creepy pasta thing and actually cosmo
fuck off
Kick the bitch out of the way and spank his twink ass then scold him for slapping my gf's ass and not mine.
What a qt.
Damn even I look more feminine than her and I'm a normal guy
How big did they get?
any pics?
>you will never pull this out of his ass, put it in his mouth and fuck him silly
Why even live?
Fuck the guy in the ass to claim superiority.
He was painting his nails for years before he went full tranny so he was always a little gay to begin with.
Now I'm imagining some neckbeard crawling around on the ground in front of everybody crying loudly and screaming IT'S NOT MY FAULT IT'S JUST THE SOY CRYING
This is a japanese man.
he had his nails painted for years
half a decade at the very least
You want pics? I wouldn't mind posting one if I don't get banned
I bet he could do a really good Tiny Tim impression if he tried.
well shit
that PROVES he has a woman's brain
Maybe some day bro... maybe some day...
And I will fuck that one as well(though this one looks like a keeper).
Listen, I want to get fucked in the ass as much as the next guy but I'm not going to take retard pills to get laid
Now you're asking the real questions