Too bad this was for the 'X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee'.
Port when?
Too bad this was for the 'X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee'.
Port when?
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Lost Odyssey
I heard this game was exceedingly mediocre, like its anime adoptation.
blue eyes white dragon?
Nobody with an X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee wants to play a game like this
Does the demand for a port even exist beyond a few dozen neckbeards?
I remember there being a cute girl in the game but I don't remember anything else from it. Probably great though judging from that.
>asking for a port of Blue Dragon when you could ask for Lost Odyssey instead
Why? Lost Odyssey is literally better in every way.
It is. It's like they put every cliche JROG trope into a hat, pulled out a few and made a game out of it. Literally the only decent thing is the soundtrack and the monster designs
The yellow thing in the game literally stopped me playing. Fucking annoying voice.
Are you a child or just post like one?
Too bad it was for the most popular console barring the Wii at the time? I don't see a problem with that
Game was kinda average but at least it was a decent turn based RPG. Last of its kind.
Should've been on the PS3.
>X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee
>'X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee'.
You weren't even born when it was released so what does it matter to you?
I'd rather see a port of Ninja Gaiden 2 before anything else on the system. Sigma 2 is trash.
>X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee
You're trying too hard senpai.
Boss theme was the only good thing about this game, and it was hype as fuck. I love battle music with lyrics, it didn't fit the game remotely but it was awesome.
You sound like X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee fans
Is that fucking Ian Gillan?
I remember there being a manga that looks nothing like the game or the anime since it was drawn by the Death Note artist.
No it's Robert Plant you retard
The PS3 was still quite a while from getting its shit together at that point.
Yep, like many Japanese baby boomers, Uematsu is a Purple fanboy.
Gillan sounds pretty awful on that though, plus the Engrish lyrics don't exactly help.
>'X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee'
>'X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee'
this game is literally only known for the one song in barkley: shut up and jam
Yup. Basic turn based combat, classes, and skills.
I actually really enjoyed the game even though it did nothing special. I just hated how easy it was. Shu can one shot everything, and once you get him the two strike attack skill he's unstoppable.
I heard they made a hard mode dlc, but I never tried it. Would try it out if it ever came to PC or if it hits the backwards compatibility list on the xbone.
Lost Odyssey was fucking incredible
Felt good to own the 360
If it's a good console then why does it rhyme with X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee?
To appeal to faggots like yourself.
At least it's not as bad as the X Cocks Bum
get a DS
>'X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee'.
Are you actually, literally, and unsurprisingly twelve years old.
Are you fucking serious with this.
Don't bother with the "sequels". There even worse, and what pisses me off is the director wanted to make a actual sequel for the 360
Most disappointing shit I've ever read. At least the anime captured the games spirit and all the same characters.
The PS3 was a shit console. Didn't even had good jrps other than memesouls.
It was a better FF XIII than FF XIII.
jesus christ the guy from deep purple sang this
if i remember, the manga wasnt even about these characters. it was some weird, reborn deity guy who goes around having sex and flirting and occasionally has to fight using the blue dragon
Who'd play an X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee?
>hard mode dlc
They really should have called it normal mode because without it is retardedly easy
This was one of the reasons why I got an xbox, I thought it was a good game and played it to the end.
Only thing I disliked was that if you grinded your class, you could just steamroll everything, even more if you did the optional dungeons and stuff.
I never tried hard mode (since my game is european and my american account doesn't allow me to download it), but I'd like to see how it is.