>tfw too poor for nu-doom
Tfw too poor for nu-doom
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anyone wanna play some Smash TV?
you aren't missing out on much
holy shit just kat.cr whats with you faggots lately
I bought it, refunded it and went back to playing .wad's. NuDoom is shit.
let me know how that goes
Finally, somebody who isn't using godawful texture filtering in ZDoom
>He doesn't kow
looks like GZdoom to me
I play with pretty most of the extra graphic options in GZDoom but the default filter texturing is _TERRIBLE_. Rather have original blocky pixels than blurry shit
there are 4 methods of Denuvo bypass available
prices range from $1-$5
you guys r on d wrong forum & didnt do your HW
check me out, im shooting that guy over there
I suppose, but the point still kinda stands with any sourceport based on it
Filtering makes Doom look like a blurry or smudged mess
I just use these settings
Anisotropic filtering is kind of subjective since it's pretty much the map that gets affected, but if all the actors and pickups are obviously sprites then the environment might as well look like pixel shit too
Personally I just got through DOOM 1 and 2 on zdoom. Ran it as close to chocolate as possible without freeaim or filtering. Couldn't get 144fps in 4K because software renderer so I settled for 1440.
>Play OBLIGE megawads with DoomRLA
>Put on Eurobeat playlists via console
Too bad Marine makes everything hold M1 to win after assembling a good automatic weapon, though.
high power minigun with 2 additional power mods with marine is my weapon of choice for absurd slaughter wads like holy hell, using doomrpg+doomRLA with the monsters pack
>giving a slimy russian a port to your computer
>literally paying to pirate
Damn, pirate master race amirite bros?
Don't pick Marine then
>tfw like New Doom's weapons but wanted more levels to use them on
Thank you Doom community you are my greatest friend
I like the new enemies too, shame about enemy count though.
>Thank you Doom community you are my greatest friend
making a map just for you dawg
not really but look out for DUMP 3
Have people modded Doom enough to make it use accurate hitboxes and use mouse to aim like normal shooters?
nigga that's vanilla functionality. Enable mouselook, disable autoaim
That's not actually vanilla but all common source ports allow this.
I've been having fun with the version of DUMP 3 that was released early.
That bouncy castle level took me a half hour to get readjusted with normal nonbouncy though
Most source ports nowadays give each monster, item, obstacle, and decoration a fixed height rather than have them be infinitely tall as they were in the original game.
You should be able to toggle it on and off on the fly as well.
Other than that, I think some gameplay mods allow for headshots, but I'm not sure what techno-sorcery they pulled to get it to work. I doubt those mods would work when new monsters are added into the mix from another mod, but they should work with any custom map that uses the standard actors.
They attached an actor to the head that will instantly kill the enemy when it hits 0 HP.
So it's tied to the monster it's attached to, rather than a universal system.
Have you tried the Super Machinegun? That thing is bonkers to run and gun without having to deal with any wind-up. I usually go for assemblies with my modpacks though, I don't really know how potent modpacks mostly are by themselves apart from bulk and technical, usually using the latter on non-auto weapons after assembly.
Experimenting with other assemblies though, Plasma infusion for some weapons is fun, and the Voltgun and Zeus Cannon can be also pretty fucking crazy. Love the Anti-Materiel Rifle though, like holy fucking shit that thing is very good at killing anything bigger than you though isn't really worth spending ammo for on former humans or imps. Line up four barons and they're fucking dead, you can also use the recoil to jump.
One thing that bothers me are that some gold and green-named weapons usually aren't very good. Even if you can make basic assemblies with the former some assemblies made from purples are still usually better. I played through TNT as Scout and could never find a way to make the PP7 not shittier than a high-power Combat Pistol.
Ah, that's at least one of the ways I thought to jury-rig it, though it was one of the least attractive options.
Still neat to know, it's been a few years since I opened SlumpEd or XWE. I had been wondering if things had progressed much in my absence.
I bought the new Doom and honestly it's not very good.
Just play the original, doom 2 or many of the wads out there
And before somebody unfamiliar with DoomRLA asks about that image and exclaims holy autism:
>You can only carry six weapons ever, even pistols count
>The modpacks are obviously specific modifiers by themselves
>In a full megawad you'll only really do a couple of those
>They're all hidden until you assemble a new gun or find automaps to fill it out
Even with the new enemies the mod adds you can get away with some basic upgrades and nothing more. But you get to hear the Snake Eater theme when you create a master assembly.
did not even know that was a thing, will have to give it a shot next time i feel like some slaughter wads, thanks for the image user
People use Slade now.
No worries. I'll add that Plasma Infusion can
>Turn the Minigun into an accurate Laser Minigun that stores 500 cells per mag
>Turn the Plasma Gun into a Plasma Cannon, splash damage shots and doesn't need to reload
>Turns Rocket Launcher explosions into a fuckhuge plasma explosion
Doesn't require any exotic mods too.
Funny how that despite a combat knife entry being listed there for a Chainsword, I have never found a single one in-game.
No melee weapons in Doom RLA yet.
Considering there's a melee-oriented class in the works (or whenever Yholl wants to work on DRLA at all now) I suppose that's a given.
Holy shit, that looks good.
Brootal Doom and Hideous Destructor (I think???) have headshots. They're kind of OP in BD (you can one-shot a Revenant with a regular shotgun), and HD is a "realism" mod for Doom so you'll need them.
Who Aeons of Death here?
This isn't 2007 anymore user.
>mixing sprites with high-res background
>not playing atleast 960*540
>not using a CRT monitor for 150+hz refresh rates
Fuck AMD for phasing out analog support on their cards. I'll have to stick with Nvidia for a bit longer.
I don't like AMD's drivers
Nobody does, not even AMD, so they phased them out.
Anybody else surprised by nu-DOOM being way better than it has any right to be
Nope, I have no idea what you're talking about, user.
I don't like it that much, i'm a bit disappointed.
The gun feels flaccid as fuck and the enemy count is disappointing.
The areas you fight in are also boring
I kinda liked the demo, but my PC isn't up for the real deal. I expected them to do something similiar, seeing as turning Doom into COD would devalue the franchise for good.
More importantly anyone else surprised how good Ressurection of Evil was, considering it's just Doom 3 with more combat oriented approach to level design? I feel like it's on par with originals.
you could use gzdoom but turn off the texture filters
Yes. I did miss some aspects of the originals, but I think it's a great game.
best mp out of all the dooms
I remember RoE being fun, but I didn't complete it.
>The gun feels flaccid as fuck
Nigga what.
>The areas you fight in are also boring
I know opinions and all, but yeah.
>muh cawadoody version of doom
That's not RGA.
user shut up.
I didn't know I wanted this so badly.
Pleasantly surprised after how disappointing the multiplayer beta was.
I'm rock solid everytime I whir the chaingun up.
>Can see Hell Razor attacks
>Zombiemen have the possessed soldier moveset
>Mancubi has a chance to be replaced by another one with the cyber mancubi moveset
Only thing I don't like is the release date
I now want a TNO sequel on it's engine
The guns feel fine to me, but they could be better.
I definitely agree about the enemy count.
Going from one arena to another with nothing inbetween except a few Unwilling and an Imp or two is really disappointing.
I also really, really, really fucking hate that the corpses disappear. Something I loved from the original Dooms was, when back-tracking, walking through rooms full of corpses I put there.
>tfw you maintain a dipless 60FPS in this part of the foundry on nightmare settings
WTF how did they do that ?
like the ammo & health & armor pick ups look exactly like they do in new Doom ?
also is that basically the doom 2016 weapon mod running with gzdoom ?
whats happening
>Health and ammo pickups
Sprite artist
>Enemies dropping items
Enemies spawning items on death like when you kill a shotgunner
>Weapon mods and upgrades
Spriter took to making the Doom 4 weapons as sprites, guys who are making the mod in the video showed a clip of what they're doing, got the spriter to make all weapon mods and mod swap animations
> is that basically the doom 2016 weapon mod running with gzdoom ?
>Something I loved from the original Dooms was, when back-tracking, walking through rooms full of corpses I put there.
please dont mix this garbage of a game with new Doom
TNO is so overrated holy shit
>30 fps cutscenes
>more cutscenes
>press X to stealth
>terrible shotgun
>AR feels like pellet gun
and many others flaws I forget. Killing nazis on the moon with a laser rifle doesnt make a good game. And that part where you're in a mech on the surface of the moon felt so rushed too.
but anyway, I hope snapmap gets improved eventually, I didnt even try it yet but I will when I have more time, hope to make some decent maps, also new Doom is probably the first fps besides cod4 and old Doom that I want to replay over and over.
My fucking negro, you sure know fun.
guys did you see what they're adding in a new patch ( soon ) ?
option to center weapons like old doom
improvements for snapmap
It's done to unload things that tax the hardware of consoles to make everything run smoother, this of course because modern ID are lazy means it was copypasted and PC/Console are pretty much the same game like all modern multiplatforms.
This is why we complain about fucking consoles hollding back PC's. incoming damage control.
Anyone play Hideous Destructor?
>makes the game turbo tactical Arma style realism
>hard as fuck
>the wide open spaces you once cherished are now a nightmare of no cover
>feel the fear of opening doors
>so realistic your rifle even bumps into walls while turning
I thought I'd hate it and that it has no place in doom but fuck it's addictive. This would make a great standalone game. Tactical survival horror. Fund it
>please dont mix this garbage of a game with new Doom
New DOOM also isn't super good. It's like a game fro late 2005.
>cinematic press X to execution
>effectively regenerating health
>really slow movement without upgrades
>big empty levels with tiny combat arenas with no more than eight enemies at once
Fucking Shadow Warrior 2013 played way better, faster, more satisfying gameplay with worse level design.
How do you even start it? GZdoom just gives me a script error.
Fucking when?
I agree glory kills arent very good.
you dont have to rely on them if you get gud tho
also SW really doesnt play well. If you want to perform the combos you need to use your keyboard like a piano I dont have time for this shit its too complicated.
Your gzdoom is outdated
Get a new build from the DRDTeam dev builds page
I think the only thing that makes all those doom mods like Brutal Doom way harder than the original games is simply zombiemen and the ones with machineguns
they're so accurate, on high difficulty you lose all your health / armor so fast. In vanilla those guys need like 5 minutes before noticing and firing at you.
every other monster is a cakewalk 2bh. I'm glad they reworked them in new doom even if the Imps are a bit too aggressive imo.
july 18th
This shit is nothing like brutal doom
You basically gotta play it like you would in real life
All the other monsters are more aggressive but weaker too, for example pinky demons are smaller but can lunge at you
I got amazed by the doom 4 wad for doom so , what are the top 3 wads/campaings or whatever I need to play in doom ?Have in mind I'm someone that only played the original back then and never was into the wad scene etc. Also recommended client that is easy to install etc ?
>friend bought it on his Steam account
>I got to play through the whole thing for free
Right now I'm playing Demolitionist, and somehow I managed to get full Demonic armor before MAP10, what the fuck
>barely noticeable shotgun pumping animation
>tfw you have enough to buy nuDoom but don't want to because your toaster pc needs to have everything on the lowest settings for 30-60 fps
The game is really well optimised tho. I'm surprised how well it can run on even my machine with an AMD cpu
>tfw intel i7 870
>better than even modern amd cpus in benchmarks
>cant even get 20 fps on lowest settings
it must be a more gpu intensive game
>tfw the rich get richer activates
>turns the game into a bullet hell
I fucking loved Doom 4.
I'm going to get a lof of hate for this but here it goes : Brutal Doom mod with map of chaos
you can get all on moddb
what is it ?
I'm only on the 3rd level I think
The Rich Get Richer is a rune you can find that gives you infinite ammo for all guns but the chainsaw and the BFG as long as your armor stays above 100. If you master the rune it'll stay active as long as your armor is above 75.
It sounds OP but it's actually pretty difficult to keep up sometimes with how much stuff swarms you.
I actually expected this to come along sooner.
I only played the demo, but I didn't like how it seems like the combat is built around finishers. If you don't do the finishers, the enemies turn into bullet sponges and you have to waste several shots to finish them off while they just stand there waiting for you to press F on them.
its like like that the further you play, because everything including basic weapons ( shotgun, assault rifle or machinegun as they call it ) get more and more powerful.
Also when you get gud you dont rely as much on glory kills.
the demo is very, very short
how are your maps coming along?
*its less like that
Image source?
I'm aware it's short, but it's supposed to give you an idea of what the game's like. Does it really get that much better?
My first map is beyond garbage
>july 18
How the fuck does somebody manage to get such an amazing mod out so soon?
Anyways, can anyone tell me how the fuck to play Doom mods? I had GZDoom before, but I uninstalled it last month after finishing Final Doom.
you drag and drop the .wad or .pk3 files onto gzdoom.exe
its out so soon because those guys have been modding doom for like 15 years and know what they're doing.
Well at least your not a lying idiot on the internet.
>Loved Doom 2016
>This still looks fucking awesome
Is the original Doom the best game ever made?
>Rich get Richer + Sentry Chaingun fully upgraded
At that point the game became maximum easy mode but I'll be dammed if it wasn't satisfying to enter an arena, press both mouse buttons and never let go of them until every single demon was dead.
What gun is that? What mod?
>minigun in turret mode
>assault rifle with micro rockets
>siege mode railgun
say what you want about D2016 but it has some really fun stuff to play with
To be fair, the rune challenge to get that one is hard as fuck so I look at it as a hard earned reward
>tfw having played through D1 and 2 maybe once or so and having spent much more time on making maps and weapons