The modding scene for this game is officially dead not even a year after release

>the modding scene for this game is officially dead not even a year after release

How did bethesda fuck up so bad?

Other urls found in this thread:

By being lazy incompetent shits

People are too busy converting everything to Thomas the tank engine

>Modding scene dead
>Mods per month are higher than Skyrim circa 2012

Try harder.

Is it really that bad? I was actually planning on buying it, just waiting to see if they mark it down anymore since honestly $30 seems steep for the amount of negative shit I see about it.

um no. start browsing by recently uploaded instead of most endorsed and your life will change.
or even recently updated is good too.

you have to give people time to learn so they can have confidence to attempt the ballsier stuff.
and give time for F4se to develop.


>hot files
>4 guns
>player home redecoration
>mod that adds NPC's and new decor to official location

WOW, and it's been like this every fucking week, Literally no one is even working on any exciting mods or overhauls just shitting out mods any neckbeard could make in his basement over the weekend.

Scene is fucking dead.

what ever happened to that texture optimization mod? last update was December

You mean they hired Sup Forums?

are there seriously no sex mods yet? how dead can the mod scene be

you work on it then you fucking faggot, modders dont get payed for it you know its just a hobby

Why should anyone bother making mods for Borderlands 3?

>People don't use integrated spell-checkers despite needing them desperately.

It takes time to make good mods, you fucking retard. People also have lives.

No, you're fucking dead, you miserable neckbeard.

What the fuck do you expect? It's always the same thing for every modable game. Go get a fucking job.

These salty af beth drones holy shit

I'll give a fuck about this game when I can be a slaver with sex mods.

You're pathetic, user. Go to sleep tonight knowing that.


The game is so good it only needed a basic few quality life life an enhancement mods like Darker Nights

wew lad

>The game is so good it only needed a basic few quality life life an enhancement mods

No mod can fix that dialogue system and a game cannot be a Fallout game without good dialogue.

>>No mod can fix that dialogue system

There's like 7 that do though

Stolen mods shitshow

>playing on console

*pats you on the shoulder* calm down, brah, you're over-reacting brah, everything is gonna be fine. brah.

All it does is show what your dialog opinions say.
That doesn't fix the problem.

yes it does

By catering to the "remove your brain and have fun" crowd in a numbered Fallout installment.

This should have been a spinoff.

How does that fix the terrible dialog?

>Games shouldnt be fun!

I was disappointed with Fallout 4 but holy shit you are pathetic

If you're referring to Full Dialogue Interface, that simply allows the player to see the full dialogue and makes the UI resemble the previous two Fallout games. It does not improve the quality of the writing, it does not add additional options, and it does not implement stat checks in dialogue.

supposedly it's super hard to make custom animations in fallout 4, so sex mods or anything like it will take a lot of work

Don't worry m8 the japs have it covered

It's always been near impossible to add new animations to Gamebryo, even as a dev. The Creation Engine is a fork of Gamebryo so it's just as obnoxiously difficult for modders.

Bethesda is literally using the same animations from Morrowind era.

>funfags ruining vidya one franchise at a time

Neo-Sup Forums is the worst.

all the good modders returned to NV

>He doesn't know about 'muh 100$ DLC'


they never left, buddy


You have autism, m8. If you don't like a game, don't play it.

Millennial reading comprehension at its finest

>valuing accuracy over speed when shitposting

i know several who began/planned work for fo4, but just dropped it and returned

some are also just waiting for openmw

skimming through websites does not mean you know someone, lad

The source of this, of course, is your butt.

>No, y-you're dead!

>valuing accuracy over speed when shitposting

>5 letters
>4 letters

I value both. Learn to type or install a spell-checker, you faggot.

t. a way less obvious ESL

New Vegas nexus' most endorsed recent file: Rewarding Exploring - Unique Places for Unique Weapons

Fallout 4 nexus' most endorsed recent file: Manufacturing Extended

Don't worry Sup Forumseddit, repeat it a few times and those things you wish might become true.

If not for fun what are videogames for? Enlightenment? Education? Because so far no game offers some profound insight on life or philosophy, and educational games are mostly for 4 year olds so I don't see what you are on to.

I'll give you a hand though, what you meant is that it doesn't cater to your idea of fun. But you still play games to have fun user, ok? Cool nice chat

The only good mod that there is for Fallout 4.

>I'm not a millennial guys!

If you are 40 and spend time in this site I don't know what to say. I'm sorry vidya ruined your life.

Otherwise don't be such a massive faggot you are also a millennial because fyi millennial doesn't mean born in 2000.

been modding since oblivion, don't wanna wave my dick around but my files unique DLs are in the millions, with a few collabs

believe me or don't. the only successful modders who care about fo4 are chasing paid mods and have already been ostracized

It actually makes the game worse desu. I'd rather have an illusion of choice.

the DLC already overtaking the mod jobs, if you notice a lot of DLC is 'stole' modders idea and never give credit.

They should cater to a variety of audiences in the same way that films, music and literature do. Instead only kids, pseuds and manchildren are.

I hope for your sake you're being retarded on purpose.

Might want to go back to primary school to learn reading comprehension because that wasn't what he said at all

it's a boring game that's why


It's noy dying at all, Sup Forums just pretends their opinion is somehow reflected on the industry when nobody truly cares, and since this is an echo chamber everyone will agree the modding scene of F4 is ''dead'' as more and more mods get pumped out daily.

Fucking lol.

and skyrim


Even if you aren't lying, that's probably bullshit.
Pay-fags aren't the only ones, and every new game raises up a new batch.
I suspect it'll keep growing as the price drops & the drama cools.
This might be the operative word right here.

>muh donut steel idears

user, getting that salty is much more >pathetic than the other fag.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

You should take your own advice, white boy.

Take your (You).

Take yours.

Is this a (You) train?

You tell me.

We are such faggots

This. With Skyrim SE and console mods popping up, everyone's going back to the established huge mod scene and working on updating their older projects they know will be successful.

FO4's mod scene will only really take off when all the DLCs are finished and the newer mechanics that are actually interesting get implemented.

Speak for yourself, chump.

>FO4's mod scene will only really take off when all the DLCs are finished and the newer mechanics that are actually interesting get implemented.

I'm not sure. Not only has FO never been as popular with modders as TES, FO4 has a unique disadvantage with a fully-voiced defined MC.

Bethdrones on full throttle.

This, so unless someone makes an interaction overhaul, its not gonna fly an any considerable heights.

Stating facts is now autism? Fuck off newfag. Spamming "LE COOL 4CHN MAYMAYS XddXDdd!!!11!!1" for no reason other than you think it'll make you fit in.

The game has been out for months. Nobody cares.

>Creation kit like a month ago
>Only rudimentary mods available

You're a dumbass were you new to modding in year 4 of Skyrims modding scene?

Random modder here who can answer that.
Gamebryo doesn't allow us to insert custom animations, we have to overwrite rarely used animations, usually stuff like the bedroll animation.
There are some complex sex animation mods, but they all have to cycle over the small pool of animations we can overwrite. Its why you get that strange 1-3 second delay whenever you run custom animations sometimes.

Skyrims mod scene was hopping even before the mod SDK was released.

Stop trying to revise history to fit you odd agenda.

There's also the impending TESVI. If it comes out within

True. Fallout 4 is so unenjoyable that no mods can make it fun.

Skyrims modding scene was the exact same as Fallout 4's until the creation kit came out. There was just less mods.

I'm scared for TESVI, i wish they would give Kirkbride another chance, then we could get a proper TES game. But someone needs to hold Kirks leash and whack him with a rolled up newspaper once he starts writing about metaphysical spear-cocks.

modder here

Modding for skyrim is currently way easier and stable. Graphically the jump from skyrim to FO4 isn't anywhere near as dramatic as the jump to skyrim.

Secondly the modkit was realesed way too late, and is a bug ridden mess that pumps out mods that break the game most of the time. It's inexcusable for it to be this bad when they waited this long, even moreso when you realize it took this long because they were working on skyrim remasteredâ„¢.

>Creation Kit is in beta
>F4SE is still fresh
>Bunch of patches are still coming out
>DLCs are still coming out
Wait till the storm has calmed down. No one is going to make changes to a changing infrastructure.


You're full of shit. People were pumping out mods and it ramped up after the SDK was released

I'd say it took that long because they were futzing around with their shitty in client front end for mod acquisition on consoles.

>Talking out your ass

F4 has 1/4 of the mods that Skyrim currently has on the nexus and the mod kit came out just recently. Skyrim has been out for 5 years now. The quality of the mods are ass because people haven't had time to make good ones and I'm willing to bet no one wants to either because Fallout 4 is such a shitty game it's not even good for rape and impregnation mods.

Didn't he ghostwrite some for Oblivion? I'm pretty sure some of his lore got mentioned in Skyrim as well

>settlements are a thing
>no way to repopulate

Nah, skyrim modding wasn't big when it started. It was when "Youtubers" started making videos that the mod scene stepped on the gas. I remember 2-3 months after the creation kit was released there was only 160-200 mods in the nexus and the best one the Magicka Sabers and stayed at the top for a while.

>still no mod to turn settlements into a tower defense/horde type minigame

This is how you know modders don't give a fuck about this game.

Not enough, Oblivion and Skyrim went full generic. There was a lot of things in Skyrim i wanted to see, like the Skywhales and the City of Winterhold, the "CITY".

Shut the fuck up autismo

>ITT: I make up shit and ask people to react.

>the City of Winterhold

Modders quickly lost interest in and console-babbys harassing them and stealing their work didn't really help change their minds.