What's the least janky and most welcoming MOBA?
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MOBAs aren't welcoming.
They are riddled with mechanics that are extremely unwelcoming.
I suppose HotS. It sucks, though, even by MOBA standards.
Heroes of the Storm is the one that comes to mind.
The only one worth getting into is DotA
MOBAs that lock playable heroes behind paywalls are garbage and should be treated as such.
I think Dota is the least Janky
Most welcoming is HotS
mobas are trash
grow a testicle or two and get yourself a proper rts
>rts babby being this mad his genre is dead
Heroes is easy, simple, in-n-out kinda fun without bullshit mechanics that get in the way of teamfighting and 1v1ing, which is what the game is all about.
Seriously, if you haven't at least TRIED it yet, do it. it's free, takes 10-20 minutes per game and they have some interesting heroes.
League of Retards is easy but shallow
Dota 2 is conducive to good gameplay if everyone knows what they're doing (this never happens)
Heroes of Newerth died a dignified death
Heroes of the Storm died stillborn
Heroes of the Storm. Coincidentally the only MOBA worth playing. Don't fucking listen to the other anons. I hate them.
HotS by far, its also kind of fun even if youre a casual.
You probably dont want to play it if youre ever interested in playing mobas beyond a casual level, because it has not alot of strategic depth.
HotS is tightly designed by a small team, each match only lasts 20 minutes, and has a great learning curve (easy to pick up and get the mechanics, but also takes hundreds of hours to get good and learn all the character matchups). I also love the emphasis on teamfights because it creates more interesting, succinct matches rather than a long slowball effect which is what always happens in Dota 2 and LoL. I want my games to be quick and exciting and not last all day because I have a fucking life to live.
Warcraft 3.
Literally this - it's not a game to play every day like some eastern european nigger - but it's fun for few days.
It's fun, it's easy to pick - good animations, nice characters, nice maps - and you get the moba experience on top of it.
Just play it until you are bored then ignore the genre forever.
Mount & blade: warband.
Choose one. There's a very good reason why MOBAs always come up when people talk about the most hate and toxic filled communities.
>and they have some interesting heroes.
You mean BadFurion and BadMeepo? What were they called, Abatur and Last Vikings?
HotS2 shills seem to be trained under the assumption they will be talking to league players, that's why meepo ripoff is presented as an original concept and talents are considered an improvement to the item system because league items are all stat sticks
HotS and Awesomenauts
Awesomenauts costs money though and probably near death.
>stat sticks
Oh god, there are people who can't use actives.
Abathur and Cho'Gall both have incredibly interesting designs imo. I unironically think that HotS breaks the mold in a lot of ways and it's definitely welcoming. I much prefer the talent system to the item shop and the shorter matches allows for more concentrated fun, flat out.
HotS is just awesome to me. Blizzard's most tightly designed game, and you can tell everyone on the team has fun making it and has compelling ideas for it.
Just download Dota and jump in. Yes you will get yelled at and yes you will suck, but if you are willing to learn it can be really fun game.
ASSFAGGOTS are shit on purpose. There are just bandwagoning greedy-ass devs who don't realize it.
All items in LeL are stat sticks. You can't use actives because there ARE no actives.
$0.03 have been deposited to your account.
can you try harder to be a stereotypical dotard?
Shitskin containment game where you need 600 hours to even begin to understand what the fuck you're doing
Was essentially DOTA 1.5
Streamlined MOBA where all the fun mechanics are downplayed or outright removed.
MOBAs for retards
I am just happy for you that there's still job to be found shilling for a stillbirth game on the internet. Let Actiblizz waste their money trying to turn the river flow around. The assmad of suits @ blizz management over losing Dota 2 could keep me warm through the nuclear winter.
M&B warband.
Problem with HotS is that there are so heavy catch up mechanics that you just scratch your balls in your base for 15min and still win the game.
You can tell that HoTS is shit because Sup Forums likes it.
i play dota, user
HotS ain't for me, i get bored easily
but you're acting like a gigantic faggot
>Lich King and Anub'arak reworks make them anti-mages in a Mage heavy meta
Feels good to be Scourge
>Sup Forums likes HoTS
Are you blind or just stupid?
Don't play MOBAs
They're the worst fucking genre of videogame, even generic fps shit is better than MOBAs.
>i have never experienced the thread's center of discussion
>but my word is to be taken seriously and i am right
>flagrantly shilling HOTS
>using the term "toxic" unironically
>recommending ARTS at all
Where the fuck did Sup Forums go?
>don't play mobas
>"dont talk if u know nothing about them"
>play mobas
>"so you must have found them enjoyable :v)"
there is no arguing with mobabies
why tho?
to /r/Sup Forums
"Action" game without any action and "strategy" game that boils to who does bigger numbers
Hard to learn, easy to master.
Nigga that aint no MOBA
The gameplay is easy to understand and within 10 minutes you'll even get somewhat good at it. The community is friendly and welcoming as well.
Please tell me how that is not exactly what OP wants.
Smite is pretty fun.
If you let your team know you're new, they're almost always chill about it.
but thats objectively mot true and if it was, why arent you making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year playing professionally or making add revenue like anyone who isnt literally retarded would do if they found it easy to master?
That's not what he said
The first thing you said is correct.
The second thing is an assumption and a retarded one at that. If you don't have anything to contribute then why bother spewing your nonsense.
>Least janky
Try using a word that's not retarded and I'll be able to answer better.
>most welcoming
Probably SMITE. 3D angle and controls is simpler, mechanics are simpler, it has an otion to automatically buy items and upgrade skills for you, it has a tutorial video explaining every character and mechanic, and they have plenty of casual events. The only problem is the Hi-Rez servers shit themselves sometimes and if you play Conquest, you'll run into ultra-tryhards that whine over everything and blame everybody but themselves So basically you'll run into the average person you'd find in Dota 2's non-custom games.
Luckily there's about 6 other casual modes.
I recommend playing HotS for a bit and then transitioning to either LoL or Dota.
HotS is a good game to start at if you're new at moba games as it literally holds your hand throughout the game and plays like a tutorial.
Matches are short as well if you don't like investing too much time per game.
Once you have a basic grasp on how to play, either LoL or dota should be playable without other people yelling at you.
I personally opted for LoL since dota's art style makes me sick.
>starting off on one game then transitioning to another
Or just start off on oneand learn it. All of the games have their own separate mechanics and characters. Them putting in time to go from one to another is retarded because they'll still have to learn the next game. The only thing they'll bring with them is the general knowledge of "don' run into towers or feed like a retard."
It's a shit term. ASSFAGGOTS (Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides) it's the only correct term for these games.
DotA 2 is the best one. It rewards invidivual skill the most. A lot of the items give you other ways to take fights. The items aren't just boring stat bonuses, you have items with uses, like one that pushes you forward, giving you an ability to dodge spells.
DotA 2 however takes shitloads of time to learn, especially if you've never played the genre. You will be punished for mistakes, and games will be unfair most of the time because of this. I've been playing with a friend who came to this genre as a newbie. After 800 hours, he has gotten the concept of supporting, but give him a farmer hero and he's fucked beyond belief. It took him 800 hours to learn one role, and he has 3 more roles to learn. The game is not easy. Especially in the late game one mistake can lose you the whole game.
This is a lie.
Every game i've joined I've let people known i'm new and they fucking rage to hell about it and give you shit all game.
>Had least deaths and contributed the most but the enemy team stomped us
>It's apparently my fault and everyone reports me
Am I wrong? Are MOBA's good? I've played them all and they're all fucking shit.
They're good when you get good, have a good team, and fight good people.
So like any other team game except it'll be harder since you have a big road ahead of you before you become good enough to leave the shitter bracket.
That's exactly the point though. It's even worse for him if he does that kind of shit in LoL or Dota, then decides not to play cause he gets shit on every game by his teammates.
He could keep playing HotS if he likes it of course, but I recommended the other two because although HotS has more interesting mechanics and hero designs, it's objectively worse than the other two.
starting with hots then transitioning to dota just fucks you up, sinking hours into getting used to the hots feel of "stand on the lane and everything is fine" will get you raped in dota where last hitting, denying, zoning out actually happens
See, I understand you're new because you think the stats at the end of the game matter.
The only thing that matters in those games are the win or loss at the end.
If you contributed the most you s hound have been leading your team to victory, for all you know you were fucking over your teammates with the best of intentions.
There's a difference between master and esports.
There are plenty of players in the higher brackets of matchmaking who are at equal or higher level than those who play for professionally and yet they have no stream or professional paid team.
You're telling me those mechanics are present on lv1 account games?
He'll learn those advanced stuff as he gains experience, but it's more important to develop awareness of the game in general through easier mediums.
You can't carry in a game where 4 other people are fucking about doing nothing.
>HotS has more interesting mechanics and hero designs
MOBAs can be fun, but they are also ridiculously hard to get into. Once you get good enough to get matched with other people who know what they are doing then it becomes really fun.
The least janky is LoL. The most welcoming is HotS.
Correction, YOU can't carry a game with 4 teammates fucking off. I have some exactly that many times which is why I am where I am today and why you still have room to improve.
Let me guess, you are one of those supports who take farm because you want to be useful and have nice stats at the end? Well guess what dipstick? You are worst than useless if you do that.
How many games did you carry when you went support?
as surprising it is, yes, lvl1 account games do have people last hitting, buying items from gold and using them
maybe even warding and dewarding
HotS is fucking league in dogshit mode. Literally 100 % copy with le map mechanics that are all fucking shit. No wonder you casual shit kids here suck it up because you suck at Dota.
Why the fuck would you try to carry a game as a support?
>better character design than anything lse
It's literally Just Blizzard's dumpster of their bland character designs since its inception. Pretty sure they even added Tracer to it.
>still using "MOBA" in the year of our Lord 2016.
Just to shed some light on 'MOBA'.
A guy called Jeff 'HunteR_' Hunter coined that abbreviation when he was working together with Riot Games during LoL beta. After he got fired for stupid behaviour there, he started organizing stuff for S2.
Then he got caught by someone proving that he cybered with a ~14 year old girl and suddenly appeared on a picture from a HoN party over 1 year later.
Better not use MOBA, it got created by a douchebag pedophile.
Not that guy, but carrying a game by yourself only works up to a certain point.
He's obviously pretty low, but if you get in the top 5%, there's only so much you can do if your team is truly that bad.
>The least janky is LoL
>client made in Flash
>most welcoming
SMITE definitely beats that for the third-person camera and familiar stick or WASD controls alone.
>14 year old girl
>pedophile is bad
I was in a solo lane and I was doing quite well, I helped the team out as much as I could, I just can't hand hold everyone if they die as soon as you leave them for 5 seconds.
Keep dreaming, even in 6k mmr there are assholes who don't seem to know how to ward properly.
I understand it's hard and he admits to being new. I only mean to inspire him and let him know it's possible. The mindset of "my teammates threw this for us" is a bad one to have. I'd only mention it's best to learn early on that you can only be responsible for what you do and at times you have to outplay your teammates as well as your opponents
dota is the only one that doesn't look like shit so
Last hitting, shopping, using items is completely different from denying, zoning, and knowing ward positions.
>Character design is just the visuals.
>Thinking chogall, abathur and murky aren't revolutionary designs.
Are there MOBAs with custom games like ye-olde Warcraft 3?
Stats level 2 lololol
Dota 2 is still the best. I have made more friends in dota then any other game. Lots of girls on US west too, almost pokemon levels. Maybe its the server, but us west tends to be really chill. Yeah you run into ass holes, but 1 ass hole every 4 games is actually pretty good (1 in 36). Way better rate then LoL or HotS. Hell its better ass hole rate then TF2/Overwatch.
That's good, but I'd say it's also worth knowing that some games are just out of your control, and beating yourself over it will just make your next game that much worse.
Dota 2 has an arcade section full of custom games made by dotards.
>800 hours
My entire TF2 playtime doesn't even amount to that-- and purely for learning? Either this has got be the deepest game ever or you need to have autism to enjoy it.
Sounds exactly what someone who fucked up because they tried to leave the lane too early and got fucked up would say.
>all these characters copied by Blizzard
>Russian Guy on team starts cheering you on and laughing when you taunt at the enemy
It is a very deep game, but no, it does not take 800 hours. His friend is probably just a retard.
You're right I shouldve had just killed the entire enemy team in one hit and instantly won.
HotS is good for that because it's casual friendly and has short matches.
Rocket League
>least janky
Well any moba that uses click-to-move doesn't qualify.
That basically leaves pic related.
>least janky
Well any moba that uses click-to-move doesn't qualify.
That basically leaves pic related.
HotS if you want to have fun. Any other moba if you want to read thousands of guides before you can even consider playing it.
please leave this board.
Which moba has the best soundtrack?
>less janky
That game is janky as shit
>laugh/taunt spamming
>some mastery skins don't even have icons
>unfinished voice packs
>ridiculous balance and bugs that make characters completely broken until they update the game again like Susano procing bluestone multiple times
>unexplained server issue at least once a week
>menu sometimes freezing for no fucking reason, and then you not realizing until you see the queue timer stops and you have a wait timer when you reset
>the match found sound sometimes playing but the accept button not popping up
>someone leaves the game in character select and it just instantly takes you back to queue with no explanation
>jing wei's range bug on her crit skill
depends on how much money your willing to drop on skins or music packs