Okay so we made two games

>okay so we made two games
>the first one had some alright skillsets and characters
>the second ones were a bit more shittier but it was still alright
>so lets make sure the next ones all are SHIT
Autoaim, some garbage shield, a flying toy plane of no worth and
>press f to Sup Forums

who thought this was a good idea

>okay so we made two games
>so lets farm this one out to 2k Australia, surely no one is stupid enough to think we're the same company.

> Hey pal, here's an OZ kit that gives you increased fire rate and reload speed when you're in the fucking air
> Have to jump around like a retard to actually benefit from it
> Can hardly utilize it in places that aren't low-gravity

Tales From the Borderlands was the best thing Telltale produced.

Pre-Sequel is better than BL2 in every regard. The only thing BL2 has going for it is the raw amount of content.

Burch did.

nah Athena was fucking sweet

Anyone that doesnt cheat and give themselves maximum skillpoints is playing the game wrong

dont level yourself up. just give max skill points
makes the game fun but still challenging

TPS has way better classes and gameplay. Shame for some reason they just cut it with one expansion. Im still mad about it.


>for some reason
They closed the development studio because the Australian government only believes in tax breaks for the mining sector, so it was too expensive to keep running. Same thing that happens to every Australian development studio eventually.


>take cowboy aimbot bitch
>aimbot ability is so bad that you're better off aiming manually and not using the skill
why would anyone do this

Tales from the Borderlands is really fun. Too bad it's barely discussed here on Sup Forums

>Borderlands 2 < Borderlands

Not even fucking close.

Tales from the borderlands is fun, well written and the final chapter is amazing.

Hopefully they'll take note when writing the next game. Make the humor more character based, less meme based and don't shove in forced "oh yeah, there are six people in this audio log, all in gay marriages, have fun figuring out what's going on" shit.

Athena + Springs being a mismatched couple with no preaching = fun
Torque lecturing about how friendzones are misogynistic = cancer.

No Borderlands 3 at E3... does this mean dev isn't that far along and they really did go all in on that single-player-multiplayer-moba-hero-shooter-rts-whatever-the-fuck-it-was flop?

I need my loot whore shooter dammit.

Borderlands was NEVER good

It could be good if it had the writing Telltale had for it

>not appreciating based Torgue

Torque is amazing in BL2, Tirch in TPS is terrible.

The whole reason they gave 2k Aus the game to make is because Gearbox wanted to concentrate on other projects, saying that BL3 would be too big to work on unless they concentrated on it. Since Battleborn isn't going anywhere they might latch back onto a guaranteed money spinner like Borderlands.

How to improve skills/talents in Borderlands 3:

Invert the skill tree, first skill point is spent on 1 of 3-4 variations of the active skill which decides your starting position.

No longer a skill tree, it's a skill web. They're mostly like the skill stree structure but you can cross over into adjacent skill trees once a tier.

No fucking "do 1% more damage after reloading/killing/critting" shit padding out the trees.

>can play every borderlands game with my friend
>except for borderlands 2
what is this shit

I'm actually considering reinstalling BL1 GOTY edition because I never played any of the DLC besides a bit of Zombie Island on my friends shitty grandma TV.
Always wanted to try Secret Armory, new car looked fun.

grab a friend, the car sections get tedious as fuck

BL1 DLCs are great, I've played trough the game with friends at least 6~ times.

Does BL1 feel clunky after BL2/TPS?