I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw. She didn't choose to be designed that way. You know that, right? She's just trying to hold her own in the game. I fucking hate it when I see a bunch of Tracers and Widowmakers gang up on her, laughing at her expense. It has come to a point of Zarya getting bullied, both on messageboards and in-game. Mind you, I'm not in love with her. I don't think she's cute or anything, but she deserves to exist in the game without people having to take jabs at her every fucking second of the day. Hell, just think of all the porn out there of Mei, Tracer, Widow, etc. And hardly any of Zarya. It's purposefully done, because people love to hate her as a person, and that is straight up wrong. I just felt like sharing this, because there's no reason why she deserves so much shit. I'm not asking you to love her, but stop with the blatant bullying of a character that just wants to be part of the gang.
I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw...
She needs better skins
>Sup Forums hates her because her pink hair and strong girl thing, makes her 'tumblr'
>Tumblr hates her because her 'racism' against omnics, makes her 'Sup Forums'
Is this a new ebin pasta?
>being tumblr and sjw
She racist tho.
So are tumblr sjws. They're just racist against whites, and now jews. Surprisingly not asians though.
She's aware that she's a racist
The thing is it's literally only the hair that bugs me. Everything else is great, but BRIGHT PINK HAIR! is so over the top and makes no sense. Why would a soldier want to make themselves as visible as possible?
Bright white/dark green are both better choices. But no, it has to be pink because gotta get those progressive points!
What's most funny to me is she is probably the highest skill character in the game, and yet they made her to appeal to people who have the lowest skill at video games.
Westaboo meets weeaboo?
She would be better off with no boob armor and a bad ass helmet. (Like the Siberian front skin)
So the only way to actually tell she's a woman is by the pink nail polish.
That'd be pretty dope.
>why would a soldier want to be as visible as possible
to charge her gun with her shields of course
she's not real
What if she was
It's the pink hair.
how much you want to bet that later, in the story shes gonna get over the racist thing, and changge her hair color.
It's the hair and tattoo. The tattoo is a minor issue compared to the hair.
needs more muscles
Zarya has well designed game play but her character design is horrible. They could have went for the Eastern European strongman/woman without going full on butch bull duke. At least in game she is basically a tough Russian that hates robots but at first glance she is very unpleasant.
That actually makes sense, then.
I like the tattoo. It's just the hair.
zarya's great, she's a stronk russian that's racist as fuck against the robots.
shame she's not fun to play at fucking all and her hair looks so dumb that it makes 90% of her skins undesirable.
Does somebody have porn with this kind of women?
She would make the best wife honestly
>not wanting to make super strong kids with a thick, strong, slav waifu
you just have to be alpha enough for the job
How do you even play zarya?
Against bad people that shoot your shields.
No just Orthodox
Too bad for the shit hairstyle.
There is nothing wrong with it.
>Save retards on your team for going 1v5 with your shield
>Kill retards on enemy team for being dumb enough to shoot your shields
Thats how you play her
What is this shit again?
Zarya is fucking adorable
>Die as Zarya
>She says "Practice makes perfect" in here adorable accent
Best fucking girl in this game.
I understand user.
Its okay to have shit taste in hair.
>throw up your shield when people shoot at you
>throw shields on teammates getting shot
>melt faces
>coordinate your ult with a teammate's if possible
Thanks friend. But i meant actual videos of women with this build getting fucked.
2nd time's the charm eh?
Maybe she has bright pink hair because it's her favorite color? Maybe Zarya realizes that she isn't like the other waifus who are all looks and tech that didn't have to bust their ass day in day out to be the best. Zarya knows her strength IS her strength and she's not afraid to show that while others got their status handed to them by fancy toys she built hers one weight at a time and she doesn't need the looks to let people know that she's literally the strongest. She can wear bight pink hair if she wants she's got nothing else to prove.
I just don't let tumblr or memes tell me what to like.
Would look better with longer hair
I actually really like using her.
Unfortunately I dont like playing as a butch lesbian at all but fortunately I dont actually have to look at her since its first person.
Except that it's pink.
Dying your hair bright colors is something attention-starved artists do, a professional solider wouldn't do something so gay.
Some girls look better with short hair.
>pink pubes
>people complain that her hair makes her tumblr/SJW when the pink color reinforces traditional gender stereotypes, which is offensive to tumblr/SJW
She's grown on me honestly. I used to think she was pretty ugly but then I found the charm of her design, and the fact that she arm-wrestles Reinhardt make her pretty bad ass.
>butch lesbian
but that's wrong moron
>no Zarya skins with cute effeminate hairstyles
I don't care if it's still anime pink, her face is just too cute to not be framed by lovely long locks.
Man stop trying to sound smart.
Mcree was born with a special power. he was stronger than all his classmates in the United States fighting academy. he served in Overwatch fighting Reaper and in the final battel against repear they were fighting and repear turned him to the darkness and Mcree turned against overwatch and killed him. he lost a part of his body in the battle which is why he doesnt not have a part of his body, pls stop PMing me askin me why thats why. also cigars arent gurly fuck you Winstonkid663 everyone knos your a fuckin loot box scammer fagot
copy&pasterinos sure a fun, but do we really need this thread every day?
They don't though, she would look much better with long hair
god man i want to fuck widowmaker so badly, i get triggered when people mention her
fucking hell i'm insane, kill me
I think she's great
Her hair is dumb, sure, but there's nothing tumblr about her personality. Unlike Mei.
I dont give a fuck. Shes ugly. Almost as ugly as you.
Run with what you got
This would be the best. Glorious Russian lioness destroying the other team.
There are enough girls that look better with short hair.
Great argument and nice projection, faggot
You are an user of patrician taste.
>tfw you will never have a stronk gf to exercise with
>he doesn't play with the Arctic skin
>he doesn't know just how good Zarya actually is
stay pleb, plebs
After the early game, save your shields instead of using them constantly. The cool down is long, and well time shield usage can stop a push cold.
>tfw shielding enemy ultimate
Also don't forget your health is half shields. If you're getting low try to duck behind cover and regenerate.
>tfw I'm level 249
>tfw I usually play Zarya
>tfw I clean up house with her
She's so fucking strong in the right hands.
Her hairstyle is fine because she's in the army. It's just an exaggerated version of "short in the sides/back, long in the front/top" that's the second-most common army style behind only buzzcuts, even among female members. And as mentioned, her hair actually supports traditional gender stereotypes which makes it anti-SJW.
Kind of overpowered.
>tfw you will never get to fuck any characters from overwatch
There is no argument. Shes ugly and so are you. This isnt up for debate.
Another epic reply from user bringing the bantz!
Would look better with medium shoulder length hair.
Double Zarya is the stuff of nightmares
In terms of gameplay she is one of my favorites. Her skins are awful though.
>shield runs out
>And as mentioned, her hair actually supports traditional gender stereotypes which makes it anti-SJW.
Imagine being so insecure that you actually care enough about this shit that you have to come up with rationalisations like this.
>her hair grows wilder as she gains charge
This would also be acceptable.
I want
Except every teenage girl dyes their hair pink because it's "shocking" and "counter-culture" and makes them stand out.
>get told to go
>shield already run out before i did anything
What can I say, she was introduced at Anita's request, so keep that in mind.
There are pictures of her with long hair, and it just looks strange. She looks great with short hair, if a tad androgynous. Her androgyny is offset by her amazing genetics though.
I kind of think Zarya is hot. Pic related is the hottest fan art of her and I can't help but fap to it daily. Like, just look at those tits. So fucking soft and big.
post the one with the pink pubes
she's a tank she has to draw attention
>not fapping to widowmaker
Tracer's voice is so fucking cute.
Yea the body and tits look amazing in this one.
>she was introduced at Anita's request
You people are so scared of Anita
ur gay
Because they distract you from her head.
Weird, the only reason Tracer is good for porn is because she'll finally shut up with a dick in her mouth.
Proof? Or is it your ass.
Post the futa one.
whats the name of this bitch so I can look at her nudes?
I wish women like this existed in real life.
LUCIO, I'll race ya!