Company Name?

What company does this picture represent currently?

MGM cartoon studio



Pretty much any AAA publisher.

EA, Nintendo, Ubisoft, you name it.


Activision Blizzard



What does the image even mean?

Have you watched all the Tom & Jerry cartoons? If not, I suggest you to do so.

Konami, without a doubt

I have watched all Tom and Jerry, but I don't understand how this applies to game companies

Tom is killing to kill jerry with a gun but shoots himself, so are we looking for a game company killing to kill another franchise but end up fucking itself?

>game company killing to kill another franchise but end up fucking itself?
Thats practically ever company that has tried to make a MMO in the past 10 years.


More vague: a game company is trying to accomplish something, not realizing it leads to self-destruction.


I second this

They're shooting themselves in the foot with this censorship bullshit

it represent a consumer pre-ordering a game.

Most recent

Who're the last people who tried to make a WoWkiller?

Alternatively, Gearbox.


I bet there's at least one Denuvo game that would have done better due to the extra exposure pirate discussion generates. Generic shit used to at least get threads talking about how boring or shitty it was, whereas I've seen practically nobody talking about Far Cry Primal or Tomb Raider 2.

>They're shooting themselves in the foot with this censorship bullshit

Not really, #FE is actually getting good scores

Gearbox mind.

A free player trying to fight a paid player



Not really a company, but Infinity Ward

They just can't get people to like Infinite Warfare

and making Modern Warfare Remastered made it worse

I will admit, they did a good job hiding Infinite Warfare in it's Sony E3 trailer,but that's more of a negative that you couldnt recognize COD

>implying they aren't making enough from Pachinko to last the next century

Gearbox, ubisoft, ebic games, platinum, konami, deepsilver,crytek, robertdurrhurrindustries, ijiek, capcom, square enix.

Gearbox whenever they do anything that's not Borderlands

Konami for wasting resources of MGS after Kojima left for fucking Pachinko

Infinity Ward and trying to force people to like Infinit Warfare but failing and making it worse

Inafune with that absolutely trash release of MN9


>Square Enix

Pick anyone.
