You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't gotten gud in SFV.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't gotten gud in SFV
Other urls found in this thread:
I like playing Killer Instinct more.
I want Sakura.
I don't play SFV
Having 5 bars in a lobby, and getting relay in the fight.
I don't have a local scene.
I play Mika.
>inb4 8 frames shiet
It's not fun.
I actually got good at the game, because my goddess Juri will be dropping soon.
> 6 year SSFIV/USFIV Juri main
Bet me to it
Because I haven't played Street Fighter since Street Fighter 2 on the SNES.
I'm trying to get gud in Third Strike
I've played it only 100 hours.
Once I can without literally, not figuratively, 2 games in a row without any noticeable lag or latency issues, then I won't bother.
European matchmaking is horrible. I have 260 mbp/s connection too.
Melee exists.
There's no point in playing or gitting gud if you don't go to EVO.
Cus it's shit
Mortal kombat masterrace.
>Those chubby ass fingers
desu, turning off vsync to get rid of the 8f on pc made me feel like a cheater and that made me stop wanting to play
>He thinks turning off V-sync makes him better
I need you Juri
They aren't that bad at all.
If you cant fit your finger up your own nose, they are too big.
because the game has a bunch of shit that i dislike into the gameplay, which i could get around if the online actually worked properly. So instead of bitching i just decided to not play the game for a year or 2 and hope they at least fix the matchmaking and the lobby filtering one day, the fucking game doesn't even work even after i port forwarded.
It will probably never happen though.
Couldn't really find a character I liked. I mained Balrog in IV, and Makoto in Third Strike, but I just don't find any of the characters that fun to play. With that said though, I'm super hyped for Friday, really interested to see what they did to Balrog and hoping it rejuvenates me desire to play the game.
Gameplay is shit, mechanics are shit, graphics are very gay, so didn't care.
im breddy gud at it, just played 20 something matches against my friend last night before i leave town again, had a blast. im also the one who has been doing gods work and bringing the light of cammy's clit to each and every SFV thread i happen upon. i help where i can.
what was the announcement yesterday at the end of CEO? i missed the top 16/final 8
Online match quality isn't exactly consistently competitive.
Because i don't buy early access games with 50% of the roster missing
I'm waiting for Tekken 7 which is a MUCH better fighting series.
>what was the announcement yesterday at the end of CEO?
Ibuki AND Balrog playable friday. Juri and Urien 5 seconds trailer
oh wow. anti waifu fags dead in the water - all i heard last month was MUH BOXER WHY THEY PUTTING IN NINJA GIRL
now people can play as him for five seconds, realize he/they suck balls and stop playing again until theres something new to complain about.
Tried it out for a bit, found it boring as fuck, just like SF4; moves way too damn slow to be any fun.
I heard there is a problem with IPv6 connection.
Because I got bored of it and stopped playing just after hitting 8400 LP.
Been busy with University will get back to it in a couple of weeks especially since Ibuki's about to drop
bad finger
8 frames.
There is no use asking this question when SFV has failed to become appealing. Don't worry though, Season 2 will undoubtedly save it when it ends up announcing Ingrid as the first character in the lineup to make sure the game actually becomes successful.
Hopefully she's there. Only Urien matters to me more than her.
>i dont buy alphas
>i dont play shit games
>i dont support paying for the same game with a different patch every year
>i dont buy games that are 40 steps backwards from their previous games
>i dont play games without a single character worth playing
>i dont support using the same name as a game that doesn't have anything to do with the previous one other than the name
>i dont support censoring games
pick all fanboy
>i dont play shit games with cutscenes in the middle of combat
i knew i was missing something
No one to play with that isn't a social piece of shit.
One on One fighters are irrelevant.
>Play SFV
>It's shit
>Quickly get to Gold
>Drop the game and return to SF4
The new DLC characters look fun at least. Might return
it is just fucking awful
>6 year SSFIV/USFIV Juri main
so 100PP shitter?
I'm waiting for the game to be fixed
ono gave a pretty firm no at the idea of ingrid coming back
I don't own it
The base gameplay is shit
Not autistic enough
Old developer statements have very often been changed in later iterations of franchises. With the way SF is going right now, they need anything to draw in more players, and Ingrid is the best to do that as she appeals to an audience that SF currently does not really give a character to play.
I don't know. I was hype during the beta and immediately list interest when the game launched.
I'm gonna get rekt at Evo.
Praise be to Ono for keeping the Ingridfags out.
He did? What a fag at least my main Urien is there.
Literally no one but diehard retards like yourself even know who the fuck Ingrid is, much less actually care about her. Her debut was in one of the worst fighting games ever released, let her sleep in her shitty grave.
>Balrog in IV, and Makoto in Third Strike, but I just don't find any of the characters that fun to play
My nig.
I find the game itself really fun but I just kind of bum around with roo and mika honestly and I don't have anyone I'm really driven to play yet. I really hope rog and/or urien changes that. The aegis gives me a bit of hope.
Ingrid will scare players away.
I swear you faggots actively hunt out Street Fighter threads to shit up with your obsession with Ingrid.
Except ono fucking loves ingrid you double nigger.
I don't really care for her wannabe athena ass, but you don't have to lie like that.
>release game in a pretty shitty mess at a 60 dollar price tag
>if you wanna play iconic SF characters you gotta shill up another 30 for a season pass
Is 4100ish LP good? I usually play in the lounge anyway.
Reminder OP is a shill who makes this thread every day
Reminder that SFV is shit and you should not waste your money on it.
i dropped it for xrd
it just doesn't live up to sf4 yet
>not enough characters
>90% of cast plays the same
>very slow
>le shimmy
And I read he said it would be possible so not completely shot down.
because KI is a better game
because I don't play grabage
They don't need to know who she is already, the games that she's been featured in weren't recieved all too well so it's natural that she isn't. Hell, despite that she's managed to have a number of devoted fans specifically because of how exceptional she is in the SF franchise in terms of personality and design.
The whole point is to introduce newer players, an audience which Capcom has yet to reach with SFV. Ingrid alone will do that better than anyone else, despite not being an iconic face like Ryu or Chun-li.
I post SF related content in SF related threads.
Is Guy or Fei Long in yet?
>Soul Caliber 5
No. Maybe next year.
Is there a good reason why Tekken 5 is not a top tier?
I play Laura, shitlord. That means I don't have to get gud since I can blame losses on tiers. Except for maybe Bison and FANG
Then I will maybe git gud next year
I've been waiting for punch nigger
Because vanilla Tekken 5 was shit.
Is there any reason why you dont know what Dark Resurrection is?
Headbutt is a V-Reversal now though
Because I never played it. Whatever but that in top tier then.
>Soul Calibur 5
>Not Good
Because I can't find a main. My dick is telling me to wait for Juri but I play almost daily so that's too long.
He looks really fun. I'm gonna go with Ibuki though.
>Third Strike top tier
>that awful fucking neutral game
Jesus no
>BR, the retard's casual version of GGAC, in top tier.
You furfags. Erry' time.
I actually played Capcom Fighting Jam cause I got it for free from the shop that modded my PS2.
I liked Ingrid in it. She has counter-moves, special throws, and anti-fireball zoning options.
I would appreciate if she was introduced in SF5 with similar gameplay options.
Her design is kinda OK but her jap voice is fucking horrid holy shit.
Guess I have to wait 8 more years until they fix Ken's retarded face.
>Viola 5
I hate controllers and sticks. Also because I don't feel like competing with autists that only play one game 10 hours a day to practice their "basics" and "matchups"
>Pretends to know about the game
>Cant even spell it
>that hype at the end
SFV status = fucking saved
Jumping back and forth between ultra gold and diamond, I'd go as far as to say I am good at the game already.
>That one butthurt casual whos mad guilty queer was just a shitty dumbed down BR knockoff
You seem talented, how do you deal with R Mika players that love to spam the Irish Whip?
>8f parry versus 2f parry.
>Massive CC window versus 1-3f FRC.
>Tekken-tier pressure.
>BR3 is ABA: the Game just like BB is Relius: the Game.
Cause SFV a shit.
>I don't play the game but there's not a single character worth playing
I can spend a hundred hours on a character and still be unsure whether or not they're the right choice for me
because i'm saving my money for revelator.
>BR parry = 2 frame early, 8 frame late
>Guilty Gay parry = 3 frame
>Bloody Roar CC window dependent on points just frame CC being 1 frame
>Guilty Gay roman shower cancels 6+ frame window
>Tekken-tier pressure.
This doesn't even make sense
>BR3 is ABA: the Game just like BB is Relius: the Game.