Steam finally added a way to exclude certain tags from appearing in your queue, I've already got Anime...

Steam finally added a way to exclude certain tags from appearing in your queue, I've already got Anime, VR and MOBAs on the list, any other cancer I can fully exclude?

>filtered Anime
>posts a manga screencap
Do you realize the irony of your post, user?

> any other cancer I can fully exclude?
probably whatever you don't like dipshit
that's the point


Anime video games are generally shit

Berserk wasn't

There are always exceptions to rules but the generalizations aren't entirely wrong.

>Anime video games are generally shit
The modern ones, yes

There were some gems back in the old days

The meme tag

> female protagonist
> Transhumanism

Open world

This is the kind of stupid shit I made the thread for

So retarded you forget it exists until it's in your face asking for 25 bucks