Which to try out?
Which to try out?
>this thread will now be about a nigger because it chose to stick stick its hand in the picture
You're as bad as women taking selfies
Why would you willingly spend money on complete garbage like Cross Edge and pre-ReBirth nepshit?
Play Ar Tonelico Qoga. I remember it being pretty fun. It took me a while before I understood how the combat works, though. You need to attack when the bars are high and then unleash your limit breaks and whatnot.
They all look pretty shitty.
>tfw no black friend to play Aquapazza with
Play Ar Tonelico 2 on PS2, an actual good game.
Aquapazzo's surprisingly good considering the premise. Cross Edge and Neptunia are total trash though.
The one with the cute anime girls ofcourse.
>tfw black and have the same taste in games
Ruh roh
>The original Hyperdimension Neptunia
Or you can not being an ignorant, cock suckign faggot and not bring up skin color at all and not post as if you are not in the wrong.
Make fun that he is a massive fucking weeb if anything.
Swipe that EBT and get a proper game.
Don't be a faggot. There's zero reason for his hand to be in the frame. It was on purpose specifically to bait out nigger replies, because most black weeaboos/channers can handle the bantz and like stirring the pot.
Literally one decent game
not OP but I just finished it yesterday, Jacqli best girl.
I don't see what all the hub bub is.
>dime-a-dozen shovelware jrpgs
just more proof that weeb degenerates are subhumans.
>tfw jigaboos are also cooler than normal weebs