Steam Sale

What have you gotten so far? Any secret gems?

Got me:

>Saints Row 4
>Tales of two bros
>Tales Symphonia

Other urls found in this thread:

I already own pretty much everything that's on sale, so I pretty much just bought the smaller games and indie games that were 70%+ off.

Hotline Miami 2.

Still have 20 bucks left and I'm thinking about buying MGS V or Dragon's Dogma.

dragon's dogma

Thoughts? Bloodborne has left me wanting more Lovecraft-inspired games.

MGS V is 28 user.

>What have you gotten so far?

Age of empires 2
Rainbow six siege
Steam wallet credit so i could get the summer badge to lvl 10
Dead by daylight, two copies to two friends
Rocket league
Just Cause 3

waiting for senran to get cheaper

>Rise of Tomb Raider Deluxe
>Just Cause 3 XXL
>Batman Arkham Knight w SP
>Serious Sam 1st and 2nd Encounters HD

Feels good

Warhammer Vermintide DLC Castle Drachenfel
Saints Row Gat Out of Hell
Sniper Elite 3
Shogun 2 Collection

Am I blind or is there really Fable 3 on sale even though you can't buy it?

Why are the sales of this year, and even the year before that, is not as good?

I look at things and I found some games that I'd like to buy; but for some reason, I don't feel like buying anything.

It's not as exciting anymore. It's not as fun. It feels hollow and empty. What wrong with me, senpai? I need help.

Because you've been here too long. Every game you wanted you've already bought and there hasn't been a good release in the past year that hasn't justified buying on purchase.
The sale isn't worse, your options are.

>can see Fable3 is available on the steam sale page
>attempt to open the page to see price
>just refreshes the summer sale page
>try to search for it and nothing comes up

Considering Infinifactory and Forced Showdown.

Ass. creed black flag.
Papers please
Sleeping dogs.

Guys, is pic related any good? Thinking about buying it but don't want to waste my money

I think I've bought close to 20 games this sale, but the 3 that stand out to me the most are
>Stardew Valley
>Dragon's Dogma
>Mad Max

The only game still sitting in my shopping cart is Slime Rancher. If any of you anons have played it, let me know what you think

>the count lucanor
>cladun x2
>space moth dx

Bought Subnautica. I also bought DOOM and all the DLC packs for Warframe off of G2A

How is Warframe by the by? I've been gone for over a year and the only reason I bought the DLC is because it was like, 90% off

I have like, 300k credits and 3.5k platinum and last I remember I had no idea what to spend plat on.

Well, I kinda do feel that I've bought games that I REALLY REALLY wanted a long time ago. Been using Steam for 8 years now, and I've gotten around 500 games and tens of thousands of hours playing most games I've bought.
>still haven't caught up with my backlog

And yes, like you said, most recent games aren't worth buying for some reason.

But it's more than that though. The act of buying games alone is fun for me, especially if they have really good deals and buy them with such urgency.

Ever since they took out flash/daily sales, there's no "rush" that I feel when buying. I don't have to constantly check Steam, even at work, to pick up any good sales. I don't have to rush to get back home to check if there's a new set of games that are highly discounted. There's no sense of urgency in buying games before the best deal lapses. There's none of that now.

It's not the money. I have money. I have a great job that I can probably retire when I hit my 50s.

I don't know.

Seriously wtf?

apparently since GFWL went down the developers just let the PC version.. die, theres no CD keys being generated for the base game or the DLC but some error is showing it available on Steam sale

a little worrisome because I haven't played it in some time, I bought it on steam sale years ago but I'm worried if I try to download it now it will give me some error

What are some good action games with dynamic adrenaline-driven gunfights that feel like a John Woo movie?

what was the big fuckup with the DLC for Dying Light? I'm considering going for the season pass because I enjoyed the base game quite a bit but there's something in the back of my mind reminding me that something really fucked up was going on with it

>Crypt of The Necrodancer
>Ghost Master
>Typing of The Dead: Overkill Complete
>D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
>Postal 2: Paraside Lost Expansion
>Age of Empires 2 with the two extra campaigns
>Call of Cthulhu
I think i have got the most cool shit i wanted for a while

>all these great games people are buying
>you own them all

Thoughts? Recommendations? Angry comments?

Dark souls 3
Spec Ops the Line
Pillars of eternity
Shadow warrior
La Mulana
Valkyria Chronicles
Rabi Ribi
Axiom Verge

I have also ceased to be a filthy console pleb.

I already own the game but wanted to pass this on bc it seems like a fuck up, get it while it's hot

Those are some good choices. FTL alone is worth 100 bucks, and you'll enjoy HM2 if you liked the first one.

I'd love to play Slime Rancher and Enter the Gungeon, but they are still a bit expensive and I'm not sure if they'll give me much for the money.

I got Cally's cave for free y trading because I saw some guy say it was pretty good
but it's 30fps and hurt my eyes so screw that guy

>tfw there's a lot of games that I would only be interested in if they were even cheaper

Slime Rancher is super short and doesn't really have much to do anyways. I really liked it, but I think it's too much for how much it offers.

Enter the Gungeon is really fun, my roomate and I played it for a couple of nights and had a blast.


>game dev tycoon
>world at war
>4 csgo keys
I regret opening csgo keys

Can anyone recommend some good shmups?

I have ikaruga and Crimson clover already.

Is Galactic Civilizations 3 any good?

So far I got
Hard West + DLC
The Last Door Season 1 & 2

Currently looking at pic related, pls r8

Serious sam collection for 5 bucks +5 in steam wallet

Best 5 bucks I ever spent

should have done your research
you're now own a HD-remaster that is 2 expansions short

>Driver: San Francisco
Still haven't played it though... I have XCOM EU in my playing queue, sigh.... This game has way too many systems for it's own good, I just don't have the time to learn them again...

Sense of the Seasons is free, so feel free to try that.
Suguri games, very unique shmups, check the vids.
Alltynex Second, I'm pretty sure this was my favorite in that game's trilogy but i dont remember why, i think it had a sword mechanic i liked.
QP Shooting
Satazius and Supercharged Robot Vulkaiser for old-school shmups, they play and feel like they're from the early 90s, but they do a great job at it.

That's all I've played and would recommend. I'm sure the cave games and Darius are fantastic as well, but I'm too cheap and didn't buy those yet.

Any good survival sandbox games?

I'm hoping to find another game where you can puzzle together what's really happening through reports like how in SOMA you can find out exactly what happened to each crewmember if you dig around enough.

golf with friends
>yfw no friends

Don't Starve + DLC.

>In 7 days or so, my cart will be compatible with steam and maybe get something
>tfw the sale ends around the same time

i second that if they are low end that'd be perfect!

How is that game?
To me, it just looks like GMod Tower's minigolf, but cost money.

should I pull the trigger Sup Forums?

Bioshock 1 and System Shock 2 might be up your alley. In a way, I guess, I haven't tried SOMA, but sounds similar in that aspect.

i'll recommend Sunless Sea again.
it's less "rar, monsters!" and more bleak hopelessness.

I want a good multiplayer game, any at all.

I just wanna do a lot of fun things with other people.

But I don't wanna spend a lot of money.

i meant CARD, damn typo...

risk of rain

Hero Siege

Yes or No?

I love Charnel House

Owl Cave have another similar game (with downgraded graphics) that's neat too. Try it out if you end up liking Charnel House

Yeah I played those, I like the audio logs in BS1 and SS2 but SOMA is a bit unique that there's a set number of crew members from the lab and you can figure out their individual fates.

It's not completely bleak, it has a certain lightheartedness/humour to it, even with all the weird shit everywhere.

any recommendations
I want vidya that will last a while, I feel like spending up to $150

What the fuck just happened

Anyways, for the price Hero Siege asks for, I think it's worth it.
just know it's insanely shallow, but pretty fun and a decent co-op timewaster

haven't gotten too into it but i've enjoyed what ive played of it


original Half Life 2

>That game that you're waiting to go on sale and it doesn't

What's her name Sup Forums?

its like any other mini golf game, except its just the ball, no stupid third party cam & hollow rep of a person swinging. its very straight forward. the holes on the courses get progressively more difficult and increase distance and obstacles. three sets of 18 with three themes. worth the sale price, not worth more. up to 12 people at once playing at the same time with a timer. each hit is a stroke of course, and youre out of strokes at 12 attempts. uses the click and roll forward mechanic for power bar and left and right for aim.

Charnel House is a good example of actually lovecraftian.

Amnesia is kind of, moreso than BB anyway.

The Secret World's entire first area is mostly based on Lovecraft and Stephen King's writings and thematically closer to what you want.

It's pretty fun and cheap, go for it.

It's not a proper Steam Sale without flash sales.

Don't waste your money on eso, even if you have a decent amount to spend.

Try Tales of Maj'Eyal for a proper roguelike. Witcher 3 is a no brainer if you don't have it yet.

got for myself
>Please, Dont Touch anything

got gifted:
>Tales of Zestiria

Everything you just described, also describes GMod Tower's minigolf.

>Sanitarium is the only game that survived the wishlist wipe.

goat simulator is legitimately amusing for about 10 minutes but it's a meme game, I wouldn't pay money for it

everything else looks good

The Witcher 3 is like 80 hours for a normal playthrough

Seconding the other user that ESO is a waste of time.

should i buy borderlands 2?
what about the witcher 2?

>Doom 2016

Every bit as good as people say.

>South Park: Stick of Truth

Pretty good RPG, though the ability to stack debuffs renders a lot of battles piss-easy.


Motion Tracker Simulator 2014

Should I buy elder scrolls online? I want an MMO that isn't shit.

Should I finally buy me some S.T.A.L.K.E.R? I'm not a horror fan, but I like me some survival shit. What is the correct play order, play first with or without mods? Shit Sup Forums.

good point.
It does have this rather melancholy vibe to it, though.

Borderlands 2 only if you have at least 1 friend to play with.

It had fun playing it solo, but it get tedious because of how the respawn system works.

>Pretty good RPG, though the ability to stack debuffs renders a lot of battles piss-easy.
This. You almost have to force yourself to not use bleed/fire because it's so absurd. Otherwise it's fun.

Wolfenstein The Old Blood
Total War Rome 2
I'm thinking about getting Dying Light or Arma 3 Apex, please decide for me

Anyone trading? i have a ROW copy of medieval engineers for trade for equal value

Waiting for the real summer sale to start so I can get Rocket League for next to nothing.

Arma 3

>over 100 hours in Don't Starve already

The battle with the Bard was the only hard one so far because he could remove all debuffs.

Dying light is fun, it's like dead Island done right with parkour. You have to put in effort to get fun out of Arma 3, but whatever floats your boat.

Only bought Saints Row 4 so far, and it's surprisingly great
Thinking about buying Doom but I've never played any other Doom games, and I'm not sure if it's really worth the price
Do the singleplayer justify the price?

Dying Light is great but you can skip the expansion unless you want brown alt-rocker waifu


Does Apex have more singleplayer content? I don't have any friends.

I found the combat better than dynasty warriors, but the missions are kinda repetitive.

Fable anniversary at 1.5$ worth it?

Definitely yes. And it's not even the single player itself, it's the main character. He gives zero fucks about the story and actively trolls every other NPC because all he's there to do is kill fucking demons.

Don't forget to get Minver's Den for Bioshock 2

You can start with SoC and just patch it with ZRP. Mods arent essential.

>brown alt-rocker waifu
Need more info on this

>Do the singleplayer justify the price?

Not so much...
Is fun and all that but after a while is kinda like a generic fps