Please, kill me Sup Forums.
Please, kill me Sup Forums
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like sittin' ducks
is Matthew Mercer content with being a discount Troy Baker
>caring about both Youtube shit AND activision shit
do it faggot.
Did "D44M" not catch on or something?
Wonder how often he says "It's High Noon" to his wife now.
lmao imaright? xd
I'm using firefox and twitter constantly tells me it can't play videos
what the hell? Anyone had the same issue?
Probably noscript or another plugin, are you new?
I don't remember ever disabling any scripts of any kind. Everything else works fine, like youtube, but twitter videos always play for half a second before it stops and tells me "your browser doesn't support playing videos" or something
>be a voice actor
>play as yourself when nobody's around
Is this common?
I know Elias Toufexis loves Deus Ex.
>miss almost every shot before the aimbot ultimate
>im quite pround
Literally the whole Overwatch userbase represented in one tweet.
The dude that plays scout is trying to milk his little fame for years now, i don't think it has worked for him.
Works fine on my machine
>matthew mercer
ehh, I'll let it slide
That what I was referring to, he seems like a swell guy.
I love this video so much
>Megan rambling on and on
>"Shut up Megan" in a perfect Adam Jensen voice
most of the cast were from what I've seen. Stephen actually commented on this video somewhere
He stated that Square and Eidos distanced themselves from him because of this video, and that's why he's not in DXMD.
That's fucking retarded
Thats some great acting.
it`s like watching your dad play.
Its like watching a regular Overwatch player.
I wish Matthew Mercer was my dad
>that voice
>that personality
Holy shit, he's rad as fuck
I play with the Japanese audio. The girls sound pretty cute and the dudes sound really manly.
this guy at least isn't a pretentious cunt off screen
...i hope
The Japanese audio is totally sub-par though, I laughed when I tried it out.
The only voice that is actually better in JP is Genji, you dumb weeb.
I don't think so either. That's really too bad, because from what I can remember he's pretty good. I don't know if either no one is willing to hire him or if he just isn't putting himself out there.
well the Adam Jensen voice and his normal voice are basically the same thing
>says he has a hard time finding other jobs for VA because his voice is too well known as Adam Jensen