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Most shilled game on Sup Forums

Most asshurt caused at E3.

Most butthurted about game on Sup Forums.

they also streamed footage for a retardedly long time compared to everything else at e3. What's your point?

That might change when it eventually gets mods from emulation. That's actually what I'm most excited about for the game now

Maybe the other games should have done better.

No one was expecting Zelda to win.

Other games had the opportunity for just as much coverage as Zelda. That's the fairness of E3.

The reason they didn't get it, is because they all sucked ass except for Zelda.

whoops, I meant for




When I shared this on Sup Forums it was at only 350 views or something.

More like nintendo had nothing else to show. Not gonna say sony or microsoft were any better with their short movie shit. The best games from e3 were the ones that got no major coverage and showed 5-10 minutes of actual gameplay like the new Neir

If you consider each game as having an equal chance of attention, it's an achievement.
If you consider each game to have a portion of the total attention which went to the conference, it speaks little.

>shilling Zelda
kek, that's not even possible m8.

I don't know how to put into words how retarded your logic here is.
Even if you look at it on a conference-wide basis, it took Sony five games to get as much attention as Nintendo was able to garner with one.

Isn't Neir a movie game?

It's an achievement no matter how you spin it.

For historical purposes, the fact they showed off so much of Zelda means people will go back and watch those hundreds of hours of footage in the future once the game comes out to look at beta differences. Unprecedented for a game this big.

As far as relevancy right now. All of those games are already forgotten. E3 amounted to nothing for them. But Zelda is still getting attention and will continue to be a hit every time new material pops out. More people care why Link has to be a boy than if Kratos is not a greek god anymore or whatever. you couldn't say that the day before E3.

As far as long term advantage? Nintendo has just shown their first hand for the NX. People are hyped about it without even knowing what it is.

>That faggot with the Franziska avatar bitching
You don't deserve to use best girl with a mentality like that.

It makes sense.

>it took Sony five games to get as much attention as Nintendo was able to garner with one

Now think of it as:
>The attention which was given to Sony's conference was divided among five games, which Nintendo's attention was devoted to just one.
"Given" not just as people looking at it, but as Sony dividing the presentation time. Take the total media attention each game got, divide by the time given to each game in their respective showings, and BoW isn't that impressive anymore.

>hurr durr, each person can talk only about one game from each publisher so Sony actually won.

Sonypony logic is weird.

What did Sony achieve from that that Nintendo doesn't every time they host a Nintendo Direct?

E3 should be about each companies best game from now on.

Prove me wrong.

>Neir a movie game
maybe the first one, but the new game isn't


Do still think that Sanders will win the nomination? Because way you try to spin the math is at that level.

>yfw the Wii Stampede is back

>Most shilled game on Sup Forums
>not overwatch or Final Fantasy XV


that's not Overwatch

>All of those games are already forgotten.
[citation needed]

>People are hyped about it without even knowing what it is.
Pretty certain "Zelda" has been a household name for a few decades, such that "new Zelda game" will get more recognition than "new Musou game".

>But Zelda is still getting attention and will continue to be a hit every time new material pops out.
Because the game shows no signs of flaw, or because this is a major departure from the extremely popular 'Zelda formula' used for the last 20 years? Not saying it's bad, just saying it's new and different - like how WW's style rustled some people for a while.

>E3 should be about each companies best game from now on. Prove me wrong.
If each company was only allowed one title to show at E3, it would drive a trend of only one major title per platform per year. That would mean CoDs and GoWs will get top funding while smaller titles get nothing, making the rich richer and the casual more casual.

>people literally only allowed to talk about one game

So they know the game didn't get any prize and now they just make up "prizes" because people talk about it?

By that logic Mighty N9 should get those prizes.

Why would Overwatch need shills when it already sells like gangbusters? Why would XV need shills when it has an install base of consoles over 60m? Now think about why Zelda would need shills when the only console people can get now for it sells like shit and the new one has no definitive release date/specs/exposure?

>not Overwatch



Why don't they bitch about Samus not being a man, too?

Double standards much?


Popular games get shilled even more. We've had non stop overwatch threads on Sup Forums for 3 months. There's two up right now. And there's multiple people who make FFXV threads daily. There's even a meme name for these guys. FFXV Kun.

This is some real fucking bias
Zelda had at least 30-40 minutes of screen time while each game of anybody else's conference had 5-10 minutes at most before moving on to the next game
Of course people are going to talk about the game they saw the most of, saw the most gameplay in action, and got to see how things work

>That would mean CoDs and GoWs will get top funding

How in the heck do you figure this?

If anything it would show those companies up because doing the same series year after year would be boring and they'd be chided to hell and back for it.

see Zelda got the most coverage because its competition sucked.

>the god of war gameplay
>walk down a linear path with scripted events and mash square to win

i want Franziska to fart in my face

Nice OPINION bro

hey, can i get a template for this?

>Yeah well every other game sucked!

Typical Nintendrone logic, they can do no wrong
How are you enjoying getting raped by amiibo-exclusive unlocks by the way

>someone was so assblasted about Zelda they made this

>cod on the other hand is more original

Imagine if in the next game Zelda is a prince, for no fucking reason. And Link is still a dude.

Imagine the butthurt

I'll take "what is overwatch" for $400, Alex

The new cod really did look better than zelda though

>How in the heck do you figure this?
If you can only show one title, you'll show the one that most people are interested in, the one that people first think of when they hear about the platform. Choose a less popular one, and less people will care about the platform by extension. That one title will need to succeed hard, so they'll be injecting lots of cash into the development and marketing. There'd also be exclusive rights poaching over popular IPs for the ability to deny competitors.

Multiple titles lets little games (Happy Few, Sea of Thieves, Nier 2, Steep) get airtime along the blockbusters (CoD:IW, GoW5, Titanfall 2), encouraging creativity.

>doing the same series year after year would be boring and they'd be chided to hell and back for it.
See: Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, etc. If sequels are done well, people don't give a damn that it's a sequel.


Exactly, kids will never rationalize this out.

It was actually a 7 hour stream, not 40 minutes.

Zelda got the most coverage because 7 hours =/= 5 min trailer, and because it was the only thing nintendo fans had to care about. 14 million people on a single game.

Put Pokémon SM and the second day of Nintendo's treehouse in that shitty graph.

If you're most excited about the fact that you can just play the exact same fucking game but with a different fucking character you're a fucking idiot. Why even play games? You're the problem and you should be killed.

post-MM zelda mods aren't that impressive brah

especially ones that'll never be finished

remember the Ura Project?

It's a shitty graph because everything after what's listed is super fucking tiny. It'd be one teeny-tiny SM addition to Nintendo, and about three dozen teeny-tiny additions divided among the others.

you're extremely late


why does link look like a fuccboi?

hopefully wii u emulation improves because I want to play this game in full HD with texture mods

my wii u has dust on it

>Are they incentivizing the NX release with a gender slider?

I thought this gender slider shit was a meme, guess I was wrong.

Why do people want Link to be female? I don't get it

Because "mah diversity!!!11"

Porn and muh progressive ideology

That and apparently people dont like the female characters we already have or new ones that come out. Its an agenda to make Link a girl at this point and its fucking annoying

too bad mods who shut up femlinkfags anyway because it's not official. (despite them denying it)

>Sup Forums figures out how to use youtube

*won't shut up

Cant wait to play it on Cemu.

There was a female Link in Hyrule Warriors so some thought it meant there'd be a playable female link in every Zelda game from then on and got mad at Nintendo when they were proven wrong because they're children.



Oh my fucking god I posted it in the wrong thread.

haha nerd posting in the wrong thread hahaha

>playing skullgirls

No other game at E3 had a demo where the players were allowed to do just about whatever.
All other demos were railroaded, most with heavy supervising of an official as well.

I think he's talking about league of legends

Fucking this. Companies need to realize that the best way to sell a decent game is to give a real taste of it to the players. For instance, I wouldn't have bought Overwatch if I hadn't tried it first during the open beta. Back when gaming magazines weren't shit/still existed, think of how many people got into games based on the included demo discs. Trailers can be cool and exciting but actual gameplay will always be the most important thing.




Pretty much this. "Most talk about game over twitter", "most website coverage received" and "most front page website placement" are all buzzwords to hide what people are really talking about, much like how EA hid what people were really talking about in ME3 with clever phrasing.


>the best way to sell a decent game is to give a real taste of it to the players


Nintendo fans are just extremely vocal on the Internet. With as much as they shitpost online you would think the Wii U would have sold 500 million consoles by now, but no, not even close.

They only got one game, so they funneled all their autism into that. That's really all there is to it.

Further proving that these people don't play these games. Linkle's whole story is how she's naive, foolish and constantly stumbles into trouble, although she does show courage as a result. The SJWs would have wanted her to be a strong female character rather than a cute, ditzy one.

>the current year

>Most asshurt caused

Please, it was a Vocal Minority at best.

>Further proving that these people don't play these games.
that's why you refer these people as "secondaries"

same kind that would whine about the adult themes of Berserk like Casca getting the G.

>Please, it was a Vocal Minority at best.

this even applies to their presence in Tumblr when every else there gets piled porn by porn artists everywhere.

>That image

You're right though, it's just a shame that said secondaries speak the loudest. It's the same as Sup Forums, the biggest shitposters are the ones who don't actually play the games.