
>the best way to sell a decent game is to give a real taste of it to the players


Nintendo fans are just extremely vocal on the Internet. With as much as they shitpost online you would think the Wii U would have sold 500 million consoles by now, but no, not even close.

They only got one game, so they funneled all their autism into that. That's really all there is to it.

Further proving that these people don't play these games. Linkle's whole story is how she's naive, foolish and constantly stumbles into trouble, although she does show courage as a result. The SJWs would have wanted her to be a strong female character rather than a cute, ditzy one.

>the current year

>Most asshurt caused

Please, it was a Vocal Minority at best.

>Further proving that these people don't play these games.
that's why you refer these people as "secondaries"

same kind that would whine about the adult themes of Berserk like Casca getting the G.

>Please, it was a Vocal Minority at best.

this even applies to their presence in Tumblr when every else there gets piled porn by porn artists everywhere.

>That image

You're right though, it's just a shame that said secondaries speak the loudest. It's the same as Sup Forums, the biggest shitposters are the ones who don't actually play the games.