Zero Time Dilemma

Gab edition
ZTD Thread. Spoiler tag your shit. Enter this thread at your own risk.

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So I'm stuck again and I have no idea what I've done wrong. I think I might have missed a password or something but I'm not sure. The only password thing I have taken down is 6140-4091 which was for the helmet Also, sorry about the terrible picture, I couldnt get NTR streaming to work.

At least one person dies
Your welcome


there is a (!) in your picture (AB game)
do that

>don't get to see how Sigma, Diana and Phi form a family at the end and are presumably invited to Junpei and Akane's wedding
>Delta doesn't react to seeing his long lost family and continues being a smug cunt all the way

Kind of disappointed

>True ending
>tfw no more Luna

Is ZTD worth the 40 dollars it costs?

Not even close. Pirate it or wait for a sale if you really have to buy.

But Delta saw his family at day 1 in dcom
20 hours playtime and I deeply enjoyed it.
Others dislike it

Got it now, thought it wouldn't make a difference because of the lock. Thanks!

He can easily make her and Kyle again.

I'm really fucking disappointed in the game. Honestly glad I didn't buy it and I'm pretty aggravated at the amount of outright lies Uchi spouted, as well as several "significant" plot concepts introduced that were completely ignored.

Do we know if the guy with the big GoogleDocs theory about Brother has played the game yet? I bet he's fucking livid.

Also someone said in the last thread that D-Team crashed on the way to the moon at the end of the game which was bullshit. Fuck you.

tl;dr anybody else very unhappy with their experience?

he doesn't need to make her, since he has diana

Yeah, but he obviously couldn't reveal himself.

And if it turns out Brother dindu nuffin and wanted Akane to figure out how to stop him anyway, why continue Free the Soul's activities after the failed timeline? Why'd he send Dio? Presumably he died of old age or something and the more fanatical elements of the cult took over, I guess.


I'm alright. It covered about as much as I expected but I'm still a little disappointed.

What doc?
Is this the only version of that song?

Nope, because I wasn't a faggot who expected every single character to make a return and be significant.

delta's so old that i don't really think he has any feelings towards his family anyway

I played it.

I've voiced my... mixed feelings about it.
Most prominently, I was certain that somewhere along the line, it was promised that Zero was someone we already knew.

In other news I just spent ten minutes making this.

She's like another daughter. They'd just raise 4 kids.

I haven't played the game yet.
Can i do something to avoid his death?

Samefag here.

Also the whole you were actually viewing everything through Delta's eyes was just weird, especially when he was present and nobody fucking mentioned him until he randomly decides to stand up.

>What doc?
If you don't know then don't worry about it.

>I wasn't a faggot who expected every single character to make a return and be significant
Cool. Neither was I, assumptionanon.

can I jump into ZTD Without playing the previous games? Should I start somewhere else? I love this puzzle shit and I played 999 but I did one playthrough only and didn't get true end.

i don't see why people are so angry about 999's cast not being that important, since they weren't important in vlr either.

This game felt really rushed in the sense that there wasn't many puzzles and most of the OST was a remix.
The ending felt incomplete too with Kyle completely out of the picture and Left.
To be fair, this game was cancelled and had to be pandered to newcomers and normies
Thoughts on this game's Zero?

It's not gonna ship until the watch is ready because Amazon doesn't understand what the hell is going on.

Fuck you for supporting the series, right?

play the first two user.

wouldn't the 22 year old Sigma come back into the body though?

Dude, everyone talked about him.

Don't bother playing it at all. Play 999 and VLR, then make up your own ending. I guarantee you whatever you shit out will be better than ZTD.

Well he could have included characters we were told are significant to the events of ZTD.

Kyle :_:


You mean Brother?

Yeah, fucking hell

I don't think you'll understand the story at all if you don't, the puzzles in the other games are equally good anyway., Play them, use a guide to see how to do them most efficiently or something

why not, I mean he came back in the VLR timeline so why not the new timeline?

it is a message that the crippled are invisible in our world.
Kyle probaly became a member of the dcom staff

>Thoughts on this game's Zero?
Underwhelming. I guess Brother being Zero was kind of a given but it felt wholly... lackluster.

No? Unless you say that because Q = actually Delta which we didn't know. I guess that would clarify it but it still feels really... I don't know, like an asspull for lack of a better term.

Can I just read the second one's plot

So VLR suggested there was something stopping them from getting the TRUE END from ZTD. After all, Sigma and Phi have tried and failed multiple times already.
What changed?

Post pictures of under

I really hope he does another Q and A and I hope people rip into him this time.

Yeah that's what I was referring to. No Kyle. No Blick Winkel--whom I was most looking forward to seeing.

Pic related is a tl;dr of the game.

>it is a message that the crippled are invisible in our world.
wew lad

>Thoughts on this game's Zero
He was a complex character.
Not really. Hated how underdeveloped he was.

On the 3-way standoff, I still have 1 unknown even there.
Who do I shoot?
I shot Eric, Mira, and Delta already

>What changed?
Nothing. ZTD may as well be a standalone game.

Let the timer run out.

Because any new sigma in the happy end time line would first go trough the same vlr and ztd loop.

Have you tried, you know...

NOT being a murderous cunt?

It is pretty hard to top the previous zeroes
Sweet, innocent girl who returns your feelings for her but is secretly horribly hardened and willing to do anything even if her feelings are genuine
Hahaha a guy who was always there but offscreen I'm so clever hahaha


Shoot nobody

nothing. Delta makes a point they have achieved nothing by shifting into the freedom ending.

You can actually see the foreSHADOWING in the fragments too.

So if I liked VLR's Zero, but thought 999's Zero was such a shit character that she ruined the entire first game, how am I gonna feel about this Zero?

How about nobody

Ending spoiler + question
Okay I got a question. In the 3-way-standoff between Sean, Eric and Mira:
It is possible to shoot Delta, which means that his mindhack abilites dont work Sean, correct?
But why didn't Mira or Eric even consider pointing their gun a Delta, a blind/deaf man seems to be the easiest target I would think.
I guess they got mindhacked, seems to be the throwaway explanation for everything. How did they not notice Q was missing in the coin toss? Welp, mind hack. How did Delta knew his own birthday? Mind hack.

thanks man. i guess thats also the reason why i had a problem with the DONT KNOW or LET IT RUN OUT thing got stuck there for ages

The three-way standoff spoiled a little bit for me because I entered Q trying to kill myself and it told me to input his real name, when at the time you don't know 'Q' is actually Sean, and gives a different response from entering 'me', revealing that Q is someone else

Then that's bad writing as they suggested there had to be a trump card for them to succeed.

How so? Lack of foreshadowing was something I noticed.

You really want an honest answer to that?

How do I clear the healing room? I just put the little thing in the floor and its making some light figures, the candle is also making light figures. But I dont know how to continue, there is nothing else to do. Do i have to play other rooms?

Wait are you serious?
I gotta look at that because if that's what happens that's bullshit.

He'll be fine. He's really boring IMO, though.

and if you fail to name zero Eric shoots three times after killing Sean

>Do i have to play other rooms?
You never have to do that.
Do you have a camera?

Yeah. You do get a funny ending if you do what it says and enter the 'real name' though.

All good. I didn't think of it either.

Yes. There were aspects of the game that I liked such as learning important details during bad ends and information known from past games being repeated or discussed early on instead of the "everybody has to be as secretive as humanly possible until their specific 'good' endings" bullshit but as far as the overall plot goes, I'm pretty upset.

Okay, okay.

I finally figured out how I want to address this game's Zero.

Also yes, spoiler alert

>different response from entering 'me', revealing that Q is someone else
Thought, that would be a hint to (YOU) participating in the game somehow but nope.

No, where do I get it?

Healing rooms is some unfun fucking bullshit so I'll just give it to you

Get the camera from the console thing and start looking around for shapes.
usually you will take a picture immediately, but sometimes the viewfinder will linger and you can drag the screen around to take a specific angle if needed.

Decision times are from the perspective of each character, though.

pull the lever. Thank the shit resolution of the 3ds

this song is really good

Despair because you are playing the 3DS version. Check the console

>eric telling his backstory about how he always smiles and never raises his voice
>literally the first thing he does in the story is get mad at a damned brat for bullshitting him


Spoiler warning I'm phone posting.
There's literal shadows in the q fragments. Whenever anyone talks about Q they mean Delta. Sean doesn't bleed red so you're seeing Delta's blood instead. Q team call out how ridiculous it is that a cripple is the team leader. If you press the button in the fragment Q team is leaving, they try to free Q because he's chained. Etc, etc.
I cried
he says stressfull situation bring the worst out of him

>Decision times are from the perspective of each character, though.
Except when you/Delta give them a nudge to see all the bad ends and they say they don't know why they did it.

surprise, people kinda change when faced with life/death situations.

You know, you could manually input [spoiler ], right?

Just because you're a lazy cunt doesn't mean you're entitled to absolutely annihilating everyone elses' enjoyment on the off-chance they may glance at the absolute chucklefuck of a bomb you just posted.

Not that guy.
Got the camera, missing the last 3 keys.

I know one is on the chair in the forest version of the room, and it lets me line up a shot, but no matter what I do, nothing fucking happens.

Time to brute force this shit.

>He doesn't know the truth about Eric

Wait I got seriously confused during the part where Eric asks Q (or I guess, Sean) who Zero is and after saying Delta, Delta just suddenly appears out of nowhere and suddenly people are referring to Q as Sean? sorry if that was really stupid.

Yeah, but when they say 'me', it refers to themselves, not Delta since he's just looking in

Oh well, it was pirating the 3ds version or waiting for the pc one to be released on steam.

Someone in the last thread mentioned that Mira may have killed Eric's mom. How so exactly?

>phone posters
Posting on a phone doesn't disable the ability to use spoilers, newfag.
I somewhat remember the cripple comment. Also they tried to free Gab, not Q/Sean but Sean decided to stay anyway. I thought it was kind of sweet but now I wonder if there was an ulterior motive to Sean staying. I guess the other bits make sense but I still feel very unhappy with how the entire thing was presented.

The angle on it is iffy, just do your best.

>I know one is on the chair in the forest version of the room, and it lets me line up a shot, but no matter what I do, nothing fucking happens.
You have to line it up with the mark on the wall behind.


>Healing Room
>Control Room
>having to see all executions


They never called Sean Q. You just assumed they did. Delta was always there in the Q fragments. You can see his shadow.

if you zoom in to the char head and use the camera, instead taking a picture immediately it will let you drag the viewfinder around, despite his never happening anywhere else you use it before.

Real fucking bullshit, I know

Delta is the real Q and the Q that was on Q-Team. Sean was promoted as Q to make us think he was the real Q and nobody saw Sean until after the Dcom game began. It was presented haphazardly, in my opinion.

Forgot to add Transporter room.

"Dont know" is the only one I had real problems with. It just seems out of place.

Zero confirms

ayy lmao

I don't remember that at all though. I thought Eric's mom died to illness.

They were freeing both. It's pretty clear you can see the wheelchairs shadow. I the end Sean is looking at Q when giving his monologue.
I fucking love this song in particular. Especially when Junpei explains all the shit he's been through. It really hit hard

I wrote about it last night, eight or so hours ago, let me summarise

Mira kills Eric's mom
Eric's father becomes a raging alcoholic, Eric's brother dies as a result I guess?
Akane's father is pinned as the murderer
Akane's mother kills herself in grief, leaving her and Aoi orphaned, where they get kidnapped to play the Nonary Game
Akane's father was hailing a cab upon arrest
Genius surgeon gets into a car accident 'cause he took THAT cab
Sean dies from an incurable disease
An old man eventually fulfills Sean's dying wish of living a happy, full life, through the means of a quantum computer, and SEAN-729

All because of a single snail on a path.

which part is that? I don't remember.

>Someone in the last thread mentioned that Mira may have killed Eric's mom. How so exactly?
It was all over the place.
Eric mentions how his Mom would never hurt a bug and always told people to smile and forgiveness. The women Mira killed took another path because of a snail and told Mira she forgave her and smiled.
Sometimes 1+1=2.

I was stumped too but I saw there was a was a timer and I wanted to see what happens

The pod room one was kinda bullshit
The biolab one left me stumped because I couldn't find the fucking centrifuge details at first
Well don't I feel stupid.
I tried doing that at least 10 times, and she kept saying it didn't work

Anyone know how to put out the fire in the rec room? For some reason June thinks I need to do it.