What is your actual problem with this cover?

What is your actual problem with this cover?

its not well composed



Friendly reminder that historical revisionism (at least in terms of public perception) begins with factual details being blown out of proportion by the media.

Black people fought but it wasn't a black man's war neither were they anywhere close to the forefront.

What's the actual problem with that person's skin?




we had this thread yesterday, no nigger fought outside of france from the harlem hellfighters in WW1, FACT.

Theres not even Frogs in the game. Fuck DICE.

Segad and retorted

Apart from things like the old ass blue-orange contrast, it triggers my historical autism.

The U.S with its lend - lease act DID contribute the most in winning the war, without it great britain would have gotten overrun by the germans, and then the Reich focus all their effort into wiping out the soviets.

no trigger warning for white bois

>historical revisionism
this is not historical revisionism. they haven't been claiming to go for historical accuracy. they are using the setting as a jumping off point for ideas that makes sense gameplay-wise and for the story they want to tell.

revisionism is when textbooks, scholars, and professors are trying to rewrite history. this is just some fucking low-brow entertainment. it has nothing to do with history.

why not drop the act of pretending to care about history and just say you don't want black people in the game? why don't you have the balls to just admit that? because you know it's "frowned-upon" to be racist? why would you care?

>waaah theres a darkie on the front waah
the green text above sums up every response. nobody actually gives a shit and the same retards whining about the case will line up day one to buy it for their x1, ps4, and origin accounts.

Whatever you may call it, again, it all begins with "factual details being blown out of proportion by the media".

Regardless, see

>the same retards whining about the case will line up day one to buy it for their x1, ps4, and origin accounts.

The only people who will buy this shit are nu male cuckolds like yourself.

The weapons and tanks they use are also incorrect, stop your sjw shitposting.

This game is inaccurate everywhere.

Might just tried to go for WW2 again if they don't want to try and make the WW1 concept fun.

You know why people won't drop it. This is Sup Forums Sup Forums, bottom of the barrel, man. Why expect anything else?

oh fuck off with your retarded cuck meme already. you have no argument, you just don't like blacks. i don't like blacks either, don't get me wrong, but im not going to whine about some fucking video game, a predetermined set of electronic signals transmitted over an array of LEDs.

but keep up with NUMALE KEKOLD LOL KEK KEK XDDDD you're definitely laying a number on me, kid.

>they are using the setting as a jumping off point for ideas that makes sense gameplay-wise and for the story they want to tell
Yes, next let them add Asians and Aboriginals for DIVERSITY's sake.

Fuck off. The ONLY reason niggers are in this game is because of this current racial-obsessed world we live in.

My problem with it is the blue and orange epic cinematic color scheme. It's a minor annoyance.


Its an American rather than a French nigger.

>a predetermined set of electronic signals transmitted over an array of LEDs

Whoa bro, chill with your science. None of the knuckle dragers here on the website Sup Forums can keep up with your fucking stellar intelligence.

ayy lamop XDD

kys kiddo'


It's going to be a fast paced call of duty type game when it should be a slow paced Red Orchestra type game

*kisses you*


>watch Ravic's closed beta video
>every single german he kills is a nigger
I would have canceled my preorder if i had one.

You are infinitely worse than they are. Fuck off. We are allowed to discuss video games. Go away.

Und son scheiß

I just find it odd that they chose a black guy for a WW1 game. Is he american, african or french?

I also thought that pistol is a ww2 nazi pistol. Like in the Rocketeer.

All Germans are niggers by nature.

>videogame isn't out
>there is no new footage
>OP posts how people are upset about the cover
>people post why
just kys my man

Whites hate it because they arent shoved in everyone's face as usual

Its a fucking nigger.

Surprising that nobody has said this

black people scare me :(

The color palette is the exact same as every other BF in recent history.
>Blue undertones and orange highlights! This will NEVER get old!


Sup Forums tries to pretend it's not Sup Forums


whys there no french in the game then? stop projecting.

Thats the only racist thing here. And Americans the big hero again.

Fuck America.