Just beat Quake today, I really enjoyed it despite some of the shortcomings like the enemy repetition...

Just beat Quake today, I really enjoyed it despite some of the shortcomings like the enemy repetition. If anybody wants to talk about the single-player side of the game hey let's give it a shot.

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I'm actually playing through for the first time right now too, really enjoying it, the weapons are a ton of fun to use. Anyone know a good place to look for rocket jump/bunnyhopping maps?

Pure class level design all around, John Romero had some of his best maps in this, shame he ended up leaving.

The amount of secrets and hidden passages in the game is outstanding
check any 100% speedrun video on yt

I wouldn't call the weapons a ton of fun to use, the double shotgun feels unnecessary and hearing grenade bouncing noises the entire game gets annoying fast.

Q1 is one of two good games by id IMHO

Higher DPS alone makes it better than standard shotgun in everything other than precision.

I liked it too.

the mission packs are also pretty good too, I'd check them out


Congrats, Quake 1 has the best/most logical bunnyhopping.

>due to shitty new doom countless people on Sup Forums are finally playing quake and realizing it's head and shoulders above doom

this day makes me so happy. Here, have an image i made the other day.

I was there, ask me anything.

Quakeworld discord would be the best place

youve just got to figure out how much damage enemies need to take and how many shots from each weapon
doom is the same after a while you will just know how many rockets or ssg the the face a barron will take etc

I have never been able to get the hang of Q1/GoldSrc bunnyhopping. As soon as I start jumping without W I slow to a halt.

Q2/3A's strafejumping is much easier.

Shambler: flesh or fur?

what source port did you use? and GL or software?

Above which Doom?

I like classic Doom and 4 a lot, along with Quake 1-3 a lot
I didn't like 4 very much, felt like it needed something more.

gold src doesn't work unless you spam the jump command with a script of mousewheel
it's pretty easy to understand you just strafe midair and turn in the same direction that is literally it

For me Quake is that one series I really want to love but just can't.

The first one has some great monsters and level design, but I didn't find the guns fun to use and the monsters felt a bit like bullet sponges, barely reacting to your shots and even when you kill them, all of them just fall down, which is really lame if you compare it to Doom where monsters would split open or explode when killed.

Quake 2 was more my thing but the weapons didn't have a muzzle flash which was incredibly off putting for me, also the graphics haven't ages as gracefully as Quake's.

Maybe one day they'll remake Quake 1 and 2 in HD and fix some of my issues with it.

Played some Quake 1 multiplayer last night to pay my respek for its birthday. Is it just me or is that entire game relying on dominating the rocket launcher spawn? The only exception is when the defender gets picked off by a lightning gun.

>maybe one day they'll

why don't you fix it faggot? These are moddable gaymes

>even when you kill them, all of them just fall down
So you never actually killed the zombies. Interesting.

I don't know how
There is Quake 1.5 which sort of addresses my issue with Quake 1's weapons, although I have yet to find a mod that adds a muzzle flash to Quake 2's weapons.

Just beat Doom. Will I like Quake?

Quake 2 doesn't need a port to fix the awful jittery animations of 1

It's literally DOOM in 3d
how can somebody not liking it

>awful jittery animations of 1
r_lerpmodels 1
r_lerpmove 1

What a ridiculous ad. It's also pretty hilarious how accurate it ended up being considering the impact of Quake.

Great. This thread inspired me to check out Quake and the link your pic provides leads to a page saying the content has been removed. Thanks retard.

idk, quake is important, see pic related and GlQuake is especially important for the 3D accelerator rise, aka the modern GPU but is it more important or influential than Wolf 3D, DOOM or older games?

You probably wouldn't like the game anyway, then, if you're too braindead to google "how 2 play quack download."

Now I played both Doom and Quake recently for the first time a few years ago and loved Doom from the get-go, whereas Quake disappointed me.

They're very different in tone and gameplay.

In Doom you're fighting dozens of enemies at once with metal music playing in the background.

In Quake you'll fight about 6 enemies at best (or like 10 if it's only zombies) with barely any music. I'm sorry but half of Quake's soundtrack is just noises. The only song I can remember is Hall of Souls and that's because it had a cool riff like 4 minute sin.

In Doom the both shotguns had a reload animation which made them feel great.

In Quake both shotguns feel really lacking, they might as well have called the first shotgun a pistol and the second one a shotgun but even then it has no reload animation and it does pathetic damage for the speed.

>hearing grenade bouncing noises the entire game gets annoying fast.
>implying that TING TING TING isn't one of the best sounds ever

Q1 has fantastic sound design all around thanks to Reznor. Something as simple as picking up armor is boner-inducing.

they also stated that Doom would be the greatest game ever made and "wolfenstein x1000" before they even began working on it

The granny in that picture is dead by now


>In Quake both shotguns feel really lacking, they might as well have called the first shotgun a pistol and the second one a shotgun but even then it has no reload animation
The first shotgun is essentially a pistol, except it doesn't fucking suck like Doom's pistol and is always useful as a midrange hitscan weapon for taking out Scrags and Spawns.

> and it does pathetic damage for the speed.
It does just over twice the damage of the single shotgun for twice the ammo and only fires 30% slower. You're spoiled by Doom's SSG that does almost THREE times as much damage as the single.

Since Quake, Doom and Wolf3D are all make by the same team (more or less), yes I will give Quake the most influential title.

I'd give Doom the bigger cultural impact and Quake the technological one.

>You're spoiled by Doom's SSG that does almost THREE times as much damage as the single.
That's why it's called a SUPER shotgun. Because it feels super. Maybe it is overpowered but it's way more fun to use than Quake's SSG

It's absolutely overpowered. Quake's gun isn't a SSG, it's a Double-Barrel Shotgun according to the Manual.

It's better balanced. Is it less fun? Sure. That's why you get a rocket launcher.

Lack of boss fights was really lame.

DooM > Quake

love them both, but you can suck my cock you filthy fag