Practise at a game a lot

>practise at a game a lot
>get worse at it

how is that possible

>try to git gud
>git mad
>git worse
>drop game
>come back later
>instantly git gud

>Stop playing for a day
>Next day you do better
Happens everytime, just rest a little.

Fighting games.


>Gradually get good at game to the point where you stand a chance against people better than you
>Assume you should keep playing so you can get even better
>Get burnt out
Aw geez.

>good at Melee
>good at Brawl
>get wrekd by braindead auto-combos in Smash 4

I run into the same problem. Can't improve my reaction times, capacity to correctly react, and mechanical skills past a certain point; I inevitably hit a plateau, and then gradually decrease in skill.

I know this fucking feel too well. I start playing like shit if I play a game consistently. If I try to practice, I just get worse. And when I come back to the game from a couple months hiatus, I play amazing. It's happening right now with Overwatch, too.

What fucking gives?

Literally this.

Literally me playing sfv went from gold to super silver trying to copy tech

Easy to do in CS. You keep playing DM and start practicing things that teach you bad habits. Your aim improves slightly, but you get extreme carpal-tunnel and start playing everything like a deathmatch.

you're just fighting better players and/or realizing your mistakes when you make them

>extremely good with one hero/class/character/loadout
>bored to fucking tiers
>pick someone I'm shitty with and have fun all day playing something new even though I lose nonstop
>bonus points for it being a team game and teammates getting mad at me

Based on my experience. This happens because something along the way you react or learn something which isn't appropriate for a certain event while not noticing the mistake. This eventually becomes a habit and destroys your game.

Iunno man, when I used to play CSGO I used to exclusively play Inferno with UMP and regularly stomp. Constantly 16k in cash and so on.

After a while of consistent play I noticed myself getting worse and worse, and it wasn't the tactics I was using or the people I was playing against, it was just my aim degrading.

This happens to me in everything. And I suddenly begin losing interest. I've gotten from naked runs in mh to triple carting in less than a day sometimes. :(

There's talent and skill, senpai.

You can improve your skill via practice and techniques but you'll never reach the same level as those who have natural born talent.

And when those with talent, practice and develop their own techniques then you're just fucked.

>get really good at X game, shooter
>get into the competitive scene
>stop playing because Y game came out and want to play it
>play Y game for two months without touching X game
>go play X game for a little change
>play X so poorly I almost rage uninstall

gg no re

Counter Strike


It means that the person playing doesn't actually have very much skill or foundations in the first place. If you build a foundation of skill surrounding the basics and a general playstyle plan and follow through with it, you don't get worse, only less efficient with lack of practice.

>return to any Souls game after months hiatus
>killing all bosses on the first try but dying to stupid shit in the world
Is there a worse feeling?

>13k hours in TF2
>still can't aim well

I suppose i'll just stick to jarpegs

Does anyone else just turn off their brain when in combat? My heart starts pounding faster and it's like I cannot think anything more complex than basic thoughts when I'm trying to kill someone. All strategy goes out the way.

Be a pocket medic and actually contribute to your team.

You're the unsung hero but still.

You're doing your part.

that's what I did

Gave up and mained Medic and airblasting, spy-checking Pyro
At least Pyros dont have to aim

Had this problem with mountain blade.

Define combat?
In reality I go "deaf"
In a fighting game I actively try to outperform my opponent.

>play quake for the first time at 22 years old
>get destroyed in online, team vote to kick me because I do no damage and just die
>6 months later i became one of those guys who is known to rek the balance of the server

feels good man


>few games of playing like absolute shit
>suddenly unlock maximum power and play like never before
>after a few minutes, everything goes back to normal and never reach that level again

Why does this even happen?

how are you naturally born to play videogames?


It's one of the main things that prevents me from attending tourneys in confidence. I get shakes real bad and even tense or lock up. That coupled with crippling social anxiety really fucks me up.

My Brain tumor being removed has ruined any chance of me learning new things in video games.

Talent is a myth. Some people are better than others at shit because they did whatever thing they did at an early age. You do not magically get good at something. Stop watching anime.

>try to play as badly as possible
>can't stop winning

Overwatch is a bad game.

After 3 years of playing I finally got out of bronze.
And now I wish I was back in it

>Everyone can be smart and talented if they put their mind and effort into it and believe enough.
Why dont you stop watching anime

You overload your brain with too much information. So it's best to sometimes take a break. This happens to me a lot with rhythm games.

>bought rocket league 2 days ago on summer sale
>played for about 8 hours
>already pro rating
>have 85% win rate
>at least 3 goals a match

git gud m8.

I was actually talking about Dota 2. My little experiment made me sure forced 50% exists.


user pls

Just put your brain to good use, unless you are missing some brain cell or your hands act all retarded you can get better at videogames, now other stuff like sports and shit that requires more effort but its still doable

I've played 150 hrs of CS:GO and I'm honestly not that much better than when I started. My KD is 0.77 I just can't seem to git gud.

Feels bad man

>Just put your brain to good use
You seriously just reworded my greentext, except somehow made it even more vauge.

try playing something isnt faggoty twitch shooter.

Something like Red Orchestra that actually takes sense to win.

I forget about RO1 because that was ages ago, but in RO2 I have a k/d of 7.44

It's pushing buttons you dumbfuck, anyone can push buttons and learn how to push buttons good.

If we're talking sports then yes you are limited by something like your body and bone structure, but otherwise you can learn shit.

Why not try stop playing video games for 10 hours a day and spending another 5 on Sup Forums.

That would probably help.

>tfw below average mmr

Cant learn reflexes, mouse control, multitasking, ect.
I mean sure you can practice them, but is that really something that doesnt have a different upper limit for everyone?

>he feels bad about not getting better at cs:go, implying that he wants to

fuck assholes like you

Because that is all there is to it, if its about videogames you can become better at them by thinking and remembering the right things and doing them again and again while also adding new skills as time passes

>trying to rustle le jimmies


>play fighting game when you're exhausted
>consistently land links that you normally have trouble with
Only happens with fighting games and rhythm games, but there's a certain point of exhaustion where your motor skills reach an apex.

I figure you're so tired you can really only focus on that one thing. So you just fucking zone in.

Yes, you can train your body to do those things, they just will not happen overnight. Don't say stupid things just because you never made the effort to do anything. You could do it right now and instead you post on some obnoxious imageboard all day.

>play osu
>5 months in
>can do 5 star songs
>get into the habit of only being able to tap buttons fast and move the stylus fast
>everything has to be fast
>tries to play 1 star song to see if I can SS
>fails it instead because it was so slow
>finger could not keep up with slow pace because too used to mashing and doing streams

>Playing Touhou for hours
>Getting my shit pushed in by things I normally know how to beat
>Play the next morning
>Achieve the 1cc almost effortlessly

Your brain needs a break every once in a while.

>put it away for several months
>perform tremendously next time you pick it up
Vidya moves in mysterious ways.

I've seen people try.
I've seen plenty whos brains just cant fucking get it as well.
I'm not saying you shouldnt try, but I am saying there is a level of "talent" involved

You ingrain bad habits that can only be removed out by analyzing your habits. Self analysis is hard for a lot of people so they start to either plateau or get worse. This is where most people in any competitive game get stuck and fail to realize they're the problem. They either take to blaming a character, a stage, a map, a weapon or anything to take away from themselves as the cause.

The most common way to solve this is to watch similar matches to the one you're playing, or watch recordings of yourself and watch for the same situations and watch it over and over and learn why this mistake is happening.

In FPS it might be a movement pattern you keep doing, or a route you take. In fighters it might be certain options you take in your approach, projectile use, or jumping like a scrub in bad spots where they're ready or even baiting it out.

Sup Forums is bad at competitive though so thats where all the "BAW BAWWW TOURNEYFAG" shit comes from.

What game, difficulty?

EoSD normal. I'm no expert by any means.

what is it senpai

i stopped abandoning and playing like a twelve year old last week to get back to 4k and i'm already back at 3.4 from 3

it's not hard to climb if you focus on your game.

That's me

First 1CC?

This, it's also why I don't play fighting game anymore, by the time I get good enough to compete I just don't want to play the game anymore and get a new game.

No, but it was my first Reimu 1cc for that game.

>come back later
>instantly git gud

that's me

Noice, congrats user.

>friend is a smash tourneyfag
>only plays smash
>having a little meet up with some other friends
>pulls out sm4sh
>after playing 4 mans for a while he notices that im kind of good at the game
>tells me to 1v1 him as a joke, i agree
>pick DK, kick his ass
>he proceeds to turn off items and selects a flat stage
>win again
>starts saying DK is op
>wont let me go untill he beats me once

I critique myself frequently and try to train myself against my constant mistakes in high-pressure situations, but I can't get myself to consistently react properly, I can't get my hands to do what I want them to do. I think, "I need to this to survive," or "I need to do this to kill him," but I can't get my body to always do what my brain commands. I feel like I'm struggling with faulty machinery, and the faulty machinery is me.

I can't get into fighting games because of this.
No matter how many hours I practiced I couldn't hit the buttons only a few times. I always mashed until the animation played about and tried to combo like that, it was a train wreck and I still can't play them.