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>Implying I don't always carry with me a seed of giants with your name engraved on it
Why was this guy so hard? Everytime, I got him to like 90% damage and he was always 1 step faster and ran down the stairs.
Maldron you cowardly cheating cunt. Backstabbing me from the front and then running down a hole with mobs.
DS2 had great NPC invasions
much more inspired then the lackluster lazy shit in DS3
Once he hit the stairs he was IMPOSSIBLE to catch.
>That NPC invader who was disguised as a white phantom
I'm not going to deny it, that guy got me the first time.
That fucking pyromancer in the jester threads!
Out of all the things I thought could disappoint me in DaSIII I would never had expected NPC invasions to be one of them. Everything else is better than 2, but somehow they turned their interesting and actually difficult NPC invasions into "stunlock until stamina's out, wait, repeat"
dude was a fucking rape machine
slapped my shit every time
>that NPC madman in crucifixion woods
It was cheap bullshit.
But it was fun cheap bullshit
I knew he was bad, I attacked him and he never fought back so I didnt kill him. I just thought he was suppose to annoy you. Then I pulled the lever and he came out of nowhere and backstabbed me.
The fucker.
Is the PS4 Scholar Edition actually fucking active
PC's DS2 community seems dead
How you like my poison arrows you fucking bitch?
Is this a joke? He's useless, sure he's invisible but all his spells miss, always fucking miss.
The worst is when you're fighting him and a Farron player invades.
>That NPC invader who was disguised as a chest
Fucking Holy Knight Aurheim
>tfw he fucking invades you in the room before the dragon mouth asses
cheeky little cunt
>The worst is when you're fighting him and a Farron player invades.
You kidding? That's the best. Farron ganker never expects the NPC to turn on him and shits his pants.
>Finally got around to the dlc after years of it being at my feet
>Decide to go to Snow, Castles, and other shit first
>Baiting some mobs down the stairs when a npc invaded
>Waiting around for him and doesn't show
>Maybe he's just standing guard somewhere
>Get to a long hallway with boxes surrounding a chest
>Check for mimc and proceed to open
>Sudden sphincter cleaver appears
>One shotted because he has a hornet ring apparently
>Could've sworn I was offline
>Go to check anyhow
>I'm not online
That phantom is shit. He just keeps using horribly crappy worthless spells. He would be like 50 times more challenging if they removed the spells from him and he just ran at you with that pickaxe
T !
E THIS!!!!!
I hope you appreciate the effort this shitpost took
Who the hell are you talking about?
Holy Knight Hodrick doesn't have combat spells, he's only got power within and warmth
>shoots Farron Darts
>they never hit
He's talking about Hordrick, not Heysel.
Hello best NPC, I wish you back in III dlc.
We all miss you
Hodrick is in the Settlement man. Henzel is the Woods.
how new are you
>I wish you back in III dlc
Miyazaki brought back Creighton. Don't give him any ideas.
Where is my main man Jester Thomas at?
Hodrick has a purple sign down in the woods.
That's not an invasion, you summon him. Totally different.
Not so much the base game, but yeah the DLC was awesome.
>Get invaded by Maldron in Iron King
>His bitchass kills me like twice in the Cursed Tower
>See him again when playing through Ivory King months later
>Have a suspicion that I've seen him somewhere before
>Hit him twice
>He doesn't hit back
>Shrug and walk away
>He backstabs me
Cheeky little cunt.
>DS2 had great NPC invasions
bullshit, there was nothing fun about having to fight damage sponges with infinite poise and spells and the ability to roll out of an attack string any time they felt like
maldron and thomas were the only real clever ones of the lot and maldron's the worst offender because he can go 0-60 in .6 seconds and once he starts moving your only hope is a seed or a curse-immune hat
>Play Scholar
>Players roleplaying as Forlorn and randomly invading along real Forlorn
Jesus Christ the paranoia is real.
>That phantom that disguises as a white phantom and waves at you
>That jester enemy that uses pyromancy and shrugs at you
>Those friendly NPC's that gestured a welcome and had a specific build
>That Scholar Of The First Sin summon that used dual Caestus
>Nothing like this in DaS3
Yes I'm playing it right now
>>Those friendly NPC's that gestured a welcome and had a specific build
I miss that shit so much.
I remember going to fight Nashandra and summoning this NPC who used lightning spells and had great heal on him. He tanked so much shit for me it was amazing and he healed me as well.
>over 2k players 30 minutes ago
Its as alive as das1
NPC fights in DS2 were difficult as hell, especially if you aren't using a 2H large club or something to stunlock them to death.
The betrayer girl whose world you invade is absurdly difficult on NG+, since she can both pop out massive heals and deal wacky damage with WotG, and both spells have almost no wind up. I never managed to beat her "legit".
Because everyone and their mum is softbanned, just spawn a few prism stones and you'll have pvp for days
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I was just trying pls no bully
it worked
my... masterpiece
we're all sons of bitches now
Hopefully the DLC bring something like that back
I doubt that.
I'm sure it's going to be Oolacite all over again (as, exactly the same place; this time you climb instead of go down).
Actually that concept would be absolutely fucking sick for one of the DLC's
>instead of going downwards into dark you follow the DaSIII theme and are climbing upwards to some angelic city
>start off on ground level and slowly climb terrain and such until you are climbing giant ivory staircases to what looks like heavens gate
Check if they have a face if you're that scared if it. Forlon don't have heads.
>burnt myself enjoying Scholar
>go back to Bloodborne for a change
>every player encounter is an epileptic cainhurst blood fiesta
Good thing I got someone to go spelunking in the chalice dungeons since I actually enjoy them.
>Dark Souls 1: Uchiganatana flipping Giantdad
>Dark Souls 2: Smelter demon's helmet + havel + santier spear + whatever is named that hex
Can someone explain the others to me? thanks in advance.
DeS - Cursed Weapon DragonboneSmasher and Uh twin dagger?. . Should've been Scraping Spear imo.
DS3 - Dark Sword R1 mash
Bloodborne - Rifle Meta.
des would probably be kilij ultra-rape dex weapon vs. buffed dragon bone smasher ultra-rape
bb would be fire buffed rifle spear, video related youtube.com
>das3 is dark sword spam + fallen knight helm because teenieboppers use it
I disagree with with 3 though, should actually be some dude spamming caestus parry with hornet + dragonslayer greataxe or bkga
caestus + dark sword with a really conspicuous yhorm's or BKGA on their back
Guns are mean as fuck in Bloodborne, especially because there are alot of retards that don't level health at all.
And Dark Souls 3 is nothing but spam and edgy outfits
Never ceases to amaze how much time people spend finding completely broken equipment + build + stats combinations on those games.
>And Dark Souls 3 is nothing but spam and edgy outfits
100% accurate
I don't get it why people don't level up vit in a game where PVP almost requires you to exchange blows and the only poise you have is hyper armor. Even focused stat dumping to increase damage will not help at all when your opponent is reaching 3k health.
Holy Knight Aurheim is worse.
>Invaded by Holy Knight Aurheim.
>huh I wonder where he is
>hmm can't seem to find him, oh well
>carry on doing what I'm doing
>see a chest
>open it
>suddenly a jar starts moving behind me while I'm opening the chest
>scream outloud and try to stop opening the chest to protect myself
I had to take a short break after that to calm my nerves
Shit like that made Ivory King the best DLC, the only thing that ruined though were those fucking ice porcupines. Fuck those niggers
When will the DaS2 babbies give up?
If I only I could do as much damage as Maldron can dish out.
Nobody's saying that 2 is overall better than 3, it's just that 3 seems to be missing a lot of the good ideas that 2 had and is seemingly plain and lacking in depth for the most part.
The DLC for 3 won't fix fundamental issues with the main game or do anything different.
Don't give him his (you)
>The DLC for 3 won't ... do anything different
Souls dlc has always been a tier above the main game, so hopefully they can pull something off.
Ivory King is best character.
>wise and just king for a change
>didn't get fooled into being a total retard like everyone else ever
>Fugged a fragment of manus so hard they became good
>Fought old chaos
>doesn't afraid
When will DaS3 babbies admit their game is shit?
Mule a lightning infused great lance and use it at low level crucificatiom woods. That'll deal damage
I swear, Maldron is like 'that kid' of invaders. How did he show up as a fake white phantom in the 3rd DLC without an invasion message anyway?
I like the good Pontiff Sullyvahn
>summon Holy Knight Hodrick
>watch invaders go from full health to zero with one riposte
this so hard, all of the invaders are a joke except maybe Alva because he can get superarmor to throw you off.
Maldron best Souls character
>image for ants
shit what was this artists name
draws the bestest feet
scasblog or some such
maldron was the funnest shit in ds2. its nice to see some scripted intelligence in a game where all of the enemies are just mindless obstacles
The first guy that invades you is named fucking Dennis. That alone should tell you how shit everything about the game is.
yeeeess that was the name
This, also don't forget that Maldron can use Estus because why not?
It didn't help that Scholars also threw in like twenty more invasions, it got so bad that they even overlapped each other. (I think you get invaded 2-3 times by NPCs at the entrance to Iron Keep)
I would've much preferred the Pursuer showing up instead of them, maybe with a new move each time, as opposed to just fighting him four times in the Bastille.
>This, also don't forget that Maldron can use Estus because why not?
pretty sure invaders used to be able to use estus before they changed it.
didn't they add more invasions because player invasions were fucking non-existent.
I remember playing that shit from launch day and going through the game, I got invaded maybe once by a legit player.
certainly didn't help that to get to the good pvp (invasions) you had to farm 'muh honor' 1v1 duels to earn a fucking cracked orb.
Or the many enemies that dropped the cracked reds. I mean there's like 10 of them right before the edgelord convenient.
That's a fair point considering I didn't get invaded until NG+, but it doesn't excuse stacking multiple invasions in the same place, I also just remembered you get invaded by two Woodland Children and Forlorn in Black Gulch.
It's just tedium since they have five times the health of a regular player and they can just roll out of a combo whenever they want.
Kill savage indios for me.
Oh wait, all indios are savage. Kill em all. Kill Incas!
Fucking this.
Fucking nostalgia blinded morons.
git gud
>you're in the first Dark Souls 3 DLC playing blind on release day
>Invaded by dark spirit Middlefinger Maldron
I enjoyed Das2 more than Das3, base game content. Even replayed it more times, and have more hours in Das2
I wish the final installment did something big, rather than just a rehash.
>I wish the final installment had a big fucking shitty gimmick because it was the final game, instead of refining the true Dark Souls experience in a game that doesn't run at 30fps or have janky controls but isn't a meme game like Dark Souls 2
What's the worst thing that's happened in an invasion?
Oh hey Maldron, what's up?
>calls game shit
>gives no evidence the game is shit
You must be a gigantic faggot then.
>sippy souls
>poise is clawed out with a hanger and heavy armor's only benefit is 5% more damage reduction so it's fucking worthless
>rolls take no stamina and are practically ninja flips from DaS1
>magic and faith are dick nothing
>no poise meta means rapiers are top tier, longswords are close second
>game sends invaders to gank squads
>broken matchmaking for blue sentinels and territory covenants
>hosts can disconnect TWENTY TIMES before they're softbanned on that one character, and then they can just use the white circlet to disconnect another nineteen times
>bonfires are 2 inches from one another
somebody explain the DaS3 one pls
I think it's just a rather boring "rolls are too good" with implied spin-to-win sellsword twinblades.
That shrug at the end gets me every time.
DaS3 is fun, but it's extremely linear, have less viable builds, and seems to have less content overall. In the end I found myself going back to DaS2 so many more playthroughs than DaS3.