Terraria thread

1.3.2 when

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I really like the physics on the new apache update



4 years old

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little cocksucker? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Terraria PVP, and I’ve been involved in numerous Wiki Edits on The Terraria Wiki, and I have over 300 confirmed subscribers. I am trained in Terraria PVP and I’m the PVPer in the entire Terraria Community. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will grow grass on a hill with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Server, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret girlfriend who loves my huge cock, handsome looks and money across Skype and your my stream is being aubscribed to right now so you better prepare for the storm, cocksucker. The storm that wipes out the toxic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my PVP genius. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to my bad memory, my entire arsenal of inventory edited gear and my bad memory and I will use it to its full extent to rant at your miserable ass until you leave the server, you little cocksucker. If only you could have known what unholy tears your little “toxic” comment was about to bring down upon me, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now the entire Terraria community is paying the price, you toxic cocksucker. I will stop being the most supportive member of the Terraria community, and you will drown in the lack of information. You’re fucking dead, Yrimir. Tell Pedguin I said hi.

>tldr kill yourself

>No, my girlfriend didn't leave me, I have a humongous dick and I make decent money, of course she didn't leave me.


Which Terraria girl do you let live in your room?

>no server posted

>Sup Forums servers
What's the point? The only good Sup Forums server was starting hardmode + permaban if you die.

come have fun

you will need to register when you join.


>ask if Arkhalis is good enough for early hardmode
>get called a furfag instead
I just wanted to know the answer. I didn't know the sword was named after a furry dev ;_;

where does all this mechanic x goblin shit come from

Why are there two wikis?

Did anyone else fuck up by going into the skeleton dungeon without beating Skeletor?

Their conversations. Also the painting with the goblin and mechanic in it, representing husband and wife.

Face it, she got boned by the old man and/or the goblin. Her and the Nurse are the only confirmed non-pure waifus.

I only do it to get the pet.

Who did nurse fug

Terrairahelp is the realist nigger

Who /hobbit/ here?

Gun merchant

I suppose Pinkie-pie could also be a slut, since she mentions partying in Sweden and has dyed hair.

That's lame as fuck. Go kill yourself you creatively bankrupt fraud

Party Girl is fine and pure, the only sluts are the mechanic/nurse/dryad and steampunk one

Castle master race

That's the shittiest thing I've ever seen.

well it got nuked so that's what was left.

Party girl ain't a girl m8. He gets registered as a guy with statue teleportation, which means Party Girl is a tranny.

Dryad is pure. Steampunker probably has a vibrator, though.

Party Girl is definitely not pure. She's definitely taken at least a quarter mile of BBC.

>Tranny Swede with dyed hair
>Is also based on MLP
Is there any worse NPC? Pre-construction-list Guide?

I don't want to believe you.

That is incredibly comfy looking but it's not very big

How comfy is my floating island/Moon Lord prep center?

Shit. You dug too far into the cloud. It wouldn't hold you up like that.


Already has casual sex with the Arms Dealer
Pussy older than your great great great grandparents, unused
Raped in the dungeon by skeletons, now a goblin gobbler
>Steam Punker
What's a sex?
Has a lot of kinks, spiders in vagina

Your choice.

I don't think i've ever seen someone's base get hit by a meteor before.


It's much lower than floating islands.

>spiders in vagina





You complaining about the correct or incorrect your?
because either way i don't care

Terraria has a surprisingly shallow pool of porn for a game that has over 12 million sales



Funnily enough, despite being old hag she's probably the most pure.

Ironically enough I don't mind the goblin gobbling because the relationship doesn't seem as cringe as the arms dealer one.

>TFW when your base is pretty much a massive fucking shrine in the snow

>? b
English second language, I presume?

Habla espanol?

what's your problem


I don't speak any language fully

Hey, pigs are tasty.
Shit isn't.

Arms dealer probably fires off a round every time he pumps his 'groid semen straight into the Nurse's cervix.

Dryad best girl. Most pure girl.

I know how to build, faggot.

Give him a break, they probably don't have good English teachers on whatever planet he came from

At least he decided not to immediately annihilate us

>All those torches
>Red bricks on one wall
>Backgrounds are never consistent
No, you don't know how to build.

Your bridge suck ass. You have no room to talk.


>Red bricks
>Inconsistent well-looking building
>That housing arrangement and tiny ass bar

Reality really is morphed by subjectivity.

Trap faggot

Purity is best trait, but there has to be personality as well. Personally I like fiestyness

>Torches fucking everywhere instead of lamps
>Fire inside a wooden house
>.jpg compression wall style
>Doors that won't open both directions because of torch placement
>Not gardening so your saplings can actually fucking grow

>Yfw first meeting a corrupt/hallowed mimic.

Good thing the Dryad is a cold cunt, then. She managed to not let Tyrone swooce right into her.

Why does that shitty bridge have a stone roof on it? That's just dangerous.

I killed one right after beating the Wall of Flesh while looking for the Tax Collector.

The real horror is 1.2 hardmode Crimson.

I finally have a use for this. Thank you drawfag.

Does anyone remember when half the building materials were recolored gold bricks?

Good times.
I also remember when shit was fucking broken including skeleman.

He's almost always named like a ghetto thug and dates a blond woman. I know people joke about it a lot but being out of the social norm I just don't find what is funny about it.

Anyhow yeah, cold women/men usually tend to be the most "Good" people when it comes to what is under their shell. Not so sure what makes that a reality.

Remember when there was no distinction between ranged/melee/magic and everyone had minishark + molten?

I think the class split was one of the best thing's they did for the game.
Even if they were differently balanced at each stage

Melee is trash, beyond garbage
Ranged is God tier
Magic is alright
Melee is God tier
Ranged is alright
Magic is God tier
Melee is alright
Ranged is alright
Magic is trash tier
Summoner is God Tier

Meteorites won't land in a 25 block radius around NPC's, chests and players. I don't want to count but this guy here either had really bad luck and it hit just right outside the safe area or he found a meteor and build a base around it to show off in screenshots.

>Slime is falling from the sky

it guess i got unlucky since it raped my front porch.

That is actually pretty good senpai

Posting my 1.2.X homestead, was pretty cozy.

Make non-quadrilateral rooms


Here's a server that actually works and we just restarted:



when i finnaly be able to do ZA WARUDO in terraria for fuck sake

That time that this niggas's name was Trayvon


Vamp knives, heart headband, full stardust set is the closest that you'll get

i can't have fun when your server isn't up

just fuck my shit up


I closed it down because no one joined

>Summoner is god tier

>Maximum resolution was 640x480
>Skeletron was the final boss and was genuinely hard at the time
>Bone Serpents were scary as shit and dynamite was a legitimate tactic for sunfury hunting
>There were no angled blocks and you couldn't walk up single tile steps
>Rocket boots were dropped by goblins and used Mana
>Health didn't regenerate and you had to spam potions to stay alive
>No kind of vanity
>No buff potions
>Phoenix Blaster was OP as shit
>No tinkerer's workbench

And it was still fun as shit.
Man how far the game has come in 5 years.

was interested in a mediumcore pvp idea

>British "language"


That's only in the mobile and console versions. Probably a coding error.

Dryad is centuries old. There's NO WAY she's pure.

As for Party Girl... I actually think she's probably pure. Just likes parties a lot. I think she's the type of party lover that organizes non-alcoholic parties and just loves having fun with people in a good, clean, pure party way.

I imagine she'd probably be the type to say shit like "There's a good energy here maaan, the vibe is, like, totally fly y'know?" without having smoked a single blunt or snorted a single line.

Dances, raves, birthday parties, wedding celebrations, all that good stuff, totally up her alley.

that looks fucking shit lmao

hosting hardcore expert server until patch come join. port 7777

When will we get a server of like, five or six people at most that will regularly show up, and doesn't use tshock, that we can just lock with a password and be on our merry way?

This is not even funny