Steam Sale 2016

Might be some games on sale

Hi bby


wanted to buy Ys: The Oath in Felghana but was only able to come up with $3.08 :( any game recommendations??

What game lets me peep up girls' skirts?

>Way of the Samurai 4
Yay or nay? Graphics look like shit but whatever

hey asl


> Tfw won't be able to trade in my trading cards to try and get a game for cheap before the sale ends because of fucking steamguard
Fifteen day wait my ass. Just kill me now.

Long Dark vs Subnautica

List your damage control.

>valdis Story
>Axiom Verge
>Limbo (got it for free)
>Strania: Stella machina

Did I do good?


Any hidden gem for $1?

Orcs must die 2
Elysion Tail
Ys Origin
The Forest
Tomb Raider

Did I fuck up

What is this game


Give me something constructive this time.

Also, anyone ever managed to get something purchased more than two weeks ago refunded? I really want my money back for Anno 2070, just isn't my jam at all.

looks great

you can trade in the cards to get games?

Looks fucking awful

>Also, anyone ever managed to get something purchased more than two weeks ago refunded?
Here's how the refund system works: If you played it for less than 2 hours and have owned it less than 2 weeks, you get a refund regardless of the reason, no questions asked. Anytime after that, it works on a case by case basis.

As long as you don't have like 50 hours in Anno, you should be fine.

I didn't get anyanswer before.

Anyone played this one already?
How is it, How much of the game is single player/multi player, how alive is it?

You can sell them for money (Although the cards only sell for like ten cents a pop), and in turn use the money to buy games.

I got something I bought 5 months prior to the refund and the cash still got back to me in full.

Fucking forgot pic.

Thanks familias, but I said something constructive.

Aquaria on lowest sale it's ever going to be now that daily/flash deals are gone. Get it while you can.

Devs have been awol for the longest time not letting the game go on sale.

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

>Neptunia shit everywhere on Steam
>Not a single Atelier game


>falling for the Ys meme

Everything is pretty good

>Asssassin's Creed
That's all I got.

Except I have under 2 hours in Anno and it was immediately knocked back with the reason given that it was purchased more than two weeks ago.


Help. I only have 10.68 in my steam wallet

>what should I buy
>what should I add or delete from the list

Well, you have two options to bypass that: you can use winauth, which mimics the iphone mobile authenticator, no phone required but you do need a valid numberr. Or you can craft the items into a badge and sell whatever goodies you have. Might not get it in time for the sale, but it'll still make you some money. It's what I'm planning on doing.

No, it sucks. I refunded it myself yesterday. If you have a PS2 or backwards compatible PS3, track down the first two. 3 is a disappointment compared to them but 4 is just LOL SO RANDOM garbage trying to be Saints Row or some shit with worse gameplay than the others. If you have to go with one on PC, go with 3. The PC versions of them aren't great ports though on top of it all.

Orcs is hilarious to play, especially in coop with a friend Spring traps get me every time
TR is w/e

Figured I would ask again on this thread...

Should I get the STALKER bundle? What should I expect if I do? They all look really interesting, but I know nothing about them.

Ys Origins is fucking fantastic, solid gameplay all around.

dark environments and spooky noises

So you tried to refund already and they rejected it? Well, I don't know what to say. Might be out of luck.

Yeah get it. I don't want to spend 20 minutes typing out why it's so good so you'll just have to trust me on it.

Read the steam reviews. They'll give you a good idea

Lord of the Fallen is shit
Fallout 4 is shit
Mount Your Friends is pretty fun with friends for a couple of hours
Wolfenstein and Doom are some of the best FPS of the decade

Did I fuck up?
XCOM enemy unknown
Company of heroes 2
Wolfenstein The old blood
Stardew valley
Metro redux bundle

Continuing from last thread, what's ARMA 3 like? I bought it and I'm expecting stuff like joining 1,000 player servers with big battles and joining squads while following orders.

Is that what people do? I know there's also Battle Royale but what do people mostly do in the game?


Avoid meme reviews and look for walls of text. They usually are straight facts.

Is Torchlight 2 the best non-F2P Diablo clone on steam?

I was saying that I bought the game 5 months before I refunded and it still went through, haven't heard of the 2 week thing, I thought it was 6 months. That sucks.

Oh I am laughing.

No Grim Dawn its better.

Look into Grim Dawn my man

I guess so. I've read some good stuff about Grim Dawn too, but I've only played Torchlight 2 for around 30h and it was pretty good. I still prefer D3 personally, but TL2 is a good game.


I forgot to say just don't waste time with PC Ys: tOiF. Get and/or Emulate the PSP version with PPSSPP. It's the better version of the two.

Sounds good. I'll go ahead and get it then. What order should I play them in?

You got me.

>using meme arrows in your steam review
>"be me"
kys pls

Official Poorfag Buyers Guide of Good Games Under $5

-Crypt of the Necrodancer
-Super Meat Boy
-Lovely Planet
-Mark of the Ninja
-Frozen Synapse
-The Swapper
-One Way Heroics Plus
-Risk of Rain
-La Mulana
-Jet Set Radio
-Don't Starve
-Super House of Dead Ninjas
-Tales of Maj'Eyal
-Hotline Miami 1 + 2

Original Metro if you want superior gritty/spooky atmosphere and want to wear gloves. Redux if you have a boner for lighting and shadows and don't want to wear gloves

Will you ever play them?

I don't know why I keep buying so many fucking games.

I play them for like 10 mins and that's it.

Just get GTA V and forget the rest.

Sup Forums will hate that idea, but it's way better than any of the old GTAs

Torchlight 2 has weak NG+ and garbage multiplayer. Even with the post-game "infinity maps" you'll get bored of your character.

TL2 is dead to the developers. They raked in their neet-bucks tacking on multiplayer and never touched the game since.

Grim Dawn is FotM

Saints Row IV
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Stardew Valley

Which one?
Is the Saints Row dlc worth it, it seems like its just weapons and clothes.

I agree to be honest.
The other games were amazing when they were released, but right now I'd pick up GTA V.

>better than San Andreas


>no Oddbox

think you mean "o i am laffin"

Skip SR IV completely, it's a rehashed SR3 with added superpowers from the SR3 superhero DLC, and the story behind it is fucking absurd.

I'd go with either Stardew Valley or Wolfenstein. The first is super comfy and addicting, the second is one of the best FPS in the past few years.

Iffy on Black Flag because I'm not sure if it's just good for an Asscreed game, or actually legit good.

>better than Vice City

I bought GTA V last year.

o m lafn

Add to that,
Samorost 2
Shadowrun Hong Kong
Alpha Protocol

Make sure your comp can run Wolfenstein, otherwise LISA and that are great picks.

That's a good price for an AC game. I'd buy it myself but I don't wanna deal with any of the ubisoft uplay shit.

Raiden IV
Castle Crashers
Battleblock Theatre
D&D Chronicles

Considering these as well, especially Darius; but that fucking price tag.
Also, I'm not sure if I should fall for the Ys meme or not?

Are there any other budget gems I'm missing?

The pirate sections are REALLY good, but you will still be forced to play through the shitty 'Assassins Creed parts', and with that all of the awful tailing missions and bad combat. If you're ok with going through some shit to get to the good parts go for it.

If any of you feel like playing a short cheap platformer puzzleish game, check out "Out there somewhere", it's 24 cents right now, it's about an hour long but I personally really enjoyed it.

Black Flag is literally Red Dead Redemption tier. Nearly a masterpiece whether you like AC or not.


What's the multiplayer status?

Momodora and Dustforce are great. Dust has some good combat, but it's behind incredibly awful DeviantArt-tier furry characters, with even worse voice acting to boot.


I got shilled into buying it at launch because i wanted something Diablo-like and couldn't wait for D3 to launch (and glad i missed the boat on that one too)

>It's super fucking repetitive, even with random world generation and all that stuff.

>Story line is fucking stupid (especially since i kinda enjoyed the first one's story until they took a big shit all over it with TL2).

>builds are super cookie cutter unless you use mods that nerf them and make only the modder's favorite class/build viable, or add in an entirely new class that's also super broken and ez-mode.

>Online co-op is non-existent because no one is playing now that Diablo 3 is somewhat playable

>Loot is fucking worthless, since practically every set is dropped solely from random mobs in the world, meaning you have to mod in sane drops or a vendor that practically gives you the best armor for free at the start of the game.

>Enchants and Gems are just as useless as gear and suffers exactly the same fate

For a team that supposedly made Diablo 2 as great as it was, they sure fucked up majorly with Torchlight 2. The only thing that makes it bearable is that now there's an actual world to explore and isn't just one endless dungeon in one town like the first one was.

If you're looking for an ARPG, try Grim Dawn. I've heard it's well worth playing especially since it's currently on a decent discount

nigga no
the boat parts are pretty good but the regular asscreed shit isn't
doesn't mean it's bad, just nowhere near RDR masterpiece tier



Victor Vran yes or no?

Thanks m8s, I'm going with Wolfenstein. I'll wait a few months for a deeper discount on Stardew Valley, hopefully by then it will have multiplayer.

How is Dirt 3? Worth it for $6.89?

anything I should add to the list?

Wolfenstein or Doom? If I buy TNO I won't have enough left over for Doom, so I figure I'll get either Doom or TNO/TOB/Something else.

Original Metro?

Nigger, Redux is superior.

Bourbon is mah nigga!

Do you like story?


Do you like non-stop action and very little story?


Any trading going on?

>pic related
>Dead by Daylight
>Sunless Sea
>or make offers

LP2 is kinda dead, but good if you can round up a group.

LP3 is trash, avoid it regardless of how active it is.

I think it is okay at that price

Recommend me some games in the vein of Souls stuff. Aside from Lords of the Fallen and Salt & Sanctuary.

I got Dark Messiah of Might & Magic and holy shit it's great. I was skeptical since it's a source engine thing but it's amazing.

How is it so much better than anything Valve makes on the Source engine?

Severance: Blade of Darkness

I'm thinking about buying Dragon Age: Origins, but I'm unsure about one thing. Does it have gay shit in it or did that start with DA2?

I meant as in something that's on sale or even purchasable in the steam store right now.