This game is a great example of why excessive content does not make a game enjoyable.
How would Sup Forums make it better?
>inb4 sex mod
This game is a great example of why excessive content does not make a game enjoyable.
How would Sup Forums make it better?
>inb4 sex mod
what parts dont you enjoy?
im having a blast.
>Make combat harder
>More move sets for monsters
>Rework all main game bosses, especially Wild cunt bosses
>Remove Reasons of state quest or redo it
>Fix all bugs that B&W brought
Result would be GOAT
the game just needed better gameplay and gameplay content designers. the side quests and stuff were ok. yes there are a lot of kill quests but they kept the numbers down such that if the actual gameplay and loot was good, it would be extremely enjoyable without getting too repetitive.
but as it stands, the gameplay is mediocre, like they tried to do a more strategical version of the batman arkham asylum gameplay, or a more actiony version of the dark souls gameplay, and the ended up with the worst from both worlds. the game would be a lot better if they went full retard in one direction over the other.
and then theres the shitty loot. literally hundreds of items with +1 uninteresting stat increases and a tiny % for some lame ass proc all over the place. that is not how you design good loot.
Game cannot decide if it wants to be Dodge Souls or an RPG.
Just turn on level scaling option once you reach level 18, fucking noob.
>Remove reasons of state
You are an idiot.
I would remove random question marks on the map, make it more empty
Then remove all the dumb useless items, and have like 10 swords and a couple of armor sets taht are really hard to make
perfect game
>map filters
user pls
That quest could've been fucking amazing, but they fucked it up. CPDR made Djikstra look like a fool.
Still too easy.
Witcher 2 suffered the same after Arkham Asylum became a hit.
>death march difficulty
>royal griffin encounter
hmmm ok
What is so hard about them?
how many hours are you into it?
a fair amount
ng+ onto B&W now.
I have 194 hours so far and havent finished B&W.
Played through on Death march recently only the first few hours were "hard" after that when I got most of my potions and oils though that was because I went the Alchemy route so instahealth with each potion pop and reduced damage when the right oil is on helped a lot
The Witcher 3 a.k.a the Shitter 3 is not a game, it is an interactive movie. Story shouldn't be the main aspect of a GAME, go read a book, watch a movies or series, fuck off from the GAMING community, you subhumans do not belong here.
Play a proper RPG like Dark Souls franchise.
can't disagree with that
It was a great game. The content's just right
aaaand filtered
>make combat turnbased and add More depth or if you leave it real time make it good
>let me make my own character since Gerald is an unlikable asshole
Nice troll, 9/10 could be more subtle with the DS name drop.
>This game is a great example of why excessive content does not make a game enjoyable.
>How would Sup Forums make it better?
>>inb4 sex mod
Gta5 and any Bethesda game is a better example
>he thinks it is a troll
>doesn't realize the post is 100% truth
>make potions last longer but harder to craft. No more magically restoring everything with one bottle of alchohol
>quick slot for oils and make them last a couple of minutes, not a number of hits
>npcs like blacksmiths show up on the map all the time after your first visit, not just when you're close to them
>reduce the number of notice boards on the map so that you dont have to run around for 2 hours or sit throught 5 loading screens just to get a couple of contracts