What are some short tryhard games?

What are some short tryhard games?

>Sup Forums talks to a girl.wem

i wanna be the boshy type games?

No,, he actually have the balls to touch her.
Sup Forums will be in a corner faping.

I want to see the full vid of that.

It is literally the most cringe-inducing video of all time.
>white guy meets first black girl


wtf is going on here

Is this supposed to be a prank or something? Or is he really trying to get at that and is being hilariously rejected?

If it's the latter i gotta give him props, nigga straight slapped her ass and dry humped her, no fucks.

literally me

Oh my, they can't even afford large enough pools to fit all of them. Poor people make me sad.

what happens?

He literally fingers her asshole and she just brushes it off lmao

And so Sup Forums was created.

>he actually have the balls to touch her
In this situation pajeet, it's more socially acceptable to be fapping in the bathroom.

Go back to your designated shitting streets.

Why didn't she slap is shit?
That's actual sexual fucking harrasment.

She wants an alpha to do that to her, not a manlet. If she slaps a white manlet, the black bull might get scared of jail.

I agree, nigga was trying to rape her right out in the open kek

We have standards, nigger lover.
What kinda try hard?





>go to an event that's all about sexual friction and trying to get laid
>complain about sexual approaches
It's not how these things work.

I've seen this happen before and girls usually tend to avoid confrontation. You never know who might shank you.

>touching a nigger



That's not how academic research works.


can't you see she is drunk as fuck? probably on dope too, this women are trash and just want to get laid for more coke to inhale or whatever, guy clearly has nothing to offer, but it's not like she is in her five senses, eventually she'll give in and he'll fuck her, she is one of the ugly ones after all.


>Dudes not really in shape
>Doesn't know how to charm a woman
>Wearing that cap like a loser
>Is too dumb to realize that woman is drunk off her marbles
I have no sympathy for him


Jesus christ man are you the guy in the webm?

he's right though. anyone who is actually been to a party can confirm, whereas you only get your knowledge of the world from anime

>We have standards


Why so mad?

What kind of parties have you been to?

youre pathetic senpai

the little gestures he do like dancing and fixing his cap after being rejected is so fucking cringe. its like hes thinking "shit, better make this less akward"

>We have standards, nigger lover.
More like unrealistic expectations, bunch of losers.

you also forgot he's a manlet on top of it all

When will they learn?
Because it doesn't bother her that much.

>already knew it was going to be cringeworthy
>it was worse

>y u mad
what? explain both of those to me, I don't understand

>that goofy escape dance she keeps doing

I think you dropped your fedora

You must've been going to some bizarro world parties then mate.


>white guys approaching niggers

Why would you lower your standards that much?

>US fags always talk about height
>all the people in that webm are manlets

Lmfao "US" genetics.

>le what are some games meme xD
Fuck off, scum.

Yes I'm sure you've been to so many parties.

>Sup Forums is full of normies now

What went wrong?



>needs academic research to prove that savage cultures are, in fact, savages
R e a d a b o o k s o m e t i m e, nigger.

Post it faggot

Are you a closet homo?

It's on Sup Forums now so it's org



Me in the center

She looked more like an Amazon to me

Not really. But if I was, I certainly would never approach a nigger hihi~

He keeps trying to rub his erection on her. That's not how sex works

This happened at E3. This industry can be really disgusting at times, you know?

And that not how videogames work either.

lmao all the retard white knights and fedora tippers in this thread

no wonder you haven't touched a girl in your lives

This is actually quite true. She shoos him away a few times but he could eventually hit her, she is trashy it's clear.

Video games



Because you would be rejected.

Fat autistic retard detected.

The guy made a fool of himself with his social ineptitude.

Motherfucker he fingers her fucking asshole likes it's a goddamn handshake.
You don't casually finger someone's asshole even if you know them.

You know what do i touch?


No I just dont like niggers, so I would never approach them. Sorry hehe

she's a whore


>t-thats sexual harassment m'lady

Jesus christ how pathetic you guys can be, shes there to have fun and get laid, she's there, too bad he's too much of a manlet for her

what is this image

Can someone post the full video for God's sake?! Please it's not that much to ask, at least give some sauce or something

>implying I'm not already there
Back to plebbit
>da poverty caused it

>Tiesto shirts
Yeah even for rave standards that place is pretty tame. You're retarded and no one goes to rave expecting to get their ass fingered by some rando. Even if this wasn't a rave I mean like do you really think anyone just wants to get their space invaded like that?

What do you mean user?

>wanting to be the buzzkill
She's better off playing it off and ignoring him until he gets bored or becomes such a problem someone else deals with him.

You sound like that youtuber that killed a bunch of girls and then himself all because the chicks didn't noticed him



What game?


women are actually really really scared of men, for real. i mean, can you blame them? you see dudes on the news murder/beat the shit out of women for rejecting them all the time. it's a pretty harsh stereotype (men are violent) but better safe than sorry (and dead)


>meet black girl
>fuck her first night out.
they love the BCs, both BWC and BBC.



its not even that bad

its just like the webm but longer

Your penis.


It isn't for that reason. It's simply because men are bigger and stronger and faster than they are. They are the submissive gender, men run the world.


Where do you even get all these infographics

Holly shit you didnt get the point.