Name the manliest Coop games
Also R.I.P Bud Spencer
Name the manliest Coop games
Also R.I.P Bud Spencer
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Serious Sam, duh
we dont need threads for every random fuck that croaks
Gears of Wa, Resident Evil 6 (Chris' path) and Army of Two were pretty great bromances
>Also R.I.P Bud Spencer
>He doesn't know Bud Spencer
In the german version of TTYD the name for Mario in the Glitz Pit is "Bomba Luigi", probably a reference to the Bud Spencer movie "Bomber"
>Sup Forums doesn't know who bud spencer is
why am I not suprised? kys
>he's dead
>everyone else you loved growing up is gonna die in your lifetime too
Summer is real
Summer is real
He's right. Some people seem to think that literally anybody that dies is thread or even sticky worthy and that's just not true.
clearly you did not watch Bud Spencer & Terrence Hill movies
It's one of the first celeb deaths i actually care for...we'll miss you bud ;__;
Terence Hill still lives...
Sup Forums is an 18+ site kid
But for how long?
you can't have a wise guy without the straight man user.
fuuucck bro, RIP
There's no justice
the wise guy always lives the longest, dean martin and jerry lewis is a good example, jerry is still kicking.
no no
please tell me it's a lie
please say your name is todd
>all these teens feigning sadness and pretending to know who Bud Spencer is
You're too young to have seen anything he's in.
Every now in then, they broadcast Bud&Spencer movies.
At least here in Germany
>think it's fake
>check it
>it's real
>inspector caputo
kek, caputo. And people say Italians have no humor.
do you ever feel bad having such pessimistic outlook on stuff
every christmas actually.
he dead???
>pretending to know who Bud Spencer is
Well i dunno about america but he's pretty damn well known over here in germany, even under people in the 20s if not younger ones too.
Also see
the german dub is so good i love it, much better than the original desu
Is he alright?
i own like 30 of their movies q.q
R.I.P. Bud Spencer
Holy shit man, I wasn't ready
Champions of Norrath as a pure Barbarian team.
Kane & Lynch 2
>Also R.I.P Bud Spencer
Fuck, I didn't need this today
Amazing game.
>he doesn't have all the bud/terrence movies on dvd
Shit all these german idiots in this thread thinking anyone out of Germany gave a shit about Bud Spencer movies...
Fucking kleingeisters
>random fuck
No offense to the dead or anything, but how can people expect American gamers to know about even half of his movies?
>yfw there will never be a game where you can play a wild west character as cool as him
RIP Bud. Guy made a commercial for a Spanish bank few years ago, first time I ever laughed at one
Oh wow... thanks user!
I laughed out loud. I needed that!
>those weak as fuck slaps
Fun as fuck none the less but man that shit stood out hard
>Bud will never high five you
>bud will never one slap KO you
He's 77, while Bud Spencer was 86..
>Bud will never princes caary to bed after beat punks in the street
neck yourself fag
go die kid, Bud was a legend
Life is fucking meaningless at this point
Thanks to the power of god.
all that bicycling around has made him immortal
I know that he's 10 years younger but man that face barely even changed
Download this shit and play in memlry of Bud. We are a fucking vidya board after all.
Is there a videogame character that can beat Bud Spencer? And I am talking about young full-powered and furious Bud Spencer after he ate a lot of bean soup.
That slapping sound is forever burned into my brain
>Was going to post a picture of Terence in Don Matteo
>Duplicate file exist here
I was thinking about this too, heh. He's pretty strong for the average human character I guess, you can't beat him in a fistfight unless you're Kenshiro or some shit and he can slap you for a one hit KO
he will be fine, won't he
>R.I.P Bud Spencer
you better be joking you turbo homo
>ITT: Italians writing to each other in english
>ITT: Americans shitposting
Get your shit taste out of this thread, son
Even if you don't know anything else about Bud Spencer his spaghetti western movies with Terence Hill are a worldwide classic.
How anyone can not know Bud is a mystery to me
Che cazzo hai detto su di me troietta?
Ti faccio presente che mi sono diplomato primo in graduatoria nei carabinieri
rip bud mi mancherai
more like the whole europe and latin america
These guys were kinda famous here in Spain too, and believe in South America as well.
People 'write' English because surprisingly enough some have manners, this is an English web-sight's after all.
europoor here, grew up on Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.
>Terence Hill...hostias mil
They are fucking legends in germany.
My grandpa who died last year this month was a big fan of them, and introduced me to their movies.
Same goes for me and my dad pretty much. He was a big fan of them and so was i while growing up. Goes for a ton of germans as you've already said really.
>advertising your get
This have potential in a filename thread.