Overwatch Tilt Debate

Is Overwatch a game that should cause you to tilt? Is it worth getting upset about short matches?

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What did he mean by this?

despite the fact that you shouldn't tilt in any game, it goes doubly so for OW. the rock-paper-scissors design on top of the short matches focuses the game on a really casual, light hearted experience. i genuenily don't see how anyone could take an individual match that seriously to begin with, esp not with the client-side hit registry, xbox hueg hitboxes and ultimate abilities.

its like the worlds comfiest shooter.

What does tilt mean? I've never heard the term

It's a new ultralight meme!

tilt means to get upset and play like shit, usually trash talking your team as you go. like when someone gets butthurt in a moba/arts/assfaggots and intentionally feed because they didn't get the lane/role they wanted or some dumb shit.

basically people who get mad at vidya.

You shouldn't get mad at the game, but you should get mad when you are repeatedly teamed up with level 3 Genji mains and level 7 Hanzo mains against teams of six group-chatting level 258 MLG pros.

the world's comfiest shooter is TF2

In Overwatch everyone is thirsty for blood, in TF2 if you start taunting in their spawn they'll probably just join you and start dancing or some shit

good point. id forgotten about hatsim.exe

I get mad as fuck in overwatch sometimes(situations like pic related) but I never trash talk or play like shit.

I always try to help everyone even if they obviously don't deserve help. Then anger turns to frustration.

If you unironically get upset at games at all, kill yourself.

I say this as someone who mostly plays games for the sake of challenge, competition, etc.

If you get actually mad at games you're a retard.

I got annoyed at this:
>lose game
>mccree "it's all your fault not mine i could do no wrong" etc etc etc
>next game
>"we're gonna lose this one too just wait you're a shit team"
>he goes hanzo
>sandbags the entire game
>never contests the point
>it's close even though we're carrying
Of course it's a McCree/Hanzo player too. Fuck that guy.

the definition of tilt.


I extremely rarely encounter this kind of behavior. I know it's a big meme for people to get teams with 3 snipers and people who don't even try to play the objective. But I have exclusively solo-queued in the 30 hours I've played the game and didn't see this kind of shit beyond my first few hours.

So what the fuck?
I've checked my stats and I'm not super amazing at the game, so it's not like I'm just getting matched with the best players.

what country are you from?

It's not that common, to be honest, right after the ordeal with that retard, I had a really nice game with a bunch of team players. I went Lucio, had a chill time.

>not playing the superior game

I get supremely mad if my team cant cut it and I'm playing my heart out. I always let my team know if they threw the game, but if I notice they're trying hard but just can't cut it I get less mad, but still upset, because theres no way to truly "Carry" in this game. But I don't get the "Play like shit" part after. My anger only fuels my play and it never matters anyway.

Out of 100+ games I've only had one true comeback in overwatch where I went 51 and 10 as soldier with 5 gold medals. Even though we won I was furious the entire time. Because if your team can't cut it, your gold medals and nearly wiping their team several times will not matter because of how the game functions.

It serves to reward good players with high octane fun when you completely destroy the enemy, but then immediately takes it away by making it all for literally nothing when your team doesn't capitalize and gets wiped after you've done everything you can to mitigate.

Its almost impossible for good players stuck with bad ones to stop from getting at least mildly irritated.


well, here in BRland we have plenty of people that will start acting like cunts the moment you suggest 3x hanzo isn't a good setup for offense.

If we lost the game when I'm tanking and have 4 gold medals including elims, I have a right to be pissed at my shit team.

Is it tilt when some player goes Mei because we lost the previous game and just trolls by putting icewalls in front of spawn the entire game?

Or is that just being a bootyblasted faget? Seems like they're kinda the same...

>4 gold medals as tank

cum on step it up

Tilt is a state of mental or emotional confusion or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy.

Where my Hanzo niggas at

>tfw spent $60 on this shit
>sony may not refund me
>takes 2 billing cycles to get money in my account back

Why did I do this




Stop that
Use real words, not internet slang

I just went Symettra on attack in King's Row because I'm a whiney faggot.

We won and the teleporter was fucking useful to push in the final area. I never knew how fast people died with her M1.

I'm not sure how anyone could get upset about any game. The emotional reactions I hear from friends sometimes is cringe.

I know it's cliche, but nigga it's just a game. Learn from your mistakes and avoid shitty situations, don't cry about it.

Who knows, maybe I'm just a boring individual.

Isn't the PC version 60 on Battle.net?

Tilt is a common poker term since forever.

You people seriously get genuinely mad when you lose a game? Like so mad, you act tough and edgy?

>Is it worth getting tilted over
But you still will because "lol, 20 tick."
And then like most times, the replay system that slaps together a recap will usually show them not even hitting you in many situations, such as a Widow aiming three miles to the left and then snapping to the right and you are dead, the tracer shot hitting the wall two feet to the left of your head.
Etc. etc.

Not worth getting mad over anything, but it's human nature to experience anger at bullshit.
>Inb4 git gud or "it's just a game"


Overshit is basically a super hyped up minigame thats only draw to keep playing is the fact that your loot is random

$40 you console cuck

No, but people still do.

I used to play nothing but league, now i dont even touch the game. It genuinely made me upset, I already beat myself up over how much time i wasted in those 30 min to hour long games and not enjoying that long ass time is just insult to injury.

Overwatch isn't like that for me, you can hop in and out of games without much of an investment and the penalty for bailing on a match isnt bad.

Also Blizzard did a good job with this, people also think they do a lot better than they normally do in games because there is no KDA, just KD. Every person you do damage to that dies counts as an elimination, and is rewarding as fuck for the player.

tough and edgy? No, I just say shit like "god fucking damn it blizzard why"

and then I quit and start playing single player games to relax a bit

Did you even reply to the right post?
No, it's $40 with $60 for the Origins Edition.

I don't understand what you mean by "tilt".

Lucio shits gold medals. The only "impressive" one is damage done and you only have that because your team is obviously shit.

>I play games for cosmetics

that's my point exactly though

I'm not proud for doing 3k damage as LĂșcio, I'm pissed at the fact our 76 couldn't do more than that in a minute

Cut down the coffee famalamalam.

Oh right yeah sorry, I wasn't following the conversation.

No game should cause anyone to flip a shit. It's a fucking game.

>nb4 tic tac to comic

That isn't to say you can't git gud, but why go absolutely bonkers at a video game? I may be a faggot for saying this, but is it an age thing? Growing up me and my friends never had a spergfest about the guy who got the golden gun.

Think we had a fist fight about Mario Cart DD once, but we bullied those fuckers for weeks about it.

Maybe it's nust esports. Esports has turned video game into a job. Kids legitimately feel their moral fiber and place in life is being attacked if they lose a video game.

kek, dva get shit on

It was already defined in this thread.

Maybe you should learn how to read or even how to use google if you are feeling bold.

I never get mad at TF2, or Goldeneye.

But god damn Overwatch pisses me off. It's much more objective focused than other shooters, so you know that everyone has to pull their own weight, and a ton of players give 0 shits about it and just want to have epic k/d ratios.

>play game to have fun
>fun often correlates with how well you do
>team based game requires team work to do well
>people playing like shit results in poor overall experience

Of course, you could avoid all that shit by playing with friends and having fun regardless, but this is Sup Forums we're talking about so it feels necessary to stress why solo players struggle.

Didnt realize so many gamers were this emotional

I can't recall a time where ive been angry playing a game.

The problem with it, is that it is a team based objective focused game, but the hero mechanic makes people go their own way and not bother with teamwork. I mean are you really gonna slowly provide cover for your team, when you can rush and release your double dick dragon for some probable kills?

I only get buttmad when I lose 10+ games in a row with 4 golds every time. Every since I broke 100 I'm practically guaranteed a 1/10 chance of winning and I'm starting to believe the forced 50/50 winrate bullshit

It's not an age thing, there were plenty of kids throwing their controller across the room over videogames in the 90s; and yes you are kind of a faggot for stroking your dick over how "old" you are.

I only get angry when we have 2 fucking snipers as attack.

>one of my friends always plays fucking Hanzo
>he's also the type of guy that rages through the mic, HARD
>one time it even hurt my ears
>he always blames the pugs even though he's the reason we're losing

Holy shit, and he wonders why I never want to duo queue with him. Fuck him so hard sometimes.

>Payload is nearing the last point in the 7 turn
>Widowmaker and Hanzo are all the way back on that raised platform near spawn trying to snipe nothing at all
>Meanwhile its 6 on 4 and the payload is forever stuck

I hatw to admit but I get pretty upset at this game too

Tilting means letting your emotions affect your performance.
i.e. being a shitter.

>Sup Forums - Poker

I only get annoyed at bullshit kills.
>Hit Q and a quarter of a second later die for whatever reason with my Ult untouched
>Widow is watching a door, I come out another and they instantly sweep over and kill me without even unscoping
>Hanzo arrows in general
>D.VA bomb killing me from ten meters above it
>The fact my team always ignores the biggest threats and then lets their Reinhardt charge into us and delete me while the rest of his team wipes us

The the nigga yelling "GET ON THE POINT TO CONTEST"

and he's jackin off as widow in the back missing every shot

>playing Route 66 attack
>get 5 gold medals as 76 despite the fact there's a dedicated healer
>be the only one whoever even attempts to touch the payload
>we lose before we even get to the first checkpoint
>Most_Useless_Player (Hanzo): Thanks!
I was really fucking mad to the point where I leaned toward his character portrait and shouted FUCK YOU as loud as I could. Probably the worst sperg-out I've had over this game.

>he thinks this games gameplay is good enough to be worth 40 burger bucks

When I play sensationally well and my team is a gaggle of braindead squishies that literally throw us the game by not playing correctly, yes. I get very mad. I can handle losing to players and teams that outplay me, but when I'm 25 and 3 as roadhog and we still lose the points because my stupid ass team wont stop them from capturing the objectives like I had been doing single handedly, I get platinum mad.

because, again, You can't "Carry" or "Clutch" in overwatch because its objective-based. If you have a bad team, you're gonna lose unless the other team gets tilted somehow. Thats your only hope, fuck up their shit so hard yourself that they get upset and don't push as a team.

That term can be easily applied to vidya as well.

>Enemy Reinhardt puts up his shield
>Entire fucking team scatter and gets picked off one by one by the other team instead of just concentrating their fire on Reinhardt and quickly breaking his shield

the matchmaking makes me mad
it's bad, like really fucking bad
every third game is unwinnable

As a Winston the only two characters that truly threaten me are Reapers and Symettra's and I can usually deal with reapers.

I get what you mean, obviously nonstop pub stomps aren't that enjoyable, but even so past the 4th one or so I'd think you'd stop playing or not have a shitfit about losing.

And I've had plenty of really close, eternal overtime games, and win or lose, there's frequently some dude going ape in all caps in chat about whatever made him angry in game.

I just don't care enough about a loss to appear like a sperg and put an effort to making everyone around me miserable and confused.

Maybe I'm just easy to impress. Even games I get pubstomped, I'm pretty content with loads of golds knowing I tried my best.

The problem is Blizzard intentionally made it so you can't see teammate scores, which is okay I guess, but it doesn't matter if you have 4 gold medals because you'll know anyway. If anything it's more specific that you're doing better than your team.

Also it's a very team-comp heavy game so if the blinker says you need a tank and a healer and the last two people pick Reaper it's pretty fucking infuriating

That's cause the game doesn't give a fuck about premades, they just toss premade groups into rooms, filling slots in their team with the next few people to queue that fit in, then assemble a team of (usually randoms) whose total level is within 0-20 levels of the Premade team's total level.

>I'm the only one that takes cover behind the shield
>I'm also a healer
>something pricks the Reinhardt's toe
>he fucks off to a health pack and I get vaporized

>Either of those
>Leap away and suddenly they are useless
You have the 3rd best movement skill in the game, use it.

They paid the same as you user, why do you feel you have the right to make them feel bad? People should play how they want.

>4 hours of work
>more than 4 hours of playing

Yeah, actually. $40 is basically the price of eating out for a single person. I think I got my money worth even without comparing how shit other games are and how they are priced at $60

Also also, 2x stack of any character always is a fucking stupid idea. Only exceptions are Junkrat and maybe Winston. Any team with duo Torb, Pharah, Hanzo/Widow, Genji is asking for a lose regardless of how bad you want to play that character.

Its gotten to the point for me that I just look at my 3-4 gold medals halfway through a losing game and sigh, knowing that regardless of whether or not I play my heart out, we're almost certainly going to lose. I don't think I'm the best player in the world or anything, but I promise you at least 80% of my losses were due to my team throwing, which upsets me deeply, because it disregards my gold medals and individual play in those games.

There's gotta be a point when you just accept that you have no sway over your team of random pubs and there was never anything you could have done to prevent the loss you're forced to take.

Literally Cucked: The game.

That was what I was getting at, they are the only ones that can force me to disengage in a 1v1.

Well sucks to be you, especially if you people play after work. But do try to lessen your rage a at the idiocy of others, ain't worth it.

>One meal
Do you go to the most expensive restaurant and only order the "best" Filet Mignon they have or something? Cause average meal cost in the U.S. across the 50 states is more like $10-15.

>tfw I main Reinhardt
>sit on the payload with my shield up while enemy scatters, getting picked off one by one.
>spend the while match riding the payload to VICTORY

>enemy Reinhardt
>switch to Bastion & repeatedly break his shield over and over

I mean at the end of the day that's understandable but that's like playing soccer without a goalie on one team.

So OP is asking, "Should I be a bad person?" Why is this question even worth asking?

Again, this is Sup Forums. Telling people to just stop playing means that they'll be staring at a wall watching paint dry.

>I just don't care enough about a loss to appear like a sperg and put an effort to making everyone around me miserable and confused.

If you're replying directly to the idea of being "tilted", yeah I agree. I was speaking mostly on the idea of sulking or being otherwise less than pleased with continuously losing. I agree that purposely playing bad or otherwise attacking other people instead of steaming in silence is a pretty faggy thing to do. Being upset at poor team play however is understandable if you're playing a game requiring good team play.

seriously how the fuck does soldier or reaper let lucio outdamage them lol

Nah its not all that bad. I've still had several intense overtime lockout games where I won supreme glory with a well balanced team after a long fought battle. There have been roughly a dozen games that were so intense that I immediately knew I had made a good decision buying overwatch. Those handful of matches where everything clicked perfectly for a glorious battle make up for the swath of games where my braindead team can't cut it against better team-players. . .

but only just barely. Point is I've had extreme highs and lows with this game and I still love it.

it's like playing soccer and your goalie is trying to play as striker and your defense is just digging a hole or complaining to the referee about how their team sucks

The only thing that really infuriates me in this game is a really good widowmaker.

What a fucking hopeless fight that feels like, she sees me through walls almost nonstop, even when I play a tank I get evaporates in 3 seconds to a couple chained headshots, even if I get close to her, she either melts me with her machine gun if I'm already weakened or ziplines away.

Widowmaker is like some horrible sniper wet dream gone wrong, she's got everything. Though granted you do have to be good with her, but she completely ruins the game for everyone else if you do because she's more lethal than any other character and not reliant on cooldowns to get kills like other characters.

I laugh at the autistic tards who go full tilt.

Keep trying to be the top 1% in a casual shooter made for 12 year olds m8's.

Meanwhile I'll continue being shit at everyone and having fun.

Shit aim, or in Reaper's case never using movement skills or side paths.

>couple of beers
Sorry, I should have said "buying dinner". That's also not including any appetizers only because you're sharing them with others.

Reinhardt main is suffering. I hate having to relying on my squishies to kill bastions and stop reaper/McREE from dusting me or forcing me to skew my shield.

I think part of the shit that ticks people off is the team size.
I mean if there were 2 snipers on your team in tf2 it's not terrible, you can still have either 10-14 good teammates still.
Except in overwatch if you have 2 snipers or more that's a good chunk of your team being useless.

People get mad in Poker and intentionally lose? That seems like a terrible idea.

>Buying dinner
Few people buy overpriced Appetizers and shit, the original post was also about one person's meal assuming alone. Which is still $20-25. You may live in an exceptionally expensive place, but yeah. Also stop buying beer and switch to water, you'll save your life a few years and thousands of dollars a year.

Welp, time to smoke a cigarette.

I don't get angry in general and i only play in groups of 4-6 but if we have a bad comp and we get rolled it sucks and i feel bad
but i can tell that wanting a winrate over 50% is making me a bit more serious and i don't want to ruin the fun because it is
actually great to have a good game to play with friends

>Also stop buying beer and switch to water,

waterfag detected

Yeah, I get kinda annoyed when people lock in a 2nd sniper or Symmetra on attack. I also get annoyed when people lock in a non-tank/support character when they're one of the last picks and see we need one.

After going on a 5 game losing streak seeing that shit gets to you even easier. Fuck those guys, seriously.