Quick! Explain why you aren't playing one of the best MMOs ever made right now?

Quick! Explain why you aren't playing one of the best MMOs ever made right now?

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Because it's dead, and will never be the same. Accept it.

but its not dead friend. the emu has many servers that are alive and well ;)

I've started and stopped so many times that I might as well wait for them to finish so that I know my character won't be deleted at some point.

No, it's dead. The community is gone. The energy that was when it was actually active is gone. It's dead. Claiming otherwise is like saying UO is still alive because some neckbeard who can't let go still hosts a server prior to trammel.

Looks like the cover of a Red Dwarf Box Set.

most of the servers arent going to be wiped. only the basilisk server is planning a wipe atm

Emu has 2 servers, the others are nothing to do with the "official" swgemu

true but its all the same community. each server slightly different to fit a variety of needs. its quite a nice system

>tfw I was one of the very first teras kasi masters on my server at launch

good memories

I already put a couple thousand hours into it during its prime.

I had fun, and it is a shame how it ended, but now it is over.

but i am

tkm is top-tier profession

>tfw crashing tryhard ktm/sword fags with commando/pistoleer.

It never ever stopped being funny.

My face i was only main Sullust in my server. holy shit i was such a snow flake.And yes i was not crafter but Pike/CH.

its dead Jim. SWGEmu will never be able to compete with the official servers population.

also, Basilisk is the only server with a sizeable pop and it will be wiped when JTL hits. the other servers which promise no wipes are too small for such a heavy community based game.

>start playing the emu
>t'wilek entertainer
>get overwhelmed and can't figure out what to do

I dunno. It's so big even with what's been added so far. I traveled to some other planets for work that was neat though. I wish I could get a spaceship.

I started playing months ago but havnt been on lately.

When does JTL come out on Basilisk?

not anytime soon id imagine

>>get overwhelmed and can't figure out what to do
What? dude its the simplest job in the game. just macro it and go AFK its as simple as that. if you really want to be blown away try going crafting and look at that crafting system, especially the resource system.

>When does JTL come out on Basilisk?
no date.

1. The server is full.
2. No one in their right mind should get into an mmo that is over a decade old.

No JTL :( I want muh X-wing

Entertainer wasn't my first job choice. I wanted to go droid engineer.

That is not Ultima online.

Was anyone else part of the NFA guild/city?

That was fun as fuck. Until I learned that bountyhunter wasn't even really in the game yet

Well, you phrased it like it was.

Did you get far in DE? did you get to the point where you were crafting for actual use rather than grinding and having to actually worry about tool quality and resource quality?

But user, Bounty hunters are in the game. I believe Jedi hunting even works.

it still surprises me how many people played galaxies for JTL

It was a long time ago.

Must have been at least 3 years at this point

The best MMO ever made is Lineage 2 Interlude. You literally cannot dispute this

I had much fun with a friend flying around in his Y-Wing he would fly and I would use the turrets or just me in my X-Wing helping him out or just chill in the yacht/falcon.

No I mean, I wanted to do droid engineer but chickened out because it was so intimidating so I went entertainer and still flaked out.

Maybe it was just a case of being overwhelmed in the moment. I should go back. It's one of the few games I can play on my toaster and crank the graphics to max settings. It still looks good too imo.

I'll never forget the time I got lost in the desert on Tatooine. I was miles and miles from the nearest populated player city. It was great. It took me an hour and a half almost to make it back alive as a fucking dancer with no vehicle or anything. I can't remember any game doing that kinda thing to me. It was great.

3 years ago, I do recall that was a /vg/ guild but I dont recall the name.

I was part of it though, had two houses in Best Korellia. its all dust now ;_;

but I am playing EVE

That's a funny way of spelling star citizen.

I had my fun, was in some great battles, that nostalgia thread fucked me up. I don't want to go back and ruin those memories.



I had one house and I was going to have another on a new planet but then I stopped playing and it was ded when I got back

>chickened out
cant blame you. I wanted to be a DE at first too, but it was too hard so I threw that character into the back burner and started leveling a TKA instead. but I eased into the crafting eventually.

No JTL, no deal.

Where do I buy it/acquire it?
I used to play, have an old copy sitting around somewhere, but I think it's missing a disc.

That's not even a game

you can just torrent it. emus just say you need to buy it to avoid legal bullshit

B-b-but I am OP, you see I met this nice man and he told me about this outstanding MMO, did you know that it won MMO of the year 2015?
store.steampowered.com/app/306130/ It's on sale right now guys!

Yarrharr, the bay has it for sale right now at a 100% discount.

torrent a copy of it. literally nobody (even the devs) care where you get it just dont go posting where da filez at on their forums.

I was hoping people would roleplay more or something. Maybe find someone to apprentice under but everyone in town is hard to talk to.

I guess it's not the same as it used to be but hopefully things have changed.

Here is the only picture I have oy vey

I remember this guy got me banned by lying to the mods

Because the best mmo is still worse than the worst tetris

Atleast its not a spreadsheet.

>bounty hunter with focus on pistols

this nigga knows

You anons could learn from this, enjoy the best MMO of 2015 user!

I played it when it launched and didn't like it.

already did everything was to do a couple summers ago. swg is a great game until you remember there's no content other than dwb/corvette and base busting is only fun for so long.

Nice meme
Have you ever even play EVE

I expected and hoped to find other anons on in some guild but the /vg/ one was dead. Goddamn.

Yeah at one point bas had more on it than the official servers did during live.
It used to get 3k on at one point

I am a huge Star Wars fan and am planning to start this game very soon.
Can someone give me a quick rundown of things to expect/tips? I've never played an MMO before. Are the Emu versions just single player, or does it involve other people? Does it take place in the KotOR times, or is it sometime in the movie timeline? Can you become a Jedi/have a lightsaber? Is it actually fun or just good for Star Wars fans?

Also, I see there are classes. What's the best class to start out as to be a simple shooting character?

I'm still new but do it if you love Star Wars. It really is like living in the world.

Of course I lived as a homeless T'wilek dancer, bar hopping, grinding and hanging out behind peoples houses while rumaging through my inventory.

Classes are deep as fuck too yo. Bounty hunter might be fun. I wanted to try it.

It takes place during the Galactic Empires height of power.

I think you can be Jedi now, i'm not sure. You used to have to work your ass off for it though and when you became one you had to hide it or get hunted by the Empire and bounty hunters.

Be a Jedi, dress like a pilot etc. Carry a blaster unless shit gets real, that sort of hiding.

Kek, homeless dancer, that's really cool, thank you for the information.
This sounds really elaborate and deep, interesting.

find a good guild most people are friendly and will help you get started. basically if i had to give advice id say be sociable, it is a socially focused mmo.

it takes place between epi.4 and epi.5

you can be a jedi depending on what server you play, however it is not easy to become a jedi since they were very rare during this era.

it can be very fun but its not for everyone.

if you want to play a shooting class i suggest you start as a Marksman, take a look at the profession chart once you get in-game and see how each profession branches into the others.

levelling is pretty much single player

it takes between ep4 and 5

you can be a jedi but it is a hilariously long grind (literally months just to be force sensitive, then more months grinding jedi xp) and you also become a target for player bounty hunters.

its fun.


this a basic list of the professions and skills you can have

also here is a list of the major servers that you can play on


user, what the fuck?


I have, I was just trying to piss you off. Never played star citizen.

you're forgetting the best part - the ability to mix them and make a Teras-Kasi Droid Engineer, or Bounty Hunter Chef.

your'e right my bad. yes, you can mix and match however you want. thank you user :)

Didn't they change Morag Bal from the God of Rape to something generic like the God of Evil or some shit?

I mean, if you want to have a truly evil demonic entity I think you should stick with the "Vampire making rapist" angle.

when will basilisk have jedi?

there's a bunch of servers that are already jedi enabled

you do not want play jedi on bas they're using the fucking village system.

>star wars
>no stars
what's the point

What's the village system?

a stupid grindfest.

so which server is the best?

Bas is literally the place to be.
Yes lets not do it the way the original was, lets just get given jedi without doing fuck all for it. Faggot

let me ask you a question. do you enjoy grinding 80 billion xp and then converting it to different xp with a ratio of 10:1 and then spending that different on skills to unlock more skills? do you also enjoy waiting months to unlock the npcs that actually teach those skills? furthermore, does killing rats on the ass end of rori for even more months sound like fun?

when will bas get jedi?

Basilisk is still the best, but Basilisk doesn't even have Jedi implemented yet and when he will he will use the village system.

if you want easy Jedi, go bloodfin but its shit otherwise.
if you want Jedi be avaliable but be more than just a stupid mindless grind go Awakening, it will still be grindy but its less grindy and more of an actual fucking achivement. you will need the "blessing" of the admins so be nice and be social.

both Basilisk is better than them in all departments other than Jedi and the fact Basilisk will be wiped eventually.

I dunno. I don't want Jedi everywhere either. It would be kinda cool to actually earn something for once.

I left a massive guildhall full of hunting trophies on Sunrunner Dantooine, put 15 years worth of maintenance on it and then quit.

That guildhall will vanish soon. So sad.

>Yes lets not do it the way the original was, lets just get given jedi without doing fuck all for it. Faggot
no one said not to make it a challenge, but the village was just a mindless grind. I think Awakening method is better - less grind and more reward for playing socially.

What do you mean vanish soon? If that was on the original it's been gone for a few years now thanks to a horrible, shittier star Wars mmo.

Fucking this.

SWGemu is so dead, the people themselves don't even play the fucking game where many of them have their avatars running on a bot. The hype of SWGemu died down. Not even the Star Wars movie brought back people.

So many fucking keks I've had where I run into some random town in the middle of nowhere with people in them only to find that EVERYONE is afk, kneeling and being run on a crafting script.

I'm pretty sure that if SWG continued with pre-cu instead of turning it into the class based rpg, it would have died down just like things are now.

Christ I miss my little hovel under one of the big rock archways on Tatooine. Just hangin out there bein a desert wookie with my dewback. Simpler times.

It's because JTL had a pretty decent dog fighting mechanic.

>mos eisley
>Laser blasters
Why the fuck do I need to craft bone armor in this universe? Didn't the devs think this though?

SWGemu is just full of bots now and I'm not playing until JTL. I quit right before it came out so I'm really interested in how it turned out.

I imagine by now it's never going to come out.

It was only fun when it was new and people didnt kow what they were doing. The exploring and interesting pvp between tons of scrubs was fun. Setting foot on a new planet and having no idea what was there because the mobs were too strong for 99% of people.

It's not fun when everyone knows everything about every single part of the game and has constant buffs to every stat they can manage before killing a womprat and then soloing a krayt dragon without taking 25% damage.

Everyone is a faggot. MMOs are all trash now because every quest, stat, and location is mapped out on 30 different website before the games are even released.

only retards stayed after the patch that allowed every mother and their wife's son to be a jedi anyway

I still have an unused copy for the free trial that was in the best of PC collection. I've thought about trying to sell it at a yard sale with a bunch of other stuff but I wouldn't want to fuck a kid over.