please user, get this bitch off twitch asap
turn up the trolling to 11
replace underscores with periods.
Please user, get this bitch off twitch asap
thanks, just donated $50 to her!
are they real or she's just obese?
Damn, those are some nice titties.
By troll you mean put my dick between those mammeries and go wild?
this haha just donated to call her a f***ing slut like the stupid wh**e she is
great idea opee
gonna tell all my friends to do the same
like we did in the good ol days of 4Chanedit:
>dear diary
>op was NOT a faggot
How do we still get threads like this daily?
Enough bans have had to happen by now.
What are you gay?
how did you make ur text green??
testing... don't flame me....
you don't need to add the brackets
just the arrow
>like this
Not your personal army. Let the tits live in it's natural habitat.
Sup Forums is not your personal army faggot.
Not your personal army
This is the best example for daddy issues, her arabian father pregnated her mom and left. She never saw him.
I believe in destiny
wait a minute that dick
please stop shilling your own shit on this sub
She got some nice tits.
Get out. Now. You have until the count of three..
Thanks OP I needed the fap fodder
okay but look at those tits
epic raid, my friend
simply epic for the win
Why is this thread still up? What are the mods doing?
>those eyebrows
>that accent
North Indians are the best
>Arab Girl
>titty streamer
dose titteees tho
fuck you faggot
I heard Sup Forums is getting rowdy again because of the football game yesterday. Also, they could be fapping.
It looks like she puts makeup on her cleavage to make it look deeper
Post fat titties
Tell me more about how GamerGate doesn't harass people.
>implying we're your own personal army
Go back to you moron.
uhh thicc
>Shirt lifted up to show her cleavage
>"Us Europeans are more stronger than the US"
Is this bitch serious? I also thought Twitch started banning people showing muscles/cleavage?
>get banned
>press a button
>wait 10 seconds
>press it again
If you've ever watched, you'd realize people actually pay to broadcast shitty messages on her stream. She makes money off this shit so you should just beat it and leave like i do.
i laughed at how fucking massive her webcam window real estate is. literally 25% of her screen space. then I looked at her top donation for the month and died inside. thanks OP.
Hey dude, she's pretty good, thanks for sharing. Instantly followed her, maybe I'll sub in the future
Dem tittays~
>Sup Forums liking other steamers
I just can't.
>tits are bad get off twitch
what's she doing wrong
If this is what white-arab hybrid girls look like then why is the migration crisis even scary?
I thought this was Sup Forumss pure innocent virgin waifu