I thought there'd be a thread on Zelda, but I guess not. I just watched this video and got pretty excited

I thought there'd be a thread on Zelda, but I guess not. I just watched this video and got pretty excited.

Breath of the Wild thread if anyone else is interested.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thats clearly link.

I watched this video and got more excited


nigga, it's an image board

if you want to talk about something make a thread
if anybody else gives a fuck they'll join
i made the thread yesterday



>There's so much speculation and hidden wonders in the fucking demo alone

>adult time line is all the childish kiddy shit
>kid time line is all the non toon shit

fucking pottery

actually Downfall is pretty grim, but yeah Child timeline goes for all the photorealism

i hope the next one goes for more gritty photorealism just to change shit up

100% is going to be hard work. There's going to be guides from week 1

They should keep this new style it's the best of both worlds

It's not bad, but I prefer Skyward Swords visual style better.

I think a lot of what turns me off on this one, is that the WiiU doesn't have the power to push a lot of junk on screen in an open world, and that weakens the visuals as a whole.

>Link is now right-handed because you press the action button with the right hand
Bravo Aonuma, it's not like the buttons have been on the right hand side since the NES or anything


Calling it now you unlock the Green Tunic through the regular Link amiibo

This game would've been a lot different if it wasn't also being released on NX. They clearly pushed the graphics further and possibly beyond what the Wii U can handle but they also stripped out all the gamepad functionality. If NX can't handle the full demands and more of BotW then it's a dead on arrival system


NX isn't going to be any more powerful.

Then Nintendo is Dead

post proof

NX is a tablet portable

Still waiting on the PH/ST pack

>Four Swords adventures

Eh, call me when they add someone more exciting.

that's not proof
post actual proof

Who the fuck cares what hand hes uses.

>implying right handed Link didn't signal the decline of the series

So there's different classifications of weapons based upon their origin and attack power. So far we've seen Boku, Travellers, Soldiers and I believe they spoilt Hero's by mistake/intentionally in a video interview

I saw another video and it looks like that could be the case, but in said video, a Boko Bow sparkled more than the other items. You could get a weapon with a rare skill.

That's like spoiling the Hylian Shield, you just know there is one.

The sheikah slate was based on the Gamepad you mongrel

So you reckon there'll be a Hero's version of every item. Axe, Hammer, Sword, Spear, Tunic, pants etc etc or will some of those have the classic names like the Hylian Shield, the Master Sword being the hero Sword etc etc

At the very least I expect Hero versions of classic items, perhaps spears and other less common ones get something like Sheikah X or Race Y names.

this game has some of the sexiest particle effects I've ever seen

I like the stealth aspects and picking up enemy items but it makes Link seem ever so slightly villainous when he raids a camp kills everyone, steals their stuff and takes their food

Men become demons...


[Citation needed]

I think there will be a master variant of all weapon types and I hope they all involve a quest to attain

Why do people do this?


But I'm a fag and I hate this

rip :(

>I'm gonna eat this apple
>Ah! It's hot!
>But not as hot as my dance moves! Hit it!

someone post the catapult vid/webm

Cause Link is cute.

> muh Koroks
Its obviously in the downfall timeline way too many things are pointing towards it.

Link a best! A BEST!


See this dude here? This is the same Deku Tree you meet in Wind Waker. This sprout exists in every timeline, which means that the Deku Tree does also, which means that the Koroks exist in every timeline too.


koroks are specifically the tree looking guys, the kokiri are the ones that look like children which are the ones that evolved into koroks because of the flood, their plant forms makes them lighter to travel easier through the great sea and they only eist in the adult timeline for the same reason.

the deku tree existing is irrelevant

>The Temple of time exist, in WW it doesnt, because after OoT the Hyrule castle was built ON the Temple of time
>The King wished to Hyrule to be flooded and wanted a new future for the Children.
>The Koroks can exist in anytime line, Koroks are the natural form of the Kokiri. They did not evolve, they just changed. Also, in TP HD there was a texture that was added implying that the Ruto existed before TP, disproving that WW has exclusive races.
>Hyrule was instantly flooded after ganon attacked the castle, that's because the guards are frozen in time when WW link arrives, so this cannot be before. In Botw ganon was in the castle for 100 years.

>>The Temple of time exist, in WW it doesnt, because after OoT the Hyrule castle was built ON the Temple of time
where does it say that?

I am so beyond happy that this works.

For the ToT, check gameplay videos, the ToT is literally there.
In WW, the Hyrule castle was built ON the temple of time because, the master sword is IN the Hyrule Castle. They needed to rebuild the castle because ganon destroyed it in the Adult Timeline, so they built the Castle over the temple of time to honor the Hero of time


Nigga, who gives a fuck?

So about all those skull shaped caves...
Do the bokoblin just like to carve skulls into things, or did a bunch of really huge guys die and leave skulls behind?

probably the first thing.

What do you guys think the towns and NPCs will be like?

External streets like TP, internal shops like SS.

I hope they feel alive. They've been alright with making towns feel alive before, but I'm worried since it'll be so big and so many in this one it'll be harder.

I'm not worried about NPCs, all I want is one.

old man seems pretty animated, whether he's the king or ganondorf or not. i have a feeling the characters are going to be great in this game and garner a lot of fanart.

Watching around the 16+ minute mark. He tries to cross the ravine on a log, but the log falls. I feel slightly dismayed that the ravine was an automatic bottomless pit, rather than just something physically deep. Hard to feel like an explorer, if there are zones that are programmed to be automatic death.

I need HD Malon lookalike milk jugs so much

lots of shit kills you dude. falling from anywhere high enough kills you. ice water kills you. it's part of the game. there have always been endless voids. i am not going to complain about something that wasn't changed. we've already seen that the game is fucking large. stop looking for the absolute tiniest reasons to try to say that the entire game is somehow not worth it. your opinion is lame and petty.


The endless voids are the opposite of being able to explore. If the game is about exploration, than it should be about exploration. They could have just as easily let Link plummet to a literal floor, and at least it would not have been an automatic zone.

tiny insignificant opinion, who cares, you're right i guess, but who fucking cares that much? you're still going to get the game. stop trying to use tiny ass superficial complaints to try to say the game is bad.

Who said the game was bad?

>mfw dropping Hero's Master Sword

No, that sounds like terrible design.

Games are still games, bottomless pits to auto-kill the player are much better than deep empty ravines for the sake of it. What if the players gets stuck down there? It would just be boring and frustrating,

The resurrection chamber will be able to warp the sword to you or something. I am sure you'll be able to retrieve it easily.

That is a Troy-level bullshit bow.

It's silly to have bottomless pits in an open world with an ocean you can visit.

I meant dropping it from a mob or getting it from a chest.

This is a game that includes a hand glider. And how is it more frustrating for you to fall to a floor than to instantly die, when getting across is the exact same task?

I expect it'll be a story/dungeon quest unlock with a great deal of ceremony. I think you might get drops of the Hylian Shield and Hero's bow and I can see the Tunic and pants being in a chest in a shrine but not in the Wild

I would not be surprised at all, if Link ends up receiving the Master Sword from the old man. Complete some percent of the game, meet him again, and he hands you this old magical sword, because it's dangerous to go alone.


Quit comma splicing you stupid nigger

He might give you a sword but I think you're going to be pulling the sword from the stone


bit of a stretch there m8

>A Hover-Shield.
>Towns that lives and grows alongside your interaction with them and progression of the game.
>Multiple mounts beyond horses.
>NPC(s) issuing bounty quests and rewards for beasts in the wild.
>Paraglider and jumping boots upgrades.
>Lovely girls.

>A flying mount.
>An alternative realm stretching the entire world map, ala Twilight Realm/Dark World/Lorule, with unique content.

i kind of see it.


Delete this.

uhhhhh, why is it called the legend of ZELDA and you don't even fuckn play as ZELDA this series is bullshit............

Stamina, Hearts and Runes can be upgraded in later shrines and we'll get at least one waifu in Zelda probably at least another. NPC are confirmed to give quests in an interview.

With teleportation, gliding and horse riding flying is unnecessary and would shrink the world.

I don't want another realm there's than enough room on the map for everything to happen in the regular realm and time.

You altered the entire map by unlocking the first Tower. I can't imagine that's the only instance of that happening in the entire game

>hylia statue
>ganon minus the dorf
>sheikah tech
>master sword in forest
>temple of time
Could take place fucking anywhere and nowhere, fampai.

I wish Link could fight with his bare hands and feet if he doesn't have any available weapons. I wanna see how Link fights without weapons.

um that's wrong tho?

That kind of goes against Link strengths, I always seen him as a resourceful fighter that relies on his arsenal, hand to hand combat would be weird for him unless it's something like judo or sumo.

Yeah I too kind of wish he would at the very least have something even without weapons, even if it would suck. The very notion of having to retreat if you run out of weapons is kind of sad.

Then again you appear to acquire magic early and you don't quite seem to run out of magic.

Personally, I think that it's a "post" storyline that takes place after all of the games and/or any of them.

Kind of like what Gundam did with Turn-A, where everything is canon but none of it really matters.

he's too much of a pussy

There will be a place to sell your wares, a place gather information, a place to get your sword sheathed if you know what I'm sayin' ZELDA 2 UP TOP

Will they return?


New gameplay from an actually competent Nintendo employee. New areas of the Plateau briefly explored

I'm really excited for the gameplay but I'm a little disappointed with the graphics. Link looks great, but the environments feel lackluster...It's pretty noticeable in the forest areas. The trees are copy+pasted and the textures are sort of muddy in some places.