What went wrong?
Fallout 4 Far Harbor
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how does this shit compare to the mediocre base game
Bethesda, they don't know what fun is. this shows that.
Bethesda refusing to let anyone help them design Fallout 4
Nothing really
It was pretty damn good
Just as mediocre except I guess Far Harbor itself is better to explore than Boston. Not by much really.
how so?
Regardless of what you think of the main game, Far Harbor is excellent. I still fucking HATE having a voiced protag and I hope Bethesda got enough hate and blowback to never put it in another FO or TES game again.
Literally The Old Hunters:Apocalypse Edition
>interesting new enemy's
>your choices actually made a difference
>the story was good
A locale that's an amalgam of Point Lookout and Honest Hearts with a story as barebones and soulless as Operation Anchorage and Mothership Zeta.
Bethesda S T I L L cannot grasp what made the New Vegas faction system great. The NCR-Legion conflict felt like an actual war/skirmish. The Bethesda factions feel like they're lost in time fighting an interminable cold war and can't even recall what they're fighting over.
but the gameplays still shit right?
What do I do if I tell the boS about the synths?
...the gameplay was never shit to begin with hell that one of fallout 4s stronge points
Epic, summerfag. Truly epic.
I havent played fallout 4 since a week after its release but far harbor almost made me wanna install again.
Wasn't good enough to keep me playing for more than an hour and this is coming from a guy who spent 80 hours on the base game
oh great im so looking forward to this meme for the next two months
fuck off, todd
>tfw your state gets shitty dlc for a shitty game
>The NCR-Legion conflict felt like an actual war/skirmish.
not really. with such a shit engine it looked and felt more like garrys mod
bethesda needs a better engine obviously
No, it didn't. What made people invested in New Vegas was the fact that it wasn't made by Bethesda and they could like a product while still being contrarians.
If Bethesda let another developer make a pseudo-sequel to Fallout 4 like they did with New Vegas people would eat it it up, despite it being a worse-quality version of an already mediocre product.
>Fallout 4 added decent gunplay
>Game is still horrendously easy with guns
>Game still just a quicksave/quickload abuse fest with no real thought put into the encounters
Quicksave/Load ruins games
Or it could be that New Vegas has genuinely better quest design and writing, two of the most important things for framing any conflict in an RPG. Mechanics like reputation and disguises certainly help, as do a slew of sidequests that impact their own little pockets of the world and the conflict as a whole. Bethesda doesn't know jackshit about interconnectedness because the potential for sequence-breaking and the general control they have to relinquish over how the plot plays out scares the dickens out of their already mediocre writing staff. Both the main quest and Far Harbor evince this clearly.
Are you honestly implying people disliked Fallout 4 JUST because it was made by Bethesda and not because it's a dumbed down, boring non-RPG piece of shit?
Are you also implying people only liked New Vegas because it wasn't made by Bethesda and not because it's a vastly superior game compared to Fallout 3 with better characters, better quests, more content and more RP elements?
Is that you Todd?
Lever action rifles
this tbqh pham
forced voiced protagonist
shit story
For the amount of time i played it, it felt a lot like it was trying really hard to capture the feeling of point lookout and totally missing the point or blatantly ripping it off. I mean, fuck they even did the cult drug trip thing. I sort of liked vr puzzle thing although it's more of a "oh hey it's something a little different" but even that could have been better (what's the point of tower of defense element?). I'll admit that Avery is actually a synth caught me off guard.
>Someone has a different opinion than I do so that old joker must be trying to pull one over on me :^)
New Vegas has very few improvements over Fallout 3, far more problems, and less spectacle, but people still weep and sing its praises because of blatant continuity nods. The faction system does nearly nothing. Do the same thing with Fallout 4 and people will receive it the same way. None of these games are good, people just play them to be pandered to, the difference is you people need older references than those who just got into the game.
They need to go back to top down rpg. Never will though, the first person gay shit sells to well with 15 year olds.
>the faction system does nearly nothing
Okay, champ.
I would love top down game. Maybe with some more tactical elements in combat. I like modern fallout well enough, but the battles get really stale. Enemies feel like bullet sponges and you just run around like a retard.
Point Lookout 2: Electric Boogaloo
Get the fuck back to /fog/, bethesdrone.
But the Lovecraft elements are purely aesthetic in FH compared to BB.
I'll also give props to Obsidian for actually having considerably-better knowledge about firearms. And being willing enough to wrestle Gamebryo into making ADS possible.
i wonder who could be behind this post
>calling someone Todd because they called you a summer fag
>being this new
2 months until school starts kiddo, have you bought your supplies
Among other things. They had trouble getting the reload systems for guns like the hunting shotgun and the cowboy repeater, and other guns like it obviously, to work in game.
>Bethesda didn't even bother to get looping reloads right in Fo4
Truly incredible.
> I have no counter argument so I will just incorrectly quote a meme, there we go now I have won the argument!
Also, the improvements over Fallout 3 are pretty significant and obvious, such as new dialogue options, skill checks and several other nameable gameplay aspects.
I feel that they do get the message that they fucked something up pretty badly when you compare it to Skyrim's reception.
Also I would reason that TES is far more safe from voiced protags than FO. If only because they're lazy. They won't get rid of the multiple race selection, and they wouldn't voice every combination of character.
The New Vegas factions were far superior obviously, but the individual feel to faction relations differ; which is one of the positives.
Throughout most of the game you get a cold-war type of feeling, until the very ending.
It's that individual factions have human relationships with one another.
The factions in FO4 don't feel like they're in a cold-war at all, outside of the fact that they're waiting for the player character for the plot to progress. In Bethesda titles the main character does everything. In NV the player helps and influences what is already going to happen.
FO4 factions are also opposed in binary. You are Brotherhood or you are not. While this is true in NV as well, it is only the major factions that have such relationships. And they are incredibly well established.
The BoS want to wipe out all synths because Maxson got cucked by a synth when he was younger or something. Despite a ton of overlap between the practices of the two factions. The railroad and the minutemen have no business being major factions without interactions with lesser factions and some degree of development regarding their issues.
If you don't like quicksave/load then why would you use it? It's not meant to be played like that and you aren't forced to use it.
Of all the things you could complain about in Fallout 4, you choose something that isn't even an issue unless you make it one.
Well, a territory mechanic would be a good start. For instance, the point of the game in which the Prdwyn comes into play would have been a good point for the 4 factions to start pushing against one another. The Institute and the Railroad could fight over installations of tactical value like the base beneath slocum joe's, while the minutemen and brotherhood could fight over settlements. Once the player soft commits to a faction, they can participate in skirmishes that would essentially work like defending settlements.
The reward for institute/railroad objectives would be a manned base of operations with vendors and items like the institute beacon to summon some help if the player is within a certain distance.
Then winning a brotherhood/minutemen fight would grant control of the settlement, some supplies, and a few NPCs with better stats and default equipment than a settler.
Not an entirely fleshed out idea but it really doesn't matter since the game is already released.
I believe they hired a FO3 modder who did ADS.
It doesn't seem too hard. You already have first person with an aiming reticle. Just need to script animation, screen and sensitivity changes and an edited projectile scatter amount to a single input.
It would be annoying to implement but it's hardly anything difficult in regards to the engine.
You would prefer having to go back several hours of gameplay when you die in a particularly stupid fashion like stepping on one of the nuke mines outside crater house?
like I have told yahl b4 . this game is ez mode fail. even by takeing away convinent saves fast travel and adding ammo lbs. there main problem remains there npc sys is fail. non of there charicatures are stand out neet there all mondain. also you cant be evil, rail roaded to allways be goodiy two shoes.
pretty sure they called em todd for defending fallout 4s terrible gameplay
>also you cant be evil, rail roaded to allways be goodiy two shoes.
This. Worst part of the way the sole survivor was written (and limited by being voiced). What if I don't want to play a goody two-shoes trying to find his family? What if I'm just an enraged spouse hellbent on revenge? What if that loss piled on top of the nuclear holocaust turns the MC into unrepentant raider who just decides he's going to slaughter anything that walks on two legs?
This is what makes FO4 so different and worse than the previous fallout/ES games. You're locked into playing Nate/Nora. Its not like its used to be where only a small aspect of your past was decided for you. for the record, it was
>You are in prison. Maybe you're a mass murderer. Maybe you're a champion of justice who got too drunk and punched the emperor's nephew in the tavern.
>You're going to be executed because the imperial captain in charge is a bitch.
>You grew up in Vault 101.
>You were a courier who may have had something to do with the Divide being fucked up. That nigga was straight trippin' though. He prolly did it then blamed whichever asshole followed his message.
user, haven't you heard? For a mere 25 burgerdollars, you can finally be an absolutely evil jackass raider with the upcoming Nuka World™ DLC!
Fallout 4 is not an RPG.
I wanted to cry, but no tears came. So, instead, I laughed.
>What if I don't want to play a goody two-shoes trying to find his family?
That's who you are in FO3 though. They're just continuing on in that style.
I mean sure you could technically become an evil mass murdering slaver, but no one but Three Dawg acknowledges it, and daddy loves you regardless.
so glad i didnt buy the season pass when i bought the game, really dodged a bullet there.
Same. I'm honestly livid thst Betheada level of quality dropped aonce Fallout 3. The Dlc was so much more memorable...even noe they wont use fucking assets in the BASE Game!
>Brotherhood of Steel
>Memory Den
Just random bullshit like Nuka world and shitty hearthfire packs.