>MtG now rips of Bloodborne
Can From sue for this blatant bastardization of their original setting? I don't want that kike Rosewater getting smug thinking he was creative for this at all.
>MtG now rips of Bloodborne
Can From sue for this blatant bastardization of their original setting? I don't want that kike Rosewater getting smug thinking he was creative for this at all.
I wan't wait for the new set already.
Poo in loo shitposting will be better than this bottom of the barrel shit.
When does the 7 year meme end holy shit. When can we make magic great again?
9/10 9/10.
Sadly no 10/10 waifu
We still have Sigarda and Thalia.
>they will never go back and restore Dominaria to its former greatness
>they will continue to use their stupid OC Planeswalker characters
is this a new mechanic?
Wizards probably did make it first, actually. They make sets well ahead of when they're released.
But it's only being used on 6 cards this set.
should've just googled it to begin with
man, meld makes MTG step way too far into Yugioh territory
more like ripping off shitty hearthstone cards lmoa
What's Bloodbornish about this?
Raise of Eldrazi was from 2009.
Phyrexia is a thing since almost forever.
no it was first introduced with BFM from an Un-set
Cosmic horror being injected into a gothic horror setting. It's shitposting phamalam.
lol thats kind of bullshit you can just plunk out gisela and not give a shit because when you cast bruna you can just rez her if she dies and meld and win the game
>victorian gothic horror setting invaded by eldritch abominations halfway through
Last good blocks were Zendikar, New Phyrexia and Innistrad.
farusu furag
The whole set
>Innistrad is a Victorian horror themed plane
>already visited a few years ago
>return to it because it was super popular
>but now have an eldritch horror from another plane enter and everything changes due to its presence
but... that's just basic lovecraft
what is this cartoony shit?
>Yawgmoth will never be revived and slap Jace with his BBC
>human rogues combines with rats
So where's th loli and dog fusion?
You're not the first post but you're still the best post.
Return to Ravnica was a good set but the other two in the block lacked, and it's been downhill since
>exile them, and meld them into Brisela
So Brisela is still exiled, right?
The card doesn't say where Brisela goes.
They saw how successful Hearthstone was with creature combat and have been pushing that ever since
quality blizzard art
probably cropped from some old fanart like most hearthstone cards
Don't worry. Soon phyrexia will return and save us from this stagnation.
All will be one, brother.
>cartoony shit
>the creators of warcraft 3 and world of warcraft
Nah, Phrexia's only chance is invading some shit noname plane. Even Theros would cunt stop them.
wtf is this?
why keep creating Official Names for gameplay mechanics?
I always like that combining shit from yugioh but I don't like that they refer to the cards by name. Like if you combined a specific card with a human or an eldrazi or something that would have been fine.
You might actually have brain damage, holy shit
saves text space instead of having a bunch of reminder text
>Kruphix even says they're fucked if Phyrexia attacks
>Theros standing a chance
Phyrexia is meant to be an unstoppable force once they make their way onto a plane.
I agree with him. I have no idea what "investigates" means in this context.
Creature power level peaked at innistrad though, hearthstone was in 2014, when theros was underway and their focus on creature power levels raising while spells didn't change was in motion
but then they go and reduce the size of the text box to justify it.
when did i ever say anything about exiling
is anybody else's Sup Forums acting REALLY REALLY bad irght now?
the banner ads arent loading and quick reply aint orking
> Even Theros would cunt stop them.
>Venser's journal had detailed plans about rebuilding the weather light.
>Weatherlight was Urza's ship and could travel between planes.
>Jin-Gitaxias is smart enough to not only understand these plans, but probably put them to action
>Phyrexian invasion imminent.
You don't play Magic, why would they care if you know what it means?
>missed out on Phrexia vs Eldrazi
Canon dead
Khans was basically all creature combat
More like I dont play neo-cuck-magic
Didn't Elesh eat all the other Praetors?
To bad wizards had said they'll never be in the same set
This wouldn't be a fight. Unless Phyrexia had Yawgmoth Eldrazi would win. At least I could say this with a straight face before the jacetice league
Phyrexians cannot sustain themselves on a plane that lacks in machinery and metal. If they wound up on Tarkir or the wrong places in Alara, they would get annihilated. The only reasons they were so successful these past few times were because of the Thran and Mirrodin both being robot heavens.
No, the blue and green ones work for her
>Want to get into magic more
>Buy bulk cards and some boosters
>Understand how to play the game
>Absolutely clueless on how to properly build a deck
Bloodborn players dont know any better user, everything is Bloodborn to them
>waah waah abloobloo
Recent sets are among the best they've ever done
I'm actually ok with the Jacetice League being the main characters. They're just the new weatherlight crew and they weren't written particularly well anyways. It's just that they're all so completely broken. Killed two eldrazi gods with a fucking fireball.
There was still UB and UW control and some crazy gimmick decks like Jesksi combo, but that did rely on creatures
You know they've Terra formed planes before, right? They don't need an all metal plane to live on. It just helps
just look up a top tier deck list online and buy those cards as singles lel
>Discussion about Shadows over Innistrad in the earliest interview
>Immediately close the video
I'm so fucking sick of Jace and Wizards as a whole. Innistrad has its own lore, its own players and characters, its own variety. The fact that they are using it as a battleground to fellate Jace even more is legitimately sickening. Lilliana being far more important than ever is a sign that someone is not-retarded working there, but these goons in charge of PR need to be hung.
But werent't Fetchlands in Khans which made Standard deck prices skyrocket?
this is still valid since otherwise you end up with a subpar deck unable to compete
t. Rosewater
>Wotc says they know people are sick of Jace and will focus on other characters
>Jace keeps showing up
>Wotc says Eldrazi were a mistake andwon't show up again
>Two eldrazi sets back t back
I love this flavor, hate how I probably wont ever activate it
Does it still cost $2,000 to play magic the gathering competetively?
Yes, i'm talking about the cost of putting Lotus in your deck which is REQUIRED to be competetive.
Then play the game and go to drafts
And what planes have they managed to actually do anything to post-Yawgmoth? The only reason they got anywhere was because Yawgmoth's power was unmatchable, and they required a plane's worth of White mana to blast him to death. A tremendous army going into a plane, while being headed by a Black God, who is opening planar portals everywhere, is different than an army of Phyrexians with their God not existing and a lack of planar portals meaning that only some can slip through.
>The card doesn't say where Brisela goes.
It doesn't need to, the Meld mechanic takes care of that without having to print chunks of text on every card.
I like the art
Innistrad was so good that it makes other sets better. The second Zendikar block was super disappointing.
Are you playing Legacy? Because $2000 is a basic entry deck, not even a good one.
Are you playing Modern/Standard? Not at all. You can get by in Draft for only a small price, or a custom deck on a relatively decent budget.
Not totally true. I made a bitchin Warrior deck in khans that annihilated meme rhino, GR ramp, and control decks. However, it sucked cock against RDW since they could easily outpace me with burn and goblin tokens.
However I wouldn't recommend making your own deck until you understand deck making and the meta.
Lotus is 10.000$+
Damn, what an autistic moron are you OP.
Standard is a lot cheaper, depending on the deck type you could go out as 'cheap' as a hundred but most of your cards will be bunk by next rotation.
Personally I only draft and thats because I like my shop and the people who frequent it.
>mfw reading Maros response to Jacetice League
This is possibly the best flavor set. Im fucking loving it
>Jacetice League
>Let me give a little context because I agree that it came across harsher than I intended. I get a lot of questions. I read as many as I can and I try to answer as many as I can. You all don’t see what I don’t answer, only what I do.
>Yesterday, I got a bunch of mean spirited questions about the story all clumped together. I work closely with the creative team and I know how hard they work to create the story.
>So I took the most benign question, because I didn’t want to publish the meaner ones, and posted my single response to the clump of questions. As you guys only saw the most benign question, I agree that my response felt a bit disconnected.
>Here’s my issue. I have no problem with criticism. I have no problem with people not liking something. All I ask on my blog (note not the Internet, just on my blog) is for people to be polite (I would like people to be polite across the Internet, but that is beyond my control). If you honestly dislike something, including any aspect of the story, I don’t mind you saying so, but please do it in a way that isn’t demeaning of the work.
>For example, if you are referring to the Gatewatch, please call them the Gatewatch. If you’re referring to a character or mechanic or place, please use the actual name.
>There is a way to address serious feedback that does not require people to trash the things they are asking about. The people that make Magic work really hard to create something awesome for you all to enjoy, so I’m simply asking (once again here on my blog) for you to do so with some civility.
>We’re not perfect. We’ll make mistakes or choices you disagree with. I want to hear those disagreements. I want to hear how you believe we can improve and do better but I do not want you needlessly insulting my coworkers and their work.
What a fucking baby
>expecting FROMfags to know anything about lovecraft beyond how it's used in BB
Are they going to release a new duels of the planeswalkers or is mtg duels just going to keep getting updated because its a garbage client
are you guys implying Lotus is banned?
If I go to an official magic the gathering tournament to try to win money i won't ever play against a lotus user?
if its in the meta, its required to be competetive.
different formats have whole swaths of cards banned
Standard is finally a good entrypoint again thanks to fetchlands rotating out, I think good decks start ~100€
Modern is a bit more expensive but still far cheaper than Legacy
read: formats
>1 mana 1/1 deathtouch
>ok thats not bad in this fatty block
>can become a 1 cost 3/3 deathtouch easily
Im very very scared at this
do you know what a fucking format is?
Lotus is banned in every format ever aside from Kitchen Table, and nobody that you know personally is going to be running a Lotus without everybody immediately calling them a faggot and scooping.
Lol better switch to MTGO goyim.
at least this encourages the use of cards that aren't just creatures, lands and artifacts/enchantments
Lotus isn't legal in Modern and Standard.
Just read the format definitions
I don't want to actually pay for cards
this guy needs to understand that people won't respect your middle-school-level writing just because they play your card game
The main reason Legacy is so expensive is because of the reserve list, which is still a dumb fucking idea since it was first brought. It's also the reason why Eternal Masters was so underwhelming.
This is actually a good card. Problem is you need 4 types in YOUR graveyard, but that's much easier to accomplish in modern than standard.
formats nigga, formats
1 mana 1/1/ deathtouch has always existed and was barely used, even in draft
I don't think delirium is ever activate in standard before the match is over. Even if you build a deck around it it's too much work for little payoff.