Hatred recently recieved a first person mod
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This is going to start a lot of shit, just watch. Especially after everything that happened in Orlando
omg who cares
Thats pretty neat. Only thing is the floating arms but I can deal with that.
I want to slay the gay
that muzzle flash seems like it would make this really not fun to play in first person. I can hardly watch.
the floating arms won't be changed, as the people who created the mod said they won't be changing it. also, the person playing the game in the video is the CEO of DC, the company that created the game.
There may be a fag killing mod soon, but I know that there may or may not be a school shooting mod somewhat soon.
I believe you'll be able to turn the muzzle flash down by tweaking the settings a bit, perhaps by turning down lens flare or effects quality.
pretty good
Noice. That honestly doesn't look bad.
>fag killing
>child killing
Well, as long as he's an equal opportunity mass murderer I'll support this.
The game is pretty hard on computers that aren't tanks, and being in first person perspective even makes it a bit tougher on low end computers. The game also has a color mod, along with some other mods, around 17-18 workshop addons in total.
>still looks pretty good
Dat UE4 magic.
God damn, I loved all the shit the game started when it was being developed. Fucking normies.
There's also a workshop mod that changes mister Not Important into Crash Bandicoot.
And Dante from DMC.
Just a few more mods coming through.
would have been better if it was a FPS from the getgo
I feel the same way, but it does bring a bit of Nostalgia from playing the original Postal back.
Also, 2-4 guys guys managed to make a top down view game into a first person game, with a few people testing it, of course. That's pretty damn impressive.
Current build of Hatred is fucking broken messy garbage. Activate pre-survival build (presurvival123) to get the proper experience.
I have to say the destructible environment was breddy gud and the fpp only adds to it. Decent.
my body is not important
what is important are my arms
>tfw Australian
>tfw the government doesn't believe I am mentally capable of being able to play this game without going insane
>tfw this same government thinks it's a good idea to expose 10 year olds to homosexuality
It's probably a shit game, but it's the principle.
Pre survival build isn't very well optimized as the current build is, I prefer the current build since it will run pretty smooth on my laptop, but pre survival has better blood trails and graphics, I think..
You can still order the game from the developer's website and they'll give you a code to use on steam.
You can also pirate it, but you won't have access to the neat mods.
I don't think it will activate on Steam cos of region locking. I can't even open the page to the game on Steam.
guess its time to replay it
I feel like I've seen this game somewhere before...
You can activate any code through add a product in the bottom left corner of your steam client (Unless you're using big picture mode, if so, why?)
You can use the code they give you to unlock the game, you just can't go onto the store page.
wait a second, its coming up as having been removed
can someone upload it on mega or some shit? i aint buying that piece of shit
pepe mod when
but the guy in hatred doesn't spout kuran jibberish
Hey remember when people thought this game was going to be super edgy and then it came out and it was just boring
Warning, the mod's pretty buggy since the game wasn't designed for first person, NPCs will sometimes pop in and out of existence (most of the time into existence, due to them supposed to appear while the top down camera is near), the AI are still pretty stupid and will run towards you, stop and do their idle animation, see you through walls and so on. If you're going to play the First Person mod, it's recommended to play the tutorial first as it will explain key settings to change for performance,
Not really. Everyone forgot about hatred because the game itself was average so not many people played it for very long.
This mod won't change that.
bumping request
>tfw watching the Columbine school shooting for the first time
Link to the mod
Link to the dev's website where you can (hopefully) buy the game if the steam store page is region locked.
Also, you can purchase a DVD of Hatred, if you don't want digital content.
no, it's cheap.
This game cucked the internet so badly.
SJWs went off on it, loyalists defended it like none other, and all that happened in the end was the fact that everyone wasted their money on this flash tier beat em' up.
The scars still run deep on Sup Forums.
>Not DmC
kek forgot the link
Sup Forums is full of cucks, they'd like this sort
DC pls go. You games are shit and nobody cares
shill/dev detected, just do your job and deliver, dont be such a massive asshole
This is incorrect. I live in Tokyo and cannot activate any region-locked games even with codes. There are many because Sega are massive cunts that don't sell games on Steam, so DBZ, DS1, COH, TW Rome, TW Medieval, TW Shogun etc. are all locked. I got the TW and COH humble bundle keys by trading for them; couldn't even access the page from Japan. Tried to add them to my account and couldn't because they are region locked. Still have the codes and am thinking of how to get them to work but may have to create a new proxy account just to play games I purchased.
I've never played the games
I wish it was a fps at first it would work perfectly
I'm not a dev nor a kike, I'm just a player that really likes the game.
I don't know regarding japan, but I've seen the devs talking about region locks in germany and australia being bypassed by ordering from their site.
No thanks
Ausfags worked hard for their R18 rating and we don't want its legitimacy brought in to question with this American weekday simulator.
Like I said, you can still pirate it, but you won't be able to get the mods, sadly. It's hardly deserving of the AO rating, it's pretty tame, but I'm afraid I can't do much regarding the region locks, sorry.
I got 80 hours on the game. beat it on expert mode my first playthrough, played some levels over again a few times on expert, when insane difficulty came out I played through it all again and beat it (levels 5 6 and 7 are hell)
Now color mods out and I'm doing it again on insane and stuck on level 5
fps mod needs more polishing those arms are stupid and it needs compatability with the color mod
I haven't played the fps mod and I can't really take it seriously until they fix the view and optimize it a bit better, plus the executions from first person are just stupid
>someone screams "hes shooting people" before he even starts shooting
triggered my autism
surprised it took so long. I would have thought this game would have really supported modding and get things like columbine maps really close to launch to keep riding that wave of edgy marketing and bad plublicity advertising
if the hand models could be removed and its just a floating gun it would be alot better
>Columbine DLC When?
you would think this content literally writes itself, a shooting in the news and you make a map for Not Important
The mod creator of the Mass Murderer mod said it was impossible to fix the arms, from what I remember. As of now, Total conversions and map packs are not compatable with eachother, but maybe some day in the future somebody will find a way to put the color mod and first person mod in the same package.
What's level five again? I'm currently playing the first person mod on Home, is it downtown?
Mod dev said he was thinking about doing that, but it made it look even weirder. You can read the comments in the workshop steam page for the creator's responses.
Yeah little things like that need fixing and need to not be in the next game
Yeah 5 is downtown
Seriously Hatred 2 when?
>no coldsteel the hegehog dlc yet
I would be creating some sort of fag slaying mod if I could get the editor tools to run on my laptop, since they're very heavy (even heavier than the game) on PC's.
Are there any mods to turn everyone into sandniggers and christians?
You can kill the muslims if you want, but no gays:
Why do the devs of this game always post on this site?
Yeah I played it, it was a decent enough Postal 1 esque shooter.
Why keep shilling it?
Last I heard from DC in terms of what they're doing, they released Islamic State Defense, and they said it was a side project to put out while they're working on a much bigger project, so, possibly sometime soon :)
still not worth playing.
shitty cash grabs are shitty cash grabs no matter how cool they try to be.
jej, I'm totally a dev shilling out my game, please buy it!11
You really think the devs would spend their time shilling here, of all places?
I thought it was pretty fun
I also don't buy shit because of Sup Forums boogiemen
Yeah, you think Reddits gonna buy this shit?
Why wouldn't they?
Not supporting Omar "The Gayslayer"
>Are there any mods to turn everyone into sandniggers and christians?
>Not one mention of killing Jews
How to spot a kike 101
Come on, you can guess the code! It's not that hard, just type in whatever comes to mind :)
I believe there's also a hitler mod in developement, but that may or may not be true, I'm just going off what I hear from friends when I talk about that.
What was his name?
They have taste, unlike Sup Forums
This is the only Omar I support.
I dunno if its a dev or not but if so for Hatred 2:
Include way more levels, 7 is not enough
Include more guns
Include more executions
Let us kill fucking kids, I don't give a shit about censorship the cuck countries like Germany and Australia are gonna ban it anyways, and if the ESRB wont even give it an AO rating then fuck em release it on the developer site directly
Make it so we can move through holes in walls
Make it so we can stop executing someone so like if we see enemies coming up behind us we dont just keep casually stabbing the guy and instead turn around and shoot at them
Stop giving swat teams almost as much armor as national guard soldiers
lots of other things
Has anyone written some 'I'm-so-offended' shit about this mod yet? Seems like some good clickbait.
Never heard of him, I do support Omar "Suck the cock, you get the glock" Mateen.
Actually, the SWAT soldiers have more armor than the soldiers, but the soldiers have weapons that do more damage compared to SWAT.
There's also survival mode, but I don't think many play that. 7 levels seems like enough for me, but more would always be nice, as long as it doesn't change the quality of the other levels.
I do like the idea of killing kids, perhaps they could sell it on their store, however people would have to download mods from ModDB or something similar instead of downloading it from the workshop, if there were any mods for Hatred 2. Who knows? They might not even do a sequel to Hatred, they may work on completely different games, but we can still hope.
Jesus the fucking edge
I find it weird that they put so much detail into graphics that you can barely see from an overhead view.
The game would have worked much better as a 1st or 3rd person over the shoulder view.
postal 4: monochrome edition
Thats even more of a problem, swat should have like half as much armor as the soldiers do
Also I dont want some cop out where like they let us kill kids but they dont make any noise or say anything, I wanna hear high pitched wails coming from, screaming for their mommy or daddy
I'd rather focus on the sandniggers though.
I was a bit dissapointed with the lack of screams from the civilians in the game already, there's not a lot of high pitched screaming as people run from you, if any, but more people begging for their lives as they clumsily jog away.
I guess the armor thing was to keep the gameplay somewhat balanced between enemies, so there's the low damage, low health enemies, the medium-low damage, high health, and the medium health, high damage enemies.
There's IS defense for that kek
no I was saying I want the kids to scream and cry
Someone just up the workshop files.
That's up tho whoever may or may not be creating a school shooting map, not me.