How do you guys feel about Overwatch killing League of Legends?

How do you guys feel about Overwatch killing League of Legends?

>Casual garbage killing casual garbage


DVA stronk.

I thought Koreans played Starcraft the most

I'm pretty ok with that


wew nice taste there Korea

>casuals hop from one casual watered down ultra-accessible game to another
>just to probably hop back once they're tired of not having any content
What should we feel exactly?

Let's see if it lasts before calling it the LoL killer

They're both trash but I slightly prefer Overwatch... well, more like I hate LoL the most actually

I don't play either but don't be delusional. Overwatch is already dropping in popularity pretty fast. The Twitch numbers have already halved from launch week


I can't shitpost and falseflag with this image floating around.

Riot killed LoL, not Overwatch

It's slipping, won't last the year

>5th most popular game on Twitch
>pretty much the only game that managed to stay that high in probably years at this point

Yeah it's obviously dead.

Are you stupid ? Even any CoD or GTAV PC stayed so high for weeks


Nope, and it keeps slipping. It is a new HotS

CoD definitely didn't and I'm pretty sure GTA also dropped to roughly the same numbers at this point.

So TF2 is dead by this retarded logic?

wait until there's more competitive tournaments/ranked mode and the good players start to get some spotlight, people will start following them
right now you just have casual streams at the top

>hop back once they're tired of not having any content
>hob back from no content
>league ever having new content
that's a fucking joke right?

Yes, has been for ages

not according to tf2 valve fans that shit post about how great it is when people are talking about overwatch

Yes it definitely is

How is TF2 not dead?

Competitive overwatch is only going to do okay from the funding, game has too low a skill ceiling

The more games on PC, the better. I have no complaints about this.

>Competitive League of Legends is only going to do okay from the funding, the game has too low a skill ceiling

-Starcraft fans back in 2011


k, you sound butthurt

>Wont last this year

Nice meme from last year mate

Cause Overwatch is boring to watch. Fun to play.

If 600 twitch viewers equate to 80K players imagine what 20K viewers equate in OW players.

that's retards like you said about hearthstone
and here we are.
it should be criminal to be that retarded and wrong

talking about twitch views mate, keep up

So the game's not dead? Ok, way to contradict yourself.

It's the same with every game. Of course it's more fun to play than watch

>talking about twitch views
do you struggle with reading? It is dead on twitch

While I agree that OW won't drop off, your point doesn't mean exactly too much since Stardew Valley had a monumental drop on Twitch

Happy. I like overwatch.

>shit is better than piss

Maybe 6 years ago.

>hurr durr I was talking about twitch I swear

Dat backpedaling.

desu MonteCristo is desperately trying to make another eSport happen for himself to grab onto because his League career is pretty much dead.
He made a complete asshole out of himself numerous times throughout last year and then got banned for not paying his team's players.

Not him, but who gives a shit? Twitch favors games that are fun to watch. First person shooters are not fun to watch. CSGO is the exception to this rule.

Why do people on this board literally and unironically use twitch views to gauge how many players a game has? People playing =/= people watching. Not ever.

Nice meme. I can cherrypick too user. Pic related.

Remember that Minecraft was only game that was able to get the no1 most played game on xbox live. CoD had been the most played game since 2007 with Modern Warfare and was sharing the no1 place with Halo 3, but since WaW in 2008 CoD had never been in second place until minecraft came


But piss is better than shit you idiot.

Do you have scientific proof to back that statement?

Not for nothing, but Overwatch is a harder game to watch then LoL to a complete newcomer.

And then there people like me that can't watch FPS at all cause I get motion sick if I'm not playing it.

Twitch might not be the biggest judge for this

riot deserves to rot and burn
such incompetence cannot go unpunished

overwatch has no content right now though, and sold so fucking much they have no incentive to create any

God a remember how in denial starcraftfags were about league when it was rising.

>hurr Starcraft ain't going nowhere
>durr league is just a new kid on the block, it will die soon enough

How are ASSFAGGOTS more fun to watch than FPS? This doesn't make any sense.

Overwatch is a fun game to play, but it does not have enough depth to be a successful Esport in the long run.

Right now the Esport scene lives solely on the release hype.

So it can only overtake mobas when they are at a low?

Yes. You can drink piss if you really need to. Shit will just make you ill.

they obviously don't play the game's that they watch.

because you're not stuck to the first person perspective of a single character

because the action is more focused on the macro aspect

because the fights last a longer time and are actual fights instead of somebody quickscoping a guy in 0,25 seconds

think for a second its not that difficult ffs

Kinda weird feeling. I thought LoL will be second wow and will be around for at least 15 years. Not that it matters to me. Turbo autists that play dota 2 never stop and the population is still somehow raising. I seriously think dota will outlive LoL, WoW, overwatch and whatever garbage comes after them

Dotafags said the same thing when Dota 2 was announced.

And look where we are now. LoL is still showing no sign of dying.

but can you build a castle out of piss?

That was just after Overwatch's release. LoL has already taken back the #1 spot, and that probably won't change any time soon again.

but dota is already dead dude

If it's cold enough outside, sure.

dota's population peaked last year and has declined slightly and been stagnant since then, you can look at this yourself. the idea that dota is an unstoppable juggernaut consuming all in its wake is spread by, as you point out yourself, delusional autists that do nothing but play dota.

>Overwatch moves to the number 1 spot, moving League down to spot 2.
>How do we feel about Overwatch killing League of Legends?

Sorry kiddo, but it's not dead or even dying as far as I am concerned, as unfortunate as it is.

Dont get your hopes up.

LoL will be the most popular thing for years to come.

Riot cant do anything to fuck it up completly (and yes i know whats going on with the game now)

It can overtake them when seagull or a tournament is streaming. That doesn't happen all the time so the numbers are low most of the time. Once other pros start becoming more well known/actually start streaming the numbers will go up.

makes me think lower if overwatch since it will essentially become the same homogenized mess that LoL is. especially if blizzard keeps adding characters over time.

Since its fucking hero based and there is no way to alter their stats in anyway and each character is designed to play super specific roles. Shit is just gona get lame and lower the skill floor over time to accommodate all that shit without casual nerdos crying to hard

piss is sterile and shit is not.

Wow it took a game even more casual than LoL to overthrow it.