Steam Sale 2016

Day 5 of summer sale
Any gems?
Don't know what you wanna buy?
Wanna show off your cart?

Discuss all these here.

>mfw bought Subnautica and nothing else

shit sale famalam

How is it?

Any cheap good JRPG?

I bought Squad and Company of heroes 2. Getting a refund on both as we speak.

So I've never played Grand Strategy or 4X games before. Anything on sale worth getting?

Tales of Symphonia is $8. Disgaea is $15. All the Final Fantasy games are around $5-$15.

shit girl redditmemer

Fuck are you me? I got a refund on Squad as well, it's fucking shit, they lied to me.

Squad I understand, but why are you refunding CoH2? That's a good game.

Crusader Kings 2 is the only good grand strategy, Civ V is the only good 4X




>Marlow motherfucking Briggs and the Mask of Death (not on sale, but every nigga needs to own this piece of artistic brilliance)
>Pathologic Classic HD
>any Paradox grand strategy game (Crusader Kings 2 is a good starting point)
>Age of Decadence
>Icewind Dale
>Grandia II
>Painkiller Black
>I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (trigger warning: literally the most fucked game ever made)
>Blood Bowl 2
>Gothic Universe Edition
>Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2
>Blood Omen
>Every Legacy of Kain except Blood Omen 2
>Sid Miers Pirates!
>Zeno Clash 1 and 2
>D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
>Killer is Dead
>The Darkness 2
>Every HeXen
>Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death
>System Shock Enhanced
>System Shock 2
>La Mulana
>Metal Slug 3
>The Void
>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
>Expeditions Conquistador
>Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2
>Trails in the Sky
>Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
>Shadowrun Dragonfall
>Shadowrun Hong Kong
>Stranger of Sword City
>Wizardry 6, 7, 8
>Death to Spies
>Death to Spies Moment of Truth
>Binary Domain

Just bought Resident Evil 4 and Stalker Call of Pripyat, they will be my only buys, I've never played any of them before. Is there anything I should know going into them? Any fan patches or anything?

it's fucking shit
so many 90 or 75 off games are now 50 or 40 off
what the fuck happened
civ 5 is like 95 off or something atm, which is cool i guess

Civ 5, Endless Legend, Crusader Kings 2

Aw, come on user, civ IV is pretty good.
Totally agree with you on CK2, but it has its share of bizarre paradox design choices.

Reminder that if you haven't bought the Age of Empires bundle you probably enjoy Nickelback songs.

I wasn't feeling it.

I bought papers please.
Ass creed black flag
Sleeping dogs

Civ 4 is old and irrelevant, Civ 5 is better.

Seething fucking casual detected.

CK2 is the worst. Vicky 2 and HoI 3 is where it's at

Repostan because I got no replies

Should I?

>civ IV is pretty good.

REMINDER Civilization V doesn't work on Windows 10 or does so wonkly.

Massive Chalice is 4 bucks. Is it worth it at that price?

Works fine for me

I've played hundreds of hours of it on Windows 10.
Works absolutely fine, just as well as it did on 8 and 7.
You're full of shit.

Fighting games are only fun with friends and I remember Kof13 having netcode issues.



not bad, but you can't buy the void or cargo right now since IPL are having troubles with their old publisher
the void is on gog though

how spooky is dead space

I have a weak constitution

that shit used to be 90 off
it's still a good game though


Fucking disgusting

Do you say "cheevos" too?

Do you have people to play it with?


>tfw poor but have money in $6 in steam wallet

Is this bait? Some user gave me Marlow Briggs around a year ago and I have it in my inventory

>no serious sam
You fucking weeb.

Does anyone unironically buy Cargo?

First one is fairly spooky, if RE4 is like a 3/10 DS is like a 6 but it's still a shooter. 2 and 3 has a few spooky areas but is primarily a shooter.

Not very it's like a halloween special cartoon sometimes.

Pretty startling. It wears off after a while. Controls are a bit clunky, which isn't a problem for most of the game, minus one really cool boss fight. All of the weapons are so viscerally satisfying.

It's a budget God of War clone that's surprisingly competent and unintentionally hilarious
Went for games that don't get a lot of discussion here. Every Sam sans 2 is worth a buy though

Made a thread but here goes again:

Which games of these series should I get?

-Deus Ex
-Command and Conquer
-Baldur's Gate

Unless you're real into survival, fighting, building games, I'd probably pass

i got it for 1 dollar last year
it's interesting

marlow briggs is a god of war game but it's actually fun

Xcom2 digital deluxe or D44M?

Brutal Legend is 1.50.

You should buy that.

>never bought a game on steam before
>now I am spending too much

I bought
- Portal 2
- Evoland 2
- Terraria
- Tabletop Sim
- Speedrunners
- Stanley Parable
- Battleblock Theatre
- Duck Game

So far I've bought Dragon's Dogma, Transformers Devastation, Subnautica, Planetary Annihilation: Titans, and some CK2 dlc. Still might grab one more thing tomorrow, currently looking at Disgaea.
Awesome game, probably a bit scarier and more intense than Resident Evil 4 but not like Alien Isolation or Amnesia levels of scary. 2 and 3 are also great but much more action focused.

All of them. Skip Returns if your on a budget
>-Deus Ex
1 and Human Revolution.
>-Command and Conquer
Don't give money to EA, the original creators don't get a cent from this.
no clue
All of them. Only get the reboot ones if you're on a budget
>-Baldur's Gate
All of them. Skip the new expansion

Sure, it's cozy.

Should be more than 50% though.
If you have a big backlog, wait for Winter sale.

Buy the Age of Empires bundle.

WHY are more people not purchasing the most BADASS game of the year?

XCOM 2 is my GOTY

Should I even buy Fallout New Vegas even if I already own it on console? The Pc i'll be using is a "semi toaster"?

>-Deus Ex
original and human revolution
enemy unknown. the enemy within DLC is good but it's also HARD AS FUCKING BALLS

I think that Xcom2 has considerably more replay potential.

Fucking yes. Fun with and without friends. Have 47 hours and bought it since the sale started. Better than Minecraft imo

What is Age of Empires about?

Don't worry mate, after a couple of sales you'll find you own literally every game worth a shit and dont get excited anymore.

t. 500+ games on steam.

RTS but actually fun.

xcom 2 is great if you're bad at video games but want to feel accomplished by beating something with heavy RNG stacked against you

Definitely recommended for fans of, Darkest Dungeon, Hearthstone and slot machines.

works like a charm senpai

Is Resident Evil Revelations 2 worth picking up if I liked the older Resident Evils and 4, but hated 5 and 6?

What is RTS?

what's a comfy fuck-around game that isn't a truck simulator

YES. Lisa is one of my favorite games of all time. I paid full price for it when it came out, like 15$ i think, and it was fully worth it.

No just pirate it.

Battleborn devs pls go

coh2 sucks and is casuals only desu

I'm new to Fallout, should I try the first 2 games?

Not very, its a bit tense at times but you have weapons anyways so who cares
SR Dragonfall is great, but I havent played the others
DX1 and HR
Red Alert 2, not on steam
dont know
Go straight for 2 if you have the money, otherwise get Enemy unknown and within, UFO defense is great if you're into old games
Dont get BG on steam, get the classic versions on gog
Xcom 2 has more value, D4 is 36 bucks for a 10hr campaign
How much of a toaster? If the computer is 2013 or newer, get it but probably skip the more intense mods

Fucking preactivated cyberdisk. Fuck gankplank. Its a special kind of hell when you don't enough lasers/carapace for the entire fireteam. Especially with Long War installed.

Converting every tree on the map into magical entropy defying farms. Using up all the gold on the map and getting into giant spearman battles.

age of empires is fun as fuck for comp stomps with friends

buy that shit

Why is it better than Minecraft?

>What is RTS?

R.eal T.ime S.trategy

>Age of Empires
bro that game is like ten years old and the graphics suck compared to civ games.

Real Time Strategy.

You make armies and build cities and then destroy the opponents armies and cities. AoE2 is very accessible. AoE3 is good too.

Remember when they used to have flash sales and games for Steam Sales? Now it's just everything is on sale for two weeks. Lame.

Games for summer

it can run Limbo at high in 30fps. That enough?

>likes 4
>hates 5 and 6

lmao nah i imagine retarded faggots wouldn't enjoy it

Different user, but Terreria plays more like a sidescrolling platformer/hack and slash game than minecraft. Combat is much less of an afterthough, and much more smooth.

AOE3 is pretty fun. The card system is hit or miss, but watching the cannons rip formations apart with the new physics engine was so nice.

Oh no. Old game. Muh graphics.
Kill yourself.

dont bother with the old games their not made by bethesda stick to the real deal so you dont get let down.

The season pass for Fallout 4 is looking real good I gotta say, whole new locations to be endlessly explored and add more to a great game making it even better so dont get left behind in the digital dust by not getting it during this summer sale.


Yes play 1 and 2 then be content knowing no actual sequel was ever made.

yes, but don't buy them right now
wait for a winter sale, because all the fallout games (excluding 4 of course) used to be 75 off
you're getting ripped off if you buy them now; you might as well pirate them

not into RTS


Has more depth, materials, tools ,weapons, crafting syste , mobs, bosses, anything you can think of it is minecraft on steiroids.

Yes, but pirate them. Start with 1. The time limit seems scary at first, but it's more than enough if you don't spend time fucking around on the world map. Save in many slots before traveling just in case

Yea I played it on console and didn't like it much. Maybe I should get it on PC???

I got a CoH2 key as a gift

It's pretty boring and it just clutters my library, I wish I could refund it

>Blood Bowl 2
Is it really? From what I've heard everything got shittier from 1 except the graphics.


Oh, I would pick it up but I heard those games have lots of maps so I would need an SSD and I don't own one.

I liked 4 because it was new and refreshing and 4 still felt like horror.

This sale is killing me. There's absolutely nothing. It's a barren wasteland. All this dosh and there's nothing worth spending it on. I don't even have a single funtime happy joy game to play during the sale.

I thought 1 and 2 sucked but Im more of a power gamer so I would suggest going with the more recent ones which are superior to the crappy old ones which are better off forgotten about because everyone hated them before Bethesda started making them.