Why do people keep falling for the Kickstarter scam?
Why do people keep falling for the Kickstarter scam?
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>the Kickstarter scam
Because "Kickstarter" itself is not a scam.
Its just easy to scam people with it.
Game looked like shit, those people deserve to lose their money.
how much did that Daniel guy donated?
srsly he is as much of a faggot as the creator, game looked like shit since the freaking announcement
shut up, you a faggot!
Tyler, pls.
I don't know. However the creator gave his word to refund and as a man he should keep his word.
Unless there is a playable demo and/or actual developer pedigree (previous quality releases) be very careful, if they look like a hipster numale cunt they probably are. Also
is a huge red flag. There are great spriters out there, but if the art looks like programmer art, stay the fuck away.
Personally backed both Grip and Overload, Grip failed it's Kikestarter, but the developers kept going, it's come a long way and looks to be a potential hit,
Overload is from a few of the original Descent creators, had a playable demo before KS, it played better than a lot of modern full games.
If it looks dodgy, it probably is, do your fucking research and don't be sold by teh buzzwords.
Remind me why Kickstarter/early access is bad again?
Wasteland 2
Torment 2 (early access build)
Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Divinity Original Sin
Kingdom Come Deliverance (what I've played at least)
Shadowrun Returns/Hong Kong
Satellite Reign
Grim Dawn
Darkest Dungeon
Shovel Knight
Legend of Dungeon
Guns of Icarus Online
Gods Will Be Watching
Among the Sleep (first person horror game from the perspective of a toddler)
Sunless Sea
Octodad Dadliest Catch
Sir You are Being Hunted
Hard West
Lifeless Planet
Organ Trail
The Escapists
Insurgency (failed Kickstarter but got a build out in early access and funded development through that entirely)
The Banner Saga
Why should I give a fuck if dipshits with too much access to their mother's paypal accounts give money to babby's first unity project? I got these
A few scumbags abusing the system and people pretending that's the standard.
Because for that handful of good games there is a literal fuck-ton of scams and garbage.
Was Among the Sleep any good?
Seems indie/crowdfund is the only way to get innovation in the market, AAA is the same shit repackaged with a slight twist.
Shame there is so much shovelware/scamware cropping out of it, though.
Sup Forums conflates hipster pixelshit with independent development, "indie" is an instant turn off.
Those "literal fuck-ton of scams" didn't get funded above $20,000-$40,000 (fucking nothing in gamedev/sales)
I really enjoyed Among the Sleep.
I just listed every Kickstarter worth a damn because those were the only ones that got funded a reasonable amount
you listed a long line of shit. popular shit, but shit nonetheless.
It was really good for the little amount it had. The only problem was the game was pretty short and not really worth it at full price. It's current sale price on Steam is okay though.
Don't forget Undertale and LISA: The Painful RPG.
Man funded do and end up being critical and/or commercial failures.
can someone post that image graph of how 1/3 of Kickstarters that are willing to deliver while the rest is left in the dust for months?
As I said before, who gives a fuck if people toss their money at babby's first Unity game? Which most of those are.
I listed the notable games because they're the ones that deserved funding. Go look at most kickstarters and there's tons of red flags everywhere. I'm not funding those. Retards are, and retards deserve to be scammed.
>mfw daniel probably didnt get his money and falco probably got his indie fans to harass him into stopping
shoulda never donated to a pixelshit game
Sounds like the kind of games Sup Forums would love.
>Falco Girgis
Because most devs are incompetent and want to treat backers as angel investors.
Could that guy have anymore of a douchebag face? A face that you'd love to punch?
does he prefer d-air?
Not just a scam artist but a rapist. Who'd a known?
That's 10 years of funding for me.
This is why kickstarter is a bad idea. It should give them a percentage per month.
This guy didn't need a lump 185k. Not a lot of normies can handle that amount of money. You know this guy probably bought a new car and ate a steak dinner every night.
He used it to get a hair transplant. Not kidding.
I feel for it because I was young and dumb. Not all kick starters are terrible though. Little Witch Academia was actually good. Of course that wasn't a video game...
Okay, am I the only person who thinks this game looks like garbage?
One of the main points they made on their kickstarter page was their amazing custom graphics engine. Then they just take 2D sprites and stand them up on a 3D background to the absolute worst effect of all time.
And then I see a game that looks *****THIS BAD***** gets funded over their goal of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS.
Is there something going on here? Am I being tricked? This game looks like trash.
The game definitely looks like trash. Compare it to a game like CrossCode which got half the funding but looks way better than that shit.
>guns kill people
Okay. I just feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people talk about how amazing the game (Elysian Shadows) looks. Other than that, why did this game get so much money? I literally cannot figure it out.
Man I've already sworn to mug Chris Roberts and personally get my money back if/when Star Citizen doesn't come out, but if a dev said that kind of shirt to me, I'd feel compelled to kick his ass on general principle. I know I sound like an internet tough guy, but in these two specific cases I'd actually follow through
Jesus, whoever backed this got scammed.
6 month gaps in updates, fuck all done.
Mainly they got all that money from people that are desperate for any game that hits their nostalgia. I think a large part of it was due to them saying it would be a Dreamcast game as well.
>pixelated spats
The best.
>Next gen 2D
>Dreamcast and Ouya
Anyone that fell for this needs to be shot. The world needs better people in it, not worse.
This generation is full of gullible, overly emotional imbeciles, that's why.
So, has there been any word on how badly Schaffer is botching Psychonaughts 2 yet?
Aside from the well known fact that his not-kickstarter site is a complete and total scam.
Hey, the left has worked long and hard to destroy public AND private education from the inside while blaming the minority of the right for destroying it from without.
The fat characters are a turnoff.
Is this another fetish-fueled game?
Shut the fuck up.
>tfw I only found out about Dual Gear after the indiegogo ended
Damn it chinks I would have donated to this
Yeah, I hate those f*cking liberals too XD
Not the liberals, the commies.
Fucking shit, you think a dumpy purple haired slut wouldn't have rallied THAT MANY beta cucks to blackout her internet drama.
Because people are more stupid than monkeys
they want to have their head in the sand on purpose
oh game 15 just scammed me wtf is this? 3 months later ''OMG GAME 16 I GOTTA FUND THIS''
This is my fetish.
Also what the fuck
guns dont kill people, it has the potential to kill
Nuh uh.
I kill people.
With guns.
>this got 10k
>begged for it
i get you dislike him but that doesn't make it rape
I don't understand. Do people really want to fuck snek so badly.
Sum it up quick
>guy wants to make a family friendly RPG game based on the hentai game
>even includes his wife and kids in the campaign video
>asked for 5k, gets 10k
>over 3 years later nothing happened
>just given excuses after excuses during that time
>guy wants to make a family friendly RPG game based on the hentai game
>he's still working on it
>I've been experimenting on Blender
>I think it'll make better quality models
>3 years later
>back to square one
I've contributed to truthful and successful kickstarters, so that makes you a genuine liar OP-loser.
Why, I bet you are so life-threateningly autistic and out of touch with reality that you don't even know that Kickstarter s used for things besides video games.
>Every kickstarter is the same.
Oh OP, you're so stupid you're going to die soon.
>Was Among the Sleep any good?
I finished it+DLC in less than 3 hours. Didn't bother me a huge deal, because I'm into VR and they had been advertising VR as a planned feature. Then they decided "nah, it's too hard" and dropped it completely. No compensation whatsoever.
If you buy it for VR, you'll be disappointed. If you buy it for a story, you'll be disappointed. If you buy it for scares, you'll be disappointed. It's mediocre in every single way.
Stupid people, the last time Sup Forums fell for a ruse it was Spore.
How is Falco Girgis not in jail?
You mean the last time you fell for a ruse? Sup Forums on the whole is regularly suckered by stupid shit. There were so many desperate Mega Man fans on here backing MN9.
No charges filed against him warranting an arrest or legal action.
Even in be American get shot -istan you can't be arrested for anything he has said or done.
Unless they raid his house and find drugs he's fine, and no one cares about him enough for that.
>TFW backing something over 3 years late
Because some good games came out of it too.
I personally am fond of the fact that Freedom Planet, Undertale, Hyper Light Drifter, and Skullgirls exist.
How about Anita's kickstarter, anons?
has she even finished releasing those videos?
She gave up after releasing like one third of her promised videos like 4 years after her deadline. Now she's moving away from video games into history.
>there are people who paid money and are excited for this
That video just confirmed that she doesn't give a shit about what she's talking about. She's just there for the money. Clever jew.
someone post the "stress" posts
Is this what a cult looks like? Bear in mind that the "game" was already in development for over a decade at the time these comments were made.
>falling for honeyed words
Is he literally 12? How can an adult be so fucking delusional as to not understand that this is just about money?
Fucking indie game devs
is there any other industry that's so filled with entitled and obnoxious creators
Either we're talking retards, fake accounts or troll accounts.
If comic artists were paid more than literally next to nothing for creating their own content they'd be the scum of the earth
For what purpose?
allow me to live deliciously, phillip
That's the power of nu-males.
A lack of money isn't stopping dobson from being a waste of skin
I've been seeing people fuck with Dobson for over 3 years now and I still don't understand what is the obscession with some guy that literally sits in his isolated corner along with this shitty opinions, not even having an ounce of popularity or relevance.
Source on who made the GIF?
Could I kickstart a comic? I've got an idea for a comic but I can't draw for shit.
>last human on Earth is saved by an alien race
>lol its just to be in Gladiator battles
>Battles are a mix of WWE, old School Glad battles and some gunplay
>bro-tier alien races
Money laundering
You can kickstart practically anything. Get an artist that has a particular style and advertise it. Sup Forums might give you some feedback, if you are serious about it.
that's a pretty cool idea
If you really can't draw you'll either have to finance a one-off with your own money or offer proof of concept aka character designs, drawn by actual artists before you can get the kickstarter going
Yeah I'd probably do a one issue prolonge/teaser out of my pocket before I kickstart it.
Is game design a way of prolonging your childhood? Is that why these people are so infatuated with it
fuck off phillip youre such a cunt
>this fucking ingrate got 200k for something increidbly shitty-looking
>I'd be lucky to get even 2k for my game if I ever kickstarted it
Just fucking kill me please.
Should have made a bunch of shitty ''how-to'' indie development videos and advertised yourself as an ideas guy earlier
You would've been having ALL the cocaine, narguile parties, failed hair implants and Zoe Quinn's roasty
What in the fuck was that?
Arena 1989 movie.
At least she's out of video games and can bother another group
Pls be good Yooka.