Has Capcom ever released a broken(glitchy) game


DMC3 and RE4 on PC

SFV launch was a disaster.

It's recovered since then but wew lad was it bad.

That was Ubisoft, user

Netcode is still shit and loading times are still ridiculous.

Dead rising 3 on pc? Revelations 2 had a few glitches that were quickly fixed.

RE4 was a bad port but wasnt glitchy.

From all the nips trying into pc, I think Capcom is one of the few that got it right. MT framework being godly helped that reputation a lot.

Resident Evil 5 exists. Me and my friend constantly fell through the vehicle during the shooting portion. Reload. The vehicle explodes instantly, and never stops until we turn off the system.

Street Fighter 2
and they revolutionized the fighting game genre by doing so.

Netcode is bad, yes.

Loading times? What loading times? Oh consoles. It seems you have an issue with your platform of choice, not with SFV.

Cant remember glitches. Just bad netcode. Locally worked great since the first day. I dont know why would you call SFV broken. It worked really well on consoles and pc.

Ubisoft was just the NA publisher. The actual developer of the PC ports was SourceNext.

Works on my machine.

>tfw 4K RE5 and LP2 on mid-grade hardware with no hiccups

They released one which clearly not a single fuck actually decided to test.

I bought that game day one, 100%'d it, and have over 300 hours thanks to mercenaries + DLC and neither of those things ever happened to me.

Not that it matters in retrospect, as the game was mediocre at best anyway, but still it was at the very least functional iirc.

The only really broken game is Dead Rising 3 on pc. The rest are memes. The last street fighter ran great on pc since the first day. I cant remember a single crash.

I guess I got lucky on DR3. Was/is it crashy, and/or just not very optimized?

Random crashes for most of the players that were never addressed. I envy you if you can play it properly. I had to play a pirate version because the one I downloaded from steam refuses to work.

X6 wasn't glitchy/broken just bad design.

The loading times are shit on PC too, you faggot.

Broken as fuck. Boss who you can't damage if fought in the wrong order, Minibosses whose weak point becomes unreachable if playing the wrong character, Areas you can't pass unless you've unlocked a full fucking armor and so on.

Street fighter x tekken.

On release the netcode made it so sound effects were cut off when the game syncronized players during a match.

Again that's bad game design not glitches or bugs.Also you can make that jump with X if you use a part you get from saving one of the reploids.

Literally half the loading of any other modern fighting games. SFV loads marginally faster than mk9,mkx, injustice, gg xrd, even faster than sfiv ultra.

What kind of shit pc do you have?

SFV, both platforms, net code was fucked

Monster Hunter Tri on Wii

RE4 on ps2

Okami on the Wii

SF2 combos were a glitch you uneducated brand fanatic.

How convenient. Why separate Broken and Glitchy if you consider them the same?

>Monster Hunter Tri on Wii

Best be joking nigga, 600 hours and not a single issue.

>the "what are you poor" fallacy
look at this PS4 player.

What issue had RE4 on ps2? It looked worse than gamecube but wasnt broken or glitchy by any mean.

Could bad netcode be considered a glitch?

Umbrella Corps

Well, I have pretty much every fighting game on pc I can say 100% sure that SFV has smaller loading times than any other 3d modern fighting game. And I dont have a great pc. Just an average one. How much a bad pc do you need to have to get large loading times on sfv?

This one is a winner.

Final Fight Revenge

Because there's a clear difference between a game with bad design compared to a glitchy/broken.
It's like comparing Sonic 06 to DMC 2,
Sonic 06 is a broken mess,
DMC 2 is a game with bad design

This. Got it free from PS4 gameshare buddy. Man that game is trash

USF4 PS4 (although that was ported by Other Ocean Design).

>Could bad netcode be considered a glitch?
Does it make the game act differently than it should?

Then yes.

>mk9, mkx, injustice
I wouldn't know, I don't play kusoge
bullshit, xrd loading screens are short as fuck

>Has Capcom ever NOT released a broken(glitchy) game.


RE for gameboy

Mega Man Battle Network 4

Resident Evil Revelations 2 for PS3. The Portuguese translation was terrible and some bosses like Alex Wesker have AI problems.getting stuck in things like walls. But it's still a good game.

>people think games has some minor problems that sometime apply to some people mean it is a broken glitchy game

>X6 isn't broken
There's a jump later on in Gate's lab you can't make unless you have an air dash, so if you're unarmored X or Shadow Armor you're fucked when you get to it.

Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor. A full priced game sold at retail that flat out does not work.

that's bad game design not glitches or bugs.Also you can make that jump with X if you use a part you get from saving one of the reploids.

Did you miss the part where you can instantly kill most bosses because for some reason, if zero's saber is inside them while guard shell is up, it damages them every single frame?

Also cancelling one of Zero's moves through environment (i.e. falling off an icy platform while performing the move) makes him invincible for the remainder of the stage?

Game is still shit nothing changed.

what you're referring to is dash canceling and it's not really a glitch more so an exploit.

>hurr durr
It was a side effect of making special moves easier and they intentionally left it in because it was cool.

Are You Fucking Kidding Me OP?

Anybody up for some Megaman Soccer?

Do you think this is some kind of joke?

This game just sucks it's not glitchy/broken.

Never played it but heard this was a complete train wreck

Mega Man DOS

I beat both DOS mega men and haven't encountered a single glitch

>the finger
>physics bananarama
>bugs galore

I think people are confusing glitchy/broken games for badly designed games,mind you broken/glitchy games are badly designed some games aren't broken messes but are still designed badly.(DMC2, X6 and X7)
