Vidya cringe thread?
Vidya cringe thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
please no
At least they have someone, christ ;_;
It's rage you fucking newman.
>At least they have someone, christ ;_;
Have some fucking self respect
Whats cringe about that?
tape is cheaper
is this supposed to be funny or something?
What the fuck
What the fuck is this
Does he just have dead pixels or something
It's a jelly belly pet rat gummy candy. He says it right at the beginning
Is this the guy that made the "Why I'm a Gamer" video? Has the same autistic accent and voice
>he says while he shit posts on Sup Forums
Nope, but he's just as cringey and autistic.
no its an actual thing and it could actually be helpful in certain games but i've never used it
this kid actually hates undertale, but the way he displays his hate is autistic as fuck
Never have I cringed so hard. Holy fuck.
2 of the girls in that speedating thing were actual bangable, who woulda guessed. Not any of the ones that fat guy sat with though.
Yeah but those two girls looked completely out of place and I think one of them decided they weren't interested in any of the men.
>open video
>read title
>close video
Oh neat. I had no idea that was a thing.
It gets worse, worse than you can imagine.
Watch it you pussy
video games
I wonder if they ever became normal or just killed themselves
>fast twitch shooter
they became one with the foam
dont watch it man dont do it
i fucking kek'd so hard when the girl went out of her way to choose him at the end and then he said literally a min later she told him she just wanted to be friends. how do you fuck up so badly in 1 min? why did she sit with him in the first place if she was so iffy.
at the end I felt bad for him but he brought it on himself.
I don't need reminders
Oh no
I'm a legit aspie and even I think those 2 need to kill themselves
That fucking dog
Did they ever actually do anything with it or did they just waste hundreds of dollars for shits and giggles
>Trump supporter
Tear this fag apart, Sup Forums
They rolled around in that shit and wasted it.
where do you think you are?
Fuck off weeb scum. Kill yourself.
Just for you
Those are a thing. Its for esports faggots who need an edge in the few games with guns and no reticle.
Not your personal army, faggot.
Isn't that dead pixels?
NYPA lad
also MAGA
I'm no weeb family, but the honest truth is that this place is infested with weeb memesters
nice try though
Fuck off Go back and worship your new Hitler.
It's so weird seeing new people try this hard to fit in
>I have an army of internet comrades that will totally attack anyone I disagree with politically
I remember being 13.
Dude, what the fuck did i just watch?
Lmao, cuck off back to /r/S4P
Jesus Christ
only one of those posts (mine) was in support of donald trump lad
understand the chinese unanimous message board culture okay newfriend?
I can feel my body compressing into diamond jut from the thumbnail and title
>being a Trump supporter is bad
And you can fuck right back off to reddit
>Playing Rance
>Likes Rabi-Ribi and Recettear
Seems like a pretty cool guy, senpai.
I don't get it
What's the joke with the foam and filename
i rest my case
You're in for a wild ride, kid
i refuse to believe this is something someone actually printed and handed out
like how the fuck in the time it takes to make that do you not once step back and reevaluate
there's no way
>Trump is literally Hitler
This makes me feel nauseous, holy shit.
All of his videos are like that too.
Okay I'll admit this is one of the Sup Forums memes I must've missed. What's the joke senpai?
I'll never understand why people use this as an argument. Is that supposed to turn me against Trump?
>W-WHY AREN'T YOU BECOMING #ArtilleryForHillary?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I've never worked out why this is a 'bonus'? I used to remember why having it on screen was good, but I can't now.
outdated filename buddy
Looks like Sup Forumss leaking again. Go back to your shithole.
>$0.02 has been deposited into your PayPal account
They used the foam to make fur suits. I seriously wish I was joking.
Holy shit, just fuck off back to tumblr/reddit/whatever ass crack of the internet you crawled out of.
This is you
Surprisingly enough, leftism isn't as popular on this site as it is in your hugbox.
>not posting the link
Get your Anis ready, faggots. You're gonna need em.
>episode 1
Man that image works great as a newfag detector.
please explain
>nigger nose
How is Trump Hitler exactly? He's wanting to get rid of illegal immigrants. How is that bad? Hell the biggest group of people to hate illegal immigrants are immigrants who worked their asses off to get their green cards. Not to mention people treat illegal immigrants like shit here. "Take this $2 an hour job or I'm turning you in." type of shit.
The fact I've never seen this before means it must be pretty obscure. I literally don't know what it's referencing either.
If youve been on Sup Forums or hell even any of Sup Forums for more than 5 minutes you'd be aware of the most epic quest known to furry kind.
There is a video called Foam Adventure where two amazingly annoying cunts go to the store to buy foam. All through the video they screech and bounce around constantly. Think of your average Nickolodeon sitcom and multiply it times ten and you get the idea.
They were buying the foam to make fur suits.
I've seen that pic a million times and its still every bit as cringy.
It was tens of dollars though.
They made fursuits out of it.
Its not obscure. Ive seen it posted on Sup Forums every few weeks. See:
They may have grown out of it. The last time I looked the video that uses THAT URL was made private, so if that one was uploaded by them, they either tried to cover up their cringy past or got tired of people seeing it calling them out on how terrible they are.
That's what it's referencing?
I've seen that but I expected it to be something more recent or funny.
kinda disappointed desu
Nah, CaveGamer is much worse.
They didn't even buy it for fursuits. They just bought it cause LOL SO RANDUM FOAM AMIRITE!!???! xDDD
>That unenthusiastic smile from the guy
>The dog who looks up at him in disappointment
Did you cry about Brexit?
Take all the actual useful information out, plug it into a professional format and that's actually a pretty decent resume assuming it's going for like a part time hourly job in retail. Except for the D in Math.