>Tfw you didn't fall for the Nvidia meme
Tfw you didn't fall for the Nvidia meme
yet you play activision and bethesda games, like all frogposters
>The way it's meant to be played
Can't argue with that tho
Take this upvote, my man.
>AMD shill
Makes sence.
wow great picture :D reddit needs to see this! xD
>he doesn't have disposable income
I'll sell you a coffee can full of my shit for $500.
What's the matter, too POOR to buy it?
woah buddy, pls donut steel
what kind of coffee can is it? cause if its folgers you can just fuck off right now
nvidiots are such uneducated scum
Why would anyone buy Nvidia after 3.5GB, Fermi housefires, and Gameworks fuckery?
Nah mate, it's like you can buy normal coffee for the normal price, or premium coffee for +180% in price. Normal users won't pay for the premium coffee because they don't care about the quality difference, but coffee enthusiasts will pay the premium price for the better coffee.
>he pays 3 times as much for 20% performance increase
You sound like a guy who lets himself get robbed by gypsies.
I play Square Enix games
>TFW I still have no reason to upgrade from my 290X because all the demanding shit is console ports and I play at 1080p
>Game doesn't actually work
I love pottery
Only retarded ex-consolefags buy Nvidia now
it's not 2006 anymore user
Last time I bought AMD I had driver issues. The last time I bought Nvidia the capacitors exploded.
Who should I trust?
you can either pay 200 dollars for driver issues
or 800 dollars for your capacitors to explode
A Wii U seems more your speed, user.
Dank meme
>From the creator of food analogies, introducing the new and improved coffee analogies
Feels good man
just a reminder that many PC newfags here first GPU purchase was a GTX 970
Nuh uh, it was the 750ti for me. Good luck next time you fruit
>1 sold gtx 1070 is equal to 20 RX 480 sold
I fell for the AMD meme when people here recommended me the Tri-X R9 290
Best $250 I ever spent
he's right, 1080p is old news.
1440p is the new 1080p.
There is literally no reason to buy Nvidia. You can't see above 60 frames per second anyway and most games these days are pixelshit or not very demanding.
>tfw i only have one x16 slot cause I was dumb enough to fall for the prebuilt-pc meme
>Have Radeon HD 7770 built in
>Years pass by
>GPU melts down, doesn't work out of a sudden
>Don't mind the GPU news, buy a GTX 970 OC Edition
>New Nvidia GPU is released half a year later
Idk I can play most games on Ultra with solid 60 fps
Aren't you supposed to buy two 480s and crossfire them to get decent performance? So it's actually 400 dollars to get 30% worse performance than a 1070? The math works out
Any idea when amd's cards are coming out?
>subtly implying Nvidia cards are more powerful
Nice try fanboy
What the fuck is that
A man with tits?
>he implies a $200 dollar card made in china runs better than a $800 card
Two 480s makes it stronger than the 1080
The downside is this only applies in games that work with Crossfire.
>also made in China
I don't even know who to go with anymore. I've stuck with AMD since ~2004 after getting burned on the FX series on my PC purchase in 2002. AMD definitely had a driver edge when Vista came out, but I think the drivers are about on par now (from what I've heard). AMD had some annoying driver issues when Win10 first came out; not really with games, but particularly with Firefox.
For the price differential I think it'd be foolish to not go AMD.
As far as capacitors exploding, that's a problem that plagued much of the electronics industry from the early to late 2000s. Some dumbass stole a capacitor formula from a Chinese component manufacturer, only he stole a bad version of the formula (deliberately left as such) that omitted a key ingredient. This caused gas to build up in the capacitors, which caused them to not regulate power correctly, which caused all sorts of issues with electronics. Eventually the caps exploded, totally killing the electronics.
Re-capping a board is possible if you have soldering skills but rarely worthwhile - especially since the components that the caps sent power to may have been damaged before the failure occurs by under/overvoltage.
It's not really common anymore and a lot of mobo/component manufacturers now use solid caps.
software can be fixed, hardware cannot.
>The way it's meant to be goyed
>that gigantic cooler master shit
>that garbage case
You know it's pretty funny how EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BUILD IS THE SAME these days
Why can't people lean over and take pictures without a retarded inclination angle? You're not taking the picture of a cake, but of an image.
>let me just put this giant heat sink on my cpu that lays flat on the back of my graphics card
>this is totally safe
>oh shit oh shit smoke
are you actually implying that would on start-up generate so much heat?
>AMDshills in full damage control when they realized their new toy is shit
I cant believe you actually think this is correct.
So I know there's a lot of contention between PC and Consoles, but PCfriends can't even get along with each other? Maybe they're the problem.
What would that smoke even be?
>gtx 500 series
older memes than the "AMD has no drivers meme". probably because there hasn't been anything to complain about since then.
aside from the obvious 3.5 shit
Everyone seems to forget that the Fury came with a fucking mandatory water cooler because it was so hot while the 980Ti did fine with air.