Nu-Doom got me in the mood to start playing classic arena shooters. What should I buy on Steam...

Nu-Doom got me in the mood to start playing classic arena shooters. What should I buy on Steam? Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament 2004?

There's a Steam sale right now for the UT collection and the Quake series. Is it worth it?

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you could try the new UT for free and see if that cures your itch

I will make sure to try it. But I would also like to play the classics. Which Quake and which UT should I get?

unless you want to be a purist. Q2 and UT04 is a good place to start. don't know about current server populations for the games anymore though. you might just have to look that up on your own.

I think I'll try the free UT pre-alpha demo and get Quake Live.

Why would you buy anything? The games are dead.

what the fuck is wrong with you

Ut99 and Ut2k4 are both fantastic

>What should I buy on Steam? Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament 2004?

why would you buy 12-16 year old dead multiplayer only games

why would you buy games that old to begin with

Maybe he enjoys purchasing games only after knowing that 0% of the money will actually go to the creators