Should I buy a 3DS?

Should I buy a 3DS?

I'm gonna be busy because of the college. And because of that I feel like I should probably play games more casually. I wanted to experience the games on 3DS anyway.

Should I buy the 3DS XL or NEW3DS?

Neither. Get the PS Vita.

Yeah but Vita is kinda expensive in my country. I can get a used 3DS very cheap.

Stop playing videogames and focus on what's important.

Ok even if this is a troll or b8 which it probably is.
OP do yourself a favour and do not, DO NOT get a PS Shita.
This comes from experience, it has a worse library than the Ouya, it's terrible there is no real good games and i'm not even memeing.
The Vita is an otaku handheld, it has NOTHING but anime Idol/Loli games and they're all terrible.
I guess maybe if you're a huge weeb with no standards then okay I guess but if you have half a brain you wouldn't buy a Vita.
I can not think of one killer exclusive for that thing, not one.

I love cute little animu girllz but i think I should probably not play J-RPGs or other kind of games. Tearaway looks cool tho.

The one that has 9.2-10.5 firmware.
Who is this pepsi demon?

Minnie May

Don't click on any suspicious links

>former prostitute

New 3DS if you wanna enjoy Hyrule Warriors and Xenoblade Chronicles.

New 3ds. Hack it with a9lh.
Shit is the best console I've owned in years. So many fucking games, so much variety, and hacks makes it super customizable, and cheap.
Hell, at this point hacking it and being in the hacking community is its own game.
And with hacks you can fully enjoy the new3ds processor (normally under clocked to normal 3ds speeds) for faster loading and shit. Hacks also make it region free, and has no real downsides besides five hour setup and needing to read a bit so you know what's going on.
Check out /hbg/ on >>/vg/
If you want a list of great games on 3ds ask me, I assume you already know what you want but I could name some niche stuff. Just in a separate post.


Thanks a lot. Nintendo is not officially selling consoles in my country. So I need to buy online. But I'm thinking about buying a used one. Can used ones be reliable?

Ah. Consider doing what I did; buy a Japanese console off play Asia. They're cheaper than retail, and are as perfectly usable (with hacks) as an American one.
Although, you probably wouldn't be familiar enough with the interface to work the system in Japanese (even hacks can't change the language in the main 3ds menu)
So, I guess buy a new U.S. one on play Asia. Not sure on cost but they're usually fairly priced.
You could buy used, but in that case it would probably be updated and couldn't be hacked.
I'd say consider your options and what's the best choice for you.

Hue pls leave

So the new, out of box ones in the United States don't come preloaded with a firmware that is impossible to flash or some other prevention method?

Watching animes?

When is the next special edititon 3ds coming out? How do i check this later on?

I want buy a nice looking one when sun and moon come out but id rather avoid the scalping prices by being first in line so to speak.

Anything new in box can be hacked. Anything used you can assume is updated.
Once its hacked it can be updated and still be hacked. But first it has to be hacked.

Thanks sempai

New 3ds is better but good luck getting it on the US, NOA only released the white one in limited bundles and they are already scalped as fuck.

Pokemon bundle was 200, 350$ now.

AC bundle 220, 270 now.

Wait for NOA to stop being cunts.