What`s your favorite indie ?

mine is Dust


i'm a fan of indiana jones

I laugh

Jonathan Blowhard

This or Assault Android Cactus. The latter is way cooler looking but the former is more fun to me.

Mine is zachtronics. I love spacechem and infinifactory

definitely still undertale

I miss Phil Fish

Studio Canvas

>I miss Phil Fish

>definitely still undertale

nintendoGAF raid this time of the day ? =(

The Swapper



>What`s your favorite indie

Indie what? Indie is an adjective, not a noun.

figure it out
I know you can do it

followed by Basement

Momodora series (especially 3)

Indie game? Indie developer? Fucking use words you cuck.

if you're reading this, go buy momodora 3. It's £0.70 on steam, dirt cheap for one of the best 2d metroidvanias you'll play. It's really good. 2-3 hours to beat, short but sweet.

probably Enter the Gungeon
Isaac is pretty cool too.

Serious Sam franchise

Stories: The Path of Destinies is up there certainly