Where do you go when you have no one to talk about a game with because it's old or niche or no one fucking plays it?

Where do you go when you have no one to talk about a game with because it's old or niche or no one fucking plays it?

If I make a thread about the game on Sup Forums it will 404 instantly
If I make a post on edit it will be ignored
If I make a thread for "games that normally don't get discussed" on Sup Forums it will 404
If I make a thread for "games that normally don't get discussed" on /vg/ it will 404

Is there nowhere?

Whats the game?

I wish people would stop posting madotsuki. I knew one on the internet once, and she was the most vile transexual I'd ever met. Hurts.

The Long Dark

At least people have heard of The Long Dark.

Guess how many people have heard of "Forward to the Sky" or "Starchaser: Priestess of the Night Sky"?

No one except me.

Tell me about those games user so that you will at least have someone to talk to about them. Maybe you can convince me to buy em

Shit I see people talk about it often here. It gets mentioned a lot in threads about other survival games, like it gets mentioned in almost every Subnautica thread.

You just don't. Maybe on steam community if the game is on steam. I've always found it pretty weird how nearly everyone has played Worms at least once but yet literally no one discusses it,be in on Sup Forums or anywhere else.

Im with you OP, Long Dark is actually >fun and pretty immersive

>nearly everyone has played Worms at least once but yet literally no one discusses it

Probably because theres not really a lot to talk about. Its like how we never talk about Tetris, or the original Super Mario.

We've all played them, they're good games. No more to discuss.

Tell me about your current or last run

Don't you know? Most people here, and on steam, are children.

Kids these days don't care about our "shitty oldfag games."

Its all about contemporary vidya nowadays.

Feel you OP. Eventually you'll forget about it and move on. Try /vg/ or /vr/, I've had some success with them.

Forward to the Sky is one of the cutest games you'll ever play. It's pretty short (like, 100% in 4 hours short) but it's a good ride nonetheless. Play as a princess off to defeat an evil witch in a floating castle who has stolen magic crystals from the world and turned people into monsters. It's got a nice story to it and it's very heartwarming.

Legit spoilers now, the witch is just a girl your age who was blamed for things completely out of her control and almost killed by selfish, greedy townspeople. The magic crystals that are prevalent throughout the game are actually sentient and tried to protect the girl by taking her far away where no one else could harm her. The monsters are just townspeople who succumbed to their own greed and desires for the crystals, it has nothing to do with the witch. As the princess learns all this she no longer wants to climb the floating castle to fight the witch but be her friend.

As for Starchaser... It's a simple but addictive puzzle game, where you control a young girl in a world where gravity will change if you approach certain panels. This leads to things like jumping off cliffs to fall back onto it and such. It's a fun game with neat boss battles. Very cute.

They're both fairly cheap and worth an afternoon or two playing them. Or replaying them when you're feeling a bit blue.


Wait for some nostalgia thread or random thread about X from vidya games and try to post something related to it and see if people respond

Have you tried the steam community hub?

>Play something obscure
>Play weird and uncomfortable playing it because you know Sup Forums will never talk about it

This is what I feel like playing half the PSP library

/vg/ fag

*feel weird

Have you tried /vr/?

What game?