There are no more major Wii U games until Zelda in March 2017 and that game is inferior to the NX version...

There are no more major Wii U games until Zelda in March 2017 and that game is inferior to the NX version. The only games Wii U got in 2016 are #FE and Star Fox Zero. How does this make you feel?

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ok because you can pirate those games

So two whole more games than what PS4 has got this year?

>in b4 rehashes, remasters, and multiplatformers

I couldn't give a shit.

Color Splash in September if you're into that.

No ones into color trash.

It makes me feel like a dumbass for buying a Wii U. Want to know why people didn't buy a Wii U? 3DS gets all the games.

tfw hacking my wii u and extracting TMS right now

first time ive done this hopefully it works

I have a backlog of about 70 pirated PC/PS3/WIIU/3DS/WII/GC so actually pretty comfy as I don't have to worry about new releases for a while, all these games are gonna take me years

So ratchet and clank & uncharted 4 are nothing

Also why the "b-but PlayStation" post?

>R&C and Uncharted 4

If you were gonna argue then you should have at least listed actual games.

>Also why the "b-but PlayStation" post?
Because it's a known fact the Xbone has nothing, ever, so why mention it?

You still didn't answer my question. Are you retarded?

>You still didn't answer my question. Are you retarded?

I did, can you not read? Are you sure you're not the retarded one? Did I upset a sonygger?

unless you started gaming this gen you would know nintendo barley supports their old system going to their next system

Pretty disappointed my childhood company is dead and I've had to resort to hacking the consoles to get something worth a fuck out of them since they also happen to be the biggest kikes with sales.

>inferior to the NX version.
Source ~ My ass.


Calm down nintencuck we dont want to make your company anymore shitty then it already is.

>Wants it to run shittier if not the same as the Wii U version which also looks like shit


better hardware obviously will lead to better performance
They already said it will have better visuals on NX

What are you sperging about

Just like TP? Oh wait...

Damn you kids most be underage to not remember that.

Indifferent. Right now I'm plugging away at Bravely Default. How does it make you feel OP?
fuck off retard

wasn't it that shitty 3ds rpg with censorship and microtransactions?

Wii U has plenty of games, though depends what kind of games you are in to.

And no confirmation on controls.

Confirmed you're like 13.

yeah and you have to do everything five times to get the real ending.

Thinking of snatching up every game I want before this shit ends up like the gamecube with overpriced copies from resellers. Already fucked up by not grabbing a first print copy of Bayonetta 2.

Which Wii U games do you guys think might be hard to find later down the road?

what the fuck does controls have to do with it you stupid piece of shit? We were talking about performance and visuals. It'd be better without the gimmicky gamepad anyways, Aonuma himself confirmed its trash.
Do you have an argument or are you just call people underage when they disagree with you?

>what the fuck does controls have to do
My mistake. I forget all the time that you the tablet generation value visuals and cinematic experiences over all else.

It fucking better. It be a slap in the face of early NX adopters if the game doesn't atleast load and run better.

I have plenty of games for my Wii U to keep me busy. No skin off my back.

Might just end up playing fewer vidya as a result. Not that bad of a prospect.

It's like Final Fantasy 5 but with something called "Brave" and "Default". When you brave you get more actions, but it costs you the next turn. When you default, you build them up and defend yourself at the same time. Many of the jobs you used in the old Final Fantasies return, like time mage, red mage, knight, etc.

good job ignoring the rest of the post even though I addressed that. Fuck off already cancer.

It makes me feel sad. But not as sad as a PCuck.

Mad Wii U babby.

Video game crash can't come soon enough.

I am. It looks kinda fun. Better than Sticker Star at least.

You're not making much sense. Are you some sort of automated response program?

fuck off

>Better than Sticker Star
not really an accomplishment

Obongocore effecting your reading comprehension?

>It be a slap in the face of early NX adopters
Good, people who buy consoles at launch are cancer.


>Devouring the bait like an idiot.
>Going super autismo mode to boot.

What are you doing, user?