How the fuck do I deal with these clickety clack rattlebones motherfuckers?

How the fuck do I deal with these clickety clack rattlebones motherfuckers?

I finally picked up Dark Souls, and I keep getting bodied by the billionth one behind the one corner I didn't check yet.
Should I just bumrush the Catacombs and ignore them?

Dark Souls 1 thread.

Git gud

when they hit a wall they stop rolling
then you kill them
or you can just run, also you shouldn't be in catacombs if you dont have the lord vessel

git gud fgt

>take off all armour
>sprint to white light
>dodge left and right
>hope you don't get hit

also, as always, git gud.

They're only a problem in that one very last segment, just before pinwheel. You can lure most of them into the corner at the start of that valley area, where they'll run into a wall and you can smack the shit out of them.

Do you understand what shields are, stability is?
There, now you can fight these guys in a safe manner.

I'll be honest, I have no idea what the Lord Vessel is. I blew through Undead Burg + Parish, detoured down and got a kickass ghost-stabbing dagger from the Londo Ruins, then went to the cemetery.
Is there somewhere I should hit first?

I actually did these two, more or less. Got completely bodied by Pinwheel, but that's to be expected.

They just tear through my stamina if I try to shield through. I can't block their attack because of all the hitstun.

>Got completely bodied by Pinwheel, but that's to be expected
No it's not. Pinwheel is one of the easiest bosses in the game. If you rang the first bell, you should really see about heading down into the Depths. Catacombs/TotG is basically endgame.

yes,explore again the undead burg/parish.

I'll be honest, I thought the Depths WAS after the catacombs.
That would explain the difficulty spike going into it.
I guess I'll look around some more.

Alright. What should I be looking for? I've murdered everything I can get my hands on, including the fucking lightning demon by the blacksmith and the fucking necromancer priest in the chapel area.

Remember that locked door in the tower near Solaire?

Stay near the walls and move left and right. If they can't over shoot you, you can retaliate instantly.

Completing the Depths will get you to Blighttown, where the other bell is located. You should have gotten the key after killing Capra Demon. If you have the Master Key, you can go straight to Blighttown from Valley of Drakes (accesible via New Londo).

Yeah, but I tried that when I scared away the drake to open the gate. I don't think I've gotten a key since then, since I was a fucking dumbass and took the useless binoculars instead of literally anything else.

I...have no idea what the Capra Demon is.
Back to the Undead Parish, I guess.

Play DS3 where they are nerfed into dogshit

>Got completely bodied by Pinwheel, but that's to be expected.
Are... you trolling?
A paraplegic 90 year old with down syndrome could make Pinwheel his bitch by chewing the controller.

you serpentine
you fucking serpentine like your lie depended on it

Pinwheel is a low-level boss in an endgame zone
He was designed to be fought relatively early so that players could grab the rite of kindling, then come back later on once they have the Lordvessel. Since there was absolutely no indication of this, though, most players don't make it through that far until post-vessel when he's a complete pushover

Pinwheel's actually fairly challenging if you fight him early game, especially if you were lucky enough to have fought him before the first major round of patches, because none of the fucking skeletons dropped souls then

Capra Demon is in the Lower Undead Burg.

You remember the bridge where the giant drake was? At the far end (where you met Solaire) there'll be a door that'll lead you to the burg's lower section. Capra Demon will be down there, you know you're in the right place when you get attacked by dogs and hooded zombies throwing knives at you.

I just use cheat engine and put god mode on when I'm up against enemies I don't like.

Honestly there should have been a ladder or elevator after pinwheel that led to the undead parish.

They're basically right next to one another

Thanks, mate.
I'll check it out.

It's okay to have fun.


if you fought gargoyles then you should have a basement key, which opens the door by solaire and connects a big new section of the game to the burg.

Use your dick, user.

Shit, I do.
I got distracted by the new helmet and completely missed that.

I tried that and now its stuck in the ribs
2/10 would not recommend


>Got completely bodied by Pinwheel, but that's to be expected.

You got to Pinwheel... and lost? To the easiest boss in the game? Well, as advice for next time, try hitting him until he dies. I'm serious, just run directly at him, hit him till he dies. Don't observe him to learn his patterns, or watch him make clones and do whatever else he does when the battle isn't over in 20 seconds.

Back when Mask of the Father was super duper OP I used to start every character by stripping naked and going straight to Pinwheel to get an early Mask (and restarting if it wasn't Father).

Well anyways, no point in going down there until much later in the game. Pinwheel gives a rite of kindling which can help if you feel you die a lot and wish you had more estus, but past him it deadends and leaving is frustrating before you unlock teleporting to fires.

Depths are optional. I rarely do them anymore, Capra Demon is pointless and Gaping Dragon is dull. Instead I go directly to the Swamp to ring the second bell, by using the shortcut in the Valley of Drakes.

I got to Pinwheel with half health because of
>OP pic related
and then tried to follow the same rules of being cautious like everything in the game.
I guess rushdown would work better than letting him build up.

I'll be honest, I have no idea what most of your post means, but thank you for the advice. I'm sure it'll come in handy in the future.