>promised to show more progress this E3
>skipped E3 entirely because haven't made any progress
>shooting mechanics are still trash despite Cryengine having decend shooting integrated into the engine by default
>flying still feels terrible
>edit TOS to not allow refunds anymore, new TOS applies to everyone, even people who don't agree with changes
>bought a $13k espresso maker
>bought a custom sliding space door in the office
>despite promising realistic air/vacuum simulation, death is triggered by pressing button in decompression chamber, you can go outside and EVA in underpants if someone else opens the door
>dozens of core features are still missing
>they add an in-game clothing shop instead where you can spend your real money
>after 3 years of active development all they got to show is a little part of one system
>/r/starcitizens eat that shit up and ask for seconds
Other urls found in this thread:
I still believe in this game
Ill be playing Bloodborne on PC sooner than this shit getting done.
Reminds me of something.
Prepare your ass for Scam Shitizen backers and fanboys to tell you how great it is when all evidence shows it's barely a game and buggy as shit. Oh I forgot it's still "Alpha" after fucking years of something akin to development.
Derek Smart was right.
Greatness takes time. The game is real and it's going to be great. You're just mad because you can't afford a good ship and you're going to be owned in space by me and my multicrew.
At this point I honestly just hope that the entire project crashes so hard that even Bane would be amazed.
>these threads are just shitposters making up stories for eachother now
It's getting pretty pathetic. Incidentally, Cyberpunk 2077 was announced many months before Star Citizen. Guess what, it takes time to make games when you're not copy pasting shit.
they never said they would show anything at E3 they said they would show shit at Gamescom
>He thinks Sup Forums won't just steal his shit constantly until he ragequits
CDPR isn't hyping it to the fucking moon either and promising things that will never exist in their game like Roberts is.
They are also not selling $2500 JPG's to idiots.
This is true . Greatness takes time and what they've already got since they picked up development in 2014 is jawdropping. The big two (Activision and EA) tried to assert their dominance as triple AAA publishers by releasing their own space games to squash Star Citizen, but they got cold feet after seeing what Roberts has been cooking up and are rushing their releases to avoid becoming the next Battleborn.
>9065 posts
Except CDPR have been working on Witcher 3 for years.
>it takes time to make games
It also takes talent and actual experience, not just lust for money.
>Greatness takes time. The game is real and it's going to be great.
that's what i was telling myself about Half Life 3
They had a separate team (Team Black) on Cyberpunk since the announcement. Also anyone who thinks 116 mil is big for a game is a joke. Their only fucking income is the money the playerbase is willing to give them, they don't have a publisher or investor unlike CDPR that owns GOG. And yes, they're still getting a steady amount of money because guess what, if you actually follow development instead of regurgitating shit Sup Forums says, it's actually looking good.
Don't even talk about witcher 3 and Star Shitizen in the same sentence.
One is fucking perfect game, the other is literally a scam masquerading as a game.
God damn, he does it for free.
I swear western culture is going down a sinkhole.
>They had a separate team
Cyberpunk team is small and the whole project was on backburner during the development of TW3.
>Also anyone who thinks 116 mil is big for a game is a joke.
Can you shill even harder? 116mil is an incredible amount of money for DEVELOPMENT budget. Majority of AAA games don't have $100mil development budget. Marketing money != development money.
>mfw fucking new CoD looks better and more promising than Scam Citizen
but which is which?
>Cyberpunk team is small and the whole project was on backburner during the development of TW3.
They had about 100 people with a few swapping back and forth. CIG had 5. And yes, that still isn't anything for the game they want to make.
You are implying they have spent all their money and have been fully staffed for the past 5 years
>if you actually follow development instead of regurgitating shit Sup Forums says
I do, I even check on /r/starcitizen daily
>it's actually looking good.
If you have absolutely no standards, sure. There's been no actual progress in last half a year except for in-game shop and couple ships added into the game.
>b-b-but persistence
You mean basic save/load conditions that every MMO has? Truly amazing, now how about seamless transitions and landing zones? Mining? Piping and power lines? Other CORE features that were promised time and time again? B-but surely it's still alpha, right?.. Oh...
>b-b-b-b-but local grid
You mean "flying levels" with death triggers, people clipping though everything and sound engine that doesn't even work with them, making sounds completely ignore walls and floors? Quite an achievement.
116 mil is a lot for a single game. Witcher 3 costed around 80 million after they marketed the shit out of it and hired more than a 100 freelancers and permananet members to just release it in time.
Tortanic costed 200 because of marketing, GTA 5 costed 250 because of all the licensed music and a bigger marketing than a blockbuster movie.
>They had about 100 people with a few swapping back and forth. CIG had 5.
Thanks for the laugh. CIG had 150+ people for over 3 years, 300 for almost 2 years now. It's summer 2016 outside, not 2014 anymore to make "they just started development" excuses.
Goalposts should stay where they belong, user.
We were talking about the state when both games were announced user. Please contain yourself.
Then you'd know seamless transitions and landing zones are already working and piping and power lines are part of item 2.0 that's nearly done.
What processor do I need to run Universe at over 30 fps?
More threads is better. Right now it's server bottlenecked until they have item 2.0 working.
With all the features they promised I'll be surprised if they delivered on 1/5th of them. I followed the SA thread when the kickstarter came out and they were trashing it as a scam from the start.
>We were talking about the state when both games were announced user.
No, we were talking about how development of SC and Cyberpunk are completely different things because unlike SC CDPR actually spent all these years making Witcher 3 while Chrissy was jerking himself off on another tropical vacation and selling pictures of non-existing ships that they can't even deliver on.
Remember 2-seater Khartu that could rotate around the cockpit freely? LMAO
I have an i5 4670 and it runs at 100% whenever I'm not staring at walls.
No, we were talking about the state of the game when both were announced, with CDPR having 100 people dedicated for Cyberpunk and the other 200 on TW3 while CIG had 5 people and had to build a company. Cyberpunk 2077 being announced like half a year before SC.
>all these idiots that back shit on kickstarter than get mad itt...
Here's a pro tip.
I can picture it now. Actual, real life citizens in real space stations talking to each other about how Space Citizen should be coming out next year.
>tfw all this salt just makes me laugh
>tfw i already got my money's worth
>tfw i helped save pc gaming
stay mad
>CDPR having 100 people dedicated for Cyberpunk
>still ignoring the simple truth that CDPR made a great game while Chris just made money
Thanks for once again talking out of your ass. I completely forgot that the only facts /r/starcitizens back up are ones they come up with themselves.
Derek Smart, everybody.
*klap* *klap*
CDPR has been making money since the start of their existence. Guess what, you actually need it to make games.
>The shooting mechanics ARE default cryengine with some extra animations at the moment, so wrong
And cryengine can't handle zero G combat very well t. Crisis
>Literally the best flight system on the market which isn't saying much because ED fucks with yaw and it feels more like a plane than a space ship
>You couldn't get refunds before either and even kotaku admitted it doesn't make a difference
>local man reads Derek smart blog without realising how expensive literally everything is when you're buying it as a business
>literal alpha
>literal alpha
>it isn't real money, kys
>"It takes more effort to make a space station than to make all the core mechanics" also they started that three year period with 10 staff, not 300
>Thanks for the laugh. CIG had 150+ people for over 3 years, 300 for almost 2 years now. It's summer 2016 outside, not 2014 anymore to make "they just started development" excuses.
wrong. it took them years to build up the company from scratch. they've barely been in full development for 8 months, and the game is amazing already.
>I followed the SA thread when the kickstarter came out and they were trashing it as a scam from the start.
This is a lie. Goons were in SC for literally $300,000 until Ben and Skavik made it clear that their EVE griefing/scamming ways were unwanted. Then they teamed up with Derek Smart to launch millions of fake support tickets and do fraudulent chargebacks to try to hurt CIG.
CIG just keeps on trucking. BDSSE. Book it. Done.
>tfw i already got my money's worth
Me too, I paid $0 and got a shitload of laughs
>I can picture it now. Actual, real life citizens in real space stations talking to each other about how Space Citizen should be coming out next year.
who cares? if the game comes out as expected I'll play it, if not or doesn't come at all I'll not play it. Simple as that. People who funded SC took business/economical risk that is pretty normal and usual in a funding, in every funding since thousands of years. They didn't pay for a complete product, didn't they? Stupid and useless to pretend completeness when it's just a project. Sorry not sorry.
post scriptum: stupid is he who pays for a optional vice like "virtual ships" that'll eventually be free, assuming he should have more rights just for that
>furry defense force is here
Sup Plax.
like pottery
>where's the game
>where's the game
>still no game
Star Citizen development sure is JUST
>yfw you realise Sup Forums is so contrarian they went full circle and are now liking CoD and sucking publisher cock
>liking the game that actually looks fun is being a contrarian
Keep telling that to yourself, /r/citizen.
Fun fact: big bad publishers can release a game on time. Chris couldn't with Freelancer, actually bankrupt his own fucking company even, and still can't.
This honestly explains everything. Enjoy your CoD that's on a year development cycle user! Make sure to tell everyone about it as well!
Not that user, but train your reading comprehension or learn to shill better.
Only because a turd looks better than the biggest turd, doesn't make it good.
>sucking publisher cock
Sadly there's a little truth in it with the more shilling and the ever growing numbers of ledditors
>a year development cycle
what did he mean by this?
I'll enjoy 10 CoD games by the time Chris runs out of money and sells SC to Activision.
cod games are developed for 3 years now
Wow, that's a lot of CoD you'll be enjoying user.
I hope you get the irony of your own picrelated, /r/citizen.
I hope you do too, obsessive shitposter. By the way, refresh your content once in a while.
remember when they kept saying star marine was just around the corner throughout 2015, then it turned out they shitcanned it silently saying it was already in the PTU
not a scam, though
And then they added the option to the game and have been teasing it a couple of days ago. Granted though, the studio in charge of the FPS module was a giant red flag the first time I heard they were working on it. Fuck Illfonic, the only mistake I was worried about so far. It's a good thing they're gone.
I still want to play Halo 3 on PC. I don't even get it, 10 years have past, just release the goddamn HD version for PC and let us have our fun.
Haven't really used any of the weapons but it seems to work. Would still very much like to see it like the Arena Commander. Latest patch brought some neat new things though and despite all the shitposting, I'm still positive that it'll come out. As Chris said in the last 10 for the chinaman, they overhauled almost the complete engine to have it working. Hopefully we'll get more systems in now. Item 2.0 might bring a lot of changes.
I thought 2.0 was brought it with the latest patch?
No that was the item port system, or at least a part of it. Item 2.0 will be interesting because it handles logic entirely differently as well, each item can have their own logic, and each item attached as well. This way the workload can be distributed and is required for the network LoDs, which will make the universe not run like shit. Then probably not too long after procedural planets make it in so pretty much most of the engine-related things are solved. Then they have the rest of the time for making assets and the putting in the shitload they already have but not doing anything right now.
Yeah, 10 for the chairman was posted on the 20th and he mentioned Item 2.0 in there. I like the new item port system actually. A bit cluttered on smaller ships but I like it better than the old system for ships. In fact I like a lot of the stuff they've been doing. I really hope that development will pick up speed once item 2.0 is in. From what I understand from the video he said that the engine rewrites are done now.
>Paying for both Squadron 42 and Star Citizen
I'm glad it exists purely because it brought Derrek Smart out of the woodwork again
One is 45 bucks, then the other is 15 bucks if you want it.
I know this is a stupid bait thread but
>flying still feels terrible
Its the best space flying of any game ever made.
>Its the best space flying of any game ever made.
>stupid bait
>Not buying the starter package that showed up about half a year ago
>$30 for both
Top jej
Reminder; this game began on kickstarter
then once it got enough money from those fuckers, "Cloud Imperium Games" made their own website and started bilking money from even more autistic retards.
Actually it started on the website, then because backers were requesting a different way to pledge, they also did a Kickstarter.
It even went for $20 for both on a couple of occasions. 20 is not too bad for what there is right now.
Remember when that one loser cancelled their family christmas by blowing all the gift money they had into virtual spaceships that cost like 1k$ a pop
y-y-you don't understand, it's an INVESTMENT
So name a game that has better space flying.
I await your shitty reply of a 15 year old game that has worse mechanics.
I'd bet money the people who hate Star Citizen the most are the retards that spent a ton of money on it then got buyers remorse.
>CR is a fucking massive idiot.
>Ben is a fucking fat monstrosity.
>plebbit is retarded.
>backers are mostly ignorant and hype-driven.
>the nigger was fucking right all along.
After this, space games will be deader than before.
No thanks fucktards.
Space fucking Engineers and its like five bucks in Steam
Freespace. This is also >mfw Space Engineers is getting all the features of SC faster than SC
It's a slow moving train wreck, because whales are adamant in pouring more Money into the scam.
>Consumer Scam Definition: A deceptive sale of goods or services to a consumer designed to extract money unreasonably excessive given the services rendered or goods provided, if any.
source: Duhaime's Law Dictionary
Well that reply was even shittier than i expected. You honestly believe Space Engineers has better flight mechanics? How blinded by hatred are you?
It's still ten times the game SC will ever be right now
ten times zero is zero
>death is triggered by pressing button in decompression chamber, you can go outside and EVA in underpants if someone else opens the door
did star citizen get a big update recently or something? there aren't usually this many RSI apologists in these threads, whether they're shilling or rusing or delusional. or all three
Im gonna bump the thread to make you faggot haters a little more buttblasted.
Star Citizen has by far the best technology in any game ever made right now. Being able to move from a space station, to a hanger, to inside the ship, watch a battle while standing behind the pilot, and then being able to EVA outside the ship and into another space station. By far, without any comparison, the most technologically impressive game.
It has the best flight mechanics of any game so far.
t has a great racing game that is very difficult and fun to learn.
It has a huge variety of ships and you could get them all for $30. Thats right, not $10,000 but THIRTY DOLLARS.
Game is currently fun, and the game will be even more fun as more updates are released.
... and yet the space combat, the most important part of this game, looks like total shit compared to FreeSpace, a now ancient game by industry standards.
In what way does it look like total shit my buttblasted friend?
>suddenly shitposting every day
Did something happen that I missed? 2.5 isn't out yet, is it?
Oh jees laweeeeez! look how much more fun freespace looks!
Than this garbage boring gameplay
>Star Citizen has by far the best technology in any game ever made right now. Being able to move from a space station, to a hanger, to inside the ship, watch a battle while standing behind the pilot, and then being able to EVA outside the ship and into another space station. By far, without any comparison, the most technologically impressive game.
Russians did it on a hundredth of that budget.
So much for technology.
I still remember when SCtards made fun of Elite Dangerous. Well, they still do, claiming it's garbage without content.
Oh yes it certainly is garbage without content, but then what should be said about Star Citizen I wonder.
Nobody understands.
I dont know what game you are referring to, I googled precursors and the gameplay shows jungles. And your screenshot looks like a shitty cartoon in comparison. So keep pretending Star Citizen isnt king of technology.
Your bait game is strong, gotta hand you that
All i see is pew pew laser machineguns. Wow, so exciting.