What was your favorite Gamecube title Sup Forums?

What was your favorite Gamecube title Sup Forums?

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Resident Evil 4 is objectively the best gamecube game.

Spiderman 2

Get the fuck outta here

spiderman 1 is fun as fuck, shame the controls and camera are kinda shit when crawling on ceilings




fire emblem path of radiance

Final fantasy crystal chronicles

Probably Paper Mario. Not much contest, the Gamecube was the worst Nintendo console by far.

It was miles ahead of the N64, now that thing was a piece of shit

Favorite? Killer 7
Best? F-Zero GX

Not while N64 has Sin and Punishment in its catalogue, it isn't a piece of shit.

This guy gets it

user GCN was far superior, don't even try to refute this

favourite game desu

Ike is my nigga

mein negger

Closely followed by Tales of Symphonia


SSX Tricky

Too many, OP.

Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime
Skies of Arcadia
Resident Evil
Paper Mario TTYD
Tales of Symphonia
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Animal Crossing

Overrated SHIT

Metroid Prime




Best Open world game, the physics were really good.

>Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Come on, now


Worst Zelda
>Mario Sunshine
Worst Mario after SMB 2
>Metroid Prime
Good graphics, Boring as fuck
>Skies of Arcadia
Never got to play it :(
>Resident Evil
You mean REmake? Yeah it was good
>Paper Mario TTYD
Never played
>Tales of Symphonia
Never played
Worst smash
>Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
PS original was better. The music in this was complete shit
Boring after 2 hours
>Animal Crossing
This meme needs to die. AC is not a good game

Resident Evil 4 was the best game on Gamecube. F-Zero GX was good too.


It's sad that the series died horribly

Mein niger. I didn't play a whole lot of GC games, but Custom Robo was my fuckin jam.

Why, Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube of course

>worst smash

good bait mate

you might have the worst taste I've ever seen.


still having tournaments after all these years

Nobody cares you no fun allowed shitter. Literally everyone that played them liked RE4 and F-Zero.

Objectively the best

Yeah I think I prefer the original MGS but the remake is solid.

RE4 is overrated af. GX was good but not as good as F-Zero X

>Worse Zelda
Try Zelda II

This has the most retarded skill unlock system ever, but I enjoy it when I am playing with unlocked framrate.

Melee obviously but I have a special place in my heart for Crystal Chronicles.
4 player game with my little brother and 2 friends was a great time.

>fighting for chests
>getting the most bonus points so you could be first pick for reward at the end of the stage
>snatching up the gifts your friends family dropped for them
>combining attacks on bosses

What time.

Make way, finally posting the only one that needed to be posted.

Pikmin is the best video game, let alone best GC game.

Here's your (you)

Looks like some people got triggered. Some of them can't even read properly.

>i was just pretending to be retard


This is probably the Gamcube game I put most of my hours into.

More mentions:

Smugglers Run: Warzones
Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader
F Zero GX
Eternal Darkness

majora's mask is the worst zelda, only hipsters like that trash. wind waker was boring but it had fun puzzles.

I remember seeing this really disturbing animation that was set just before Olimar arrived, it showed the Pikmin being hunted and eaten but I haven't seen it in years

>tfw there will never be a JRPG style LotR game again

>pretending to be retard
>to be retard

You weren't pretending though.

Hold on I just found it, shit still messes me up youtube.com/watch?v=Kfq2wTa5Dl0

I've had a blast with F-Zero GX, killer7, Eternal Darkness, Beyond Good and Evil, RE4 (even tho I think the Wii version is better), REmake, RE0 and Metroid Prime.

Metroid Prime is probably my favorite.


Star Wars

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg

It's alright user, if you want (you)s so badly you could've just asked.

i can't choose one over so many great titles.

>still being triggered

It's almost like some faggots can't handle different opinions. Keep crying.

Nobody asked your opinion on user's games.

>don't talk shit about my AC nig

This user gets it

>no one said Mario Kart Double Dash yet


The last good Mario kart

The tag team multilayer was killer

its an alright mario kart but the one on the wii, ds, and wii U are way better to play.





I'm pretty sure you're the faggot that can't handle different opinions, given that you're the only person in the thread who felt compelled to take that user's list and smear your shitty opinions all over it.
Project as much as you want, but we all know you're bawling and bashing your keyboard in a fit of autistic rage over the big meanie anons not liking your shit opinions.


Nice thanks for finding it.

I wasn't arguing that, just saying that while N64 has S&P in its library, it can't be called a piece of shit. Fact.

I believe there are better games for the GCN, but ye, the game was very fun to play with friends and rage inducing on single player, same with the monkey ball series.

glad to see that someone respects the robot

donald quack attack


Gotta be Super Mario Sunshine. Mario Power Tennis and Luigi's Mansion are pretty good as well.

>getting this upset

I think we know who the autists are ITT

>literally "no you DX" tier response
Oh yeah, you aren't fooling anyone.

Resident Evil 4.

The Virtual Boy says hi.

Yeah this guy gets it.
honorable mentions
Air ride as well.