What the fuck is wrong with the hitboxes of these faggots? Every fight with them ends with me hitting them for a couple of minutes, and them taking damage after 1/100 of the hits, until I give up and let them kill me.
Gothic thread
What the fuck is wrong with the hitboxes of these faggots? Every fight with them ends with me hitting them for a couple of minutes, and them taking damage after 1/100 of the hits, until I give up and let them kill me.
Gothic thread
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Oh, and they are on sale right now. Would be a shame not to buy them.
The combat might be difficult at first if you're a pleb, but it's pretty intuitive.
get some fire bolt scrolls man. Damn this game was awesome, gotta replay it
WHICH oops which gothic game is best to start with, and which is best overall?
i fucking adore morrowind and think i might like these games
p-please no bully
>I don't understand how the damage mitigation in this game works
You can't fight strong enemies with weak weapon, it simply doesn't get through unless it's crit.
It's not modern RPG where you're taken by a hand, given lessons and shielded from strong enemies. It's fucking fantasy australia with no borders. Now go do some quests, get money and xp, join a camp of your choice.
>WHICH oops which
stop this shit.
start with the first game
calm down, Toilet Cleanowski
I'm completely aware that the game is harder than normal RPGs. I have literally no problems with other enemies, and the manual never mentioned that strong enemies only took damage from critical hits. you're sure it's not due to the shitty hitboxes? :^)
Pirate only.
Devs and publisher parted long ago, because they pushed a early release of Gothic 3, resulting in an incomplete game
Now the publisher won't even bother to do compatibility patches for the steam versions
The ones responsible for Risen are the same ones as the devs behind Gothic 1/2/3, right?
Hitboxes and blade movement consideration is inexistent in this game :^)
>manual never mentioned that strong enemies only took damage from critical hits
Kinda misunderstood me, crits are your only way to damage strong enemies at this point of the game (unless you start using magic). After you get good weapon your damage can go through armor with normal hit.
jesus you're such a fag
>pulling one to that guard so it could kill him and then you could take his weapon
Every time. RIP templar buddy.
Ah, thanks.
I actually got a pretty decent sword in the orc cemetary, but I guess I'm still too early in the game.
just play the first.it is my favorite, even if it is the clunkiest one. the story and atmosphere are unparalleled, and if you manage to get though it you will enjoy the hell out of 2. The third one is fine, however...
Depends on how much you value atmosphere and setting
Gothic 2 is true masterpiece of the series, but its basically a choke standard fantasy. Gothic 1 is way more original and charming, it did the whole "criminal gets a second chance" shit way better before Todd fucked it up with TES 3/4/5.
But you can start with either, if you love one you're guaranteed to love another. Its probably a common knowledge, but avoid Gothic 3 at all costs
I can't even start a new game with the 1st Gothic on steam
>it simply doesn't get through unless it's crit
This reminds me. I just spent about two hours getting repeatedly buttfucked by field raiders again and again in Gothic 2, and wandered into a side cave where there was an Orc Warrior. Now I didn't expect shit, but to my surprise not only I managed to kill it, but every single one of my hits registered.
At level 3, with 20 strength and a Wolf knife.
So this brings up the question, did they drop the high mechanical resistance thing they had in Gothic 1 that guaranteed that you can't actually damage them unless you are strong enough (except for maybe crits), or did they just nerf Orc Warriors to oblivion? I remember I was level 9 in Gothic when I killed my first Orc in a fair one on one melee fight, but I wasn't fighting Warriors until much later.
>and the manual never mentioned that strong enemies only took damage from critical hits
Because that's not what is happening. Look at your stats, you have several kind of resistances. Well, enemies have them too. Your regular hits simply couldn't get through the resistance, but your crits, because they were high enough, did. That simply means that you are not that far away from damaging them normally, otherwise not even your crits would do shit to them.
Pretty sure orcs were made stronger in Gothic 2, certainly in NOTR. You lucked out and proc'd several crits, if you're so sure go to the Valley Pass and try to fuck with warlords
Yes, though in recent years all they create is the epitome of mediocrity.
None of the games are particularly bad, but not a single one leaves a very good impression or excels at anything but the aspect of being consistently mediocre.
These giant dick snakes spooked the hell out, fucking Stoner Sect living just few feet away from them
In G2 you will always do at least 5 damage.
Yeah, nah, no thanks. I'm not in any rush to get myself killed. Well, you know, more than what is necessary. Those field raiders are a real blessing.
With my current stats those faggots take up to 15 hits to kill, so they are good practice. I jumped off a cliff to get my health low enough that they one-shot me, so I had to achieve those 15 hits without getting hit myself. Combat in this game requires a lot more paying attention than in Gothic, so I figured it's best to get a good grasp of the basics before I start just tanking damage, mindlessly chugging potions, and destroying every trash mob with one or two hits. Realizing that I really have no idea what the fuck am I doing when facing a boss would be unfortunate.
But I'm not interested in facing anything way above my current level right now.
Sounds about right. Tossed a fireball at the thing and compared the damage to my melee hits, and I came up with similar numbers. I just wasn't aware that there was some sort of guaranteed minimum.
Now that I think about it, it makes sense to allow mage/archer builds to do at least some damage with a backup melee weapon.
Elex will be good for sure. ;_;
Wasn't the first Risen better than Gothic 3 (even the bugfixed one)?
And I found out about ELEX just now; it sounds fun, but does it seem mediocre so far?
You have to get closer. They are bugged
There's nothing wrong with the hitboxes. Get the system pack.
they are dodging your attacks dude.
Who /OldCamp/ here?
plebbitors and queers
Joined Old Camp for Diego but I wanted Sect Camp for the easy going life
They said something similar about arcania and risen 2/3.
I want to believe, since they are one of the few games I can bear to play in the original language, but fucking up is not impossible for them.
ah yes, felt good to be a queer.
What level should I be for chapter 2 in G2?
kill everything you can, whatever level you get from that you should have.
Almost the same, joined Old Camp because Diego was bro of the decade. But if not for that I would be New Camp for life.
Doesn't matter, going into chapter 2 does not restrict you from doing ch1 quests, but since the monsters will respawn with each chapter you generally want to clear as much as possible. At least kill all the wolves so you can sell the skins
New Camp is Edgy Kid: The Faction
>Dude fuck working in the mines, we wanna smoke weed erryday
>You know whats a great idea? Blow up a shitload of ore for no reason!
>keep expecting female npcs would eventually show up
>that girl from the intro will be important, right?
>they locked her away and you are forbidden from interacting with her, that must mean she is important to the story
>dicks everywhere
>the only females are there to look good but keep silent
And everything went better than expected.
>until I give up
There's your problem.
The most german outlets say it's a PB game for sure, with an amazing handbuilt world and "good" combat. From what i've seen it looks like they fixed up Risen 3's combat with traditional gothic combo's and a more Dark Souls like approach to different moves for different weapons (Björn Pankratz himself said that they were inspired by DS)
It still looks janky, but my guess is that it won't be as fucked as R2's combat
But the new Camp had the best armor. That pelt looks comfy as all hell
At least they actually tried to do something instead of rotting within the barrier for the rest of their lives. And it wasn't that terrible a plan to assume that an insanely strong dose of magic might crack that shit.
And you know, maybe if Xardas actually gave enough of a fuck to tell them that "listen guys, it's not going to work, just saying" instead of chilling in his tower doing fuck all, then they wouldn't have wasted decades on it.
you're mixing up 2 camps together dipshit and new camp was the only one trying to get shit done
>yfw pic related happened
It's not about where they advertised it. It's about them advertising it in such a fucking way.
How the mighty have fallen.
They're German. We Krauts just don't get marketing, especially not something like Online/Viral marketing. Give us maybe 10 years and we will be there where you are today.
I'm not sure how to interpret what I'm seeing since I'm not familiar with that site, but
>70+ hours of gameplay
>advertise it as by far the biggest game they've ever done
Something does not compute.
What's a good faction in G1 for a first timer ?
Also, melee, archery or magic ?
>what kinda exploration you want senpai
>just fuck it good senpai, like in wow
>jetpack then
new camp is best camp
melee focused with archery as a secondary thing
Depends on what you want to do. If melee or archer, it literally doesn't matter. Just pick the one you like most.
If mage, Old Camp is the only right choice. Even if it sadly isn't canon.
Melee is the best thing about Gothic, but feel free to experiment with a mixed build.
Both new and old camps allow for all magic circles, sect is fucked in that regard. I feel like devs were actually trolling the players with that shit, since Sect looks like "that camp you pick for magicks"
Germans can't into marketing.
It's pretty widespread in our tech sector, instead of marketing the shit out of a product, investments are made to ensure high production standards and quality.
The idea is that someone will buy it, notice the quality and word of mouth will send more customers our way.
Not only that, they flat out tell you to join Sect Camp if you want magic. It's pretty funny.
However the story is cooler if you pick Old Camp instead of New for the whole your life is a sign, and that sign is the unification of elements aspect. It's just such a nice touch.
That being said, Adanos >>>>>> Innos.
anyone know how can i run this game in 1080p ?
and game have problem with squeeze picture too.
Check your ini? Or use the DX11 mod
1080p worked perfectly here, except for the movies
gothic 1 have dx11 mod too ?
Have they said anything about system requirements? They won't make this a W10 exclusive, will they?
Don't listen to what the others say, Gothic 3 is fine, make sure to get the community patch though.
>mfw buying Gothic 3 a few years ago
>excited as fuck
>shit optimization, crashes, that shit combat, the horrible faction system
I think I died a little inside, I wish I could forget Gothic 1 and 2 to play them again
and I will never forget how they changed Xardas, fuck that
What about Forsaken Gods?
Haven't played it, sorry.
Sheeeit, that was close. Thanks for the heads up. Not giving any money to filthy kikes.
Use the system pack for gothic 1 and 2.
Didn't PB buy back the IP some years ago?
Absolutely terrible, stay away. It was outsourced to designated vidya devs who had no idea about pretty much anything that made the other games good.
I thought that was just for some years and then they got the IP back, I'm pretty sure that's what happened.
Ouch, that bad? So not even worth it for the story? Not that I think I can put up with a game that rapes Gothic's gameplay.
Nope. Seriously, Forsaken Gods and Arcania - fuck em.
It's the same mod. The recent releases are supposedly unstable for Gothic 1, so you should use one of the earlier releases.
Use community patches and qiest patches i dont exactly know all of them but they fix alot of shit i think there also was a content mod
Any of you here played dark saga, velaya, returning mod , or requiem mod? (All have english subtitles and add alot of new stuff like new stories and areas and so on)
Answer this please. I'm considering buying it.
Alright than, thanks for the warning.
It's funny, a few years ago I really wanted to play Arcania hoping for something similar to Divinity 2. But then just before finalizing my purchase I noticed it was called "Gothic 4", and that changed my mind because I didn't want to get into another long series.
It seems I dodged a bullet that day.
Combat is the weakest part of the game if you ask me even if it does add alot of cool stuff like dual wielding and cool magic but there are quite a few community patches and stuff that make the game a lot better, also the story is rather weak but the exploration and map and the atmosphere are all really good
I'm pretty sure that happened around the time Risen 3 was announced, because I remember everyone talking about how they might pick up the Gothic series again after R3, or maybe even merge the two somehow. Of course that was before they said they never want to do another Gothic ever again.
How's Gold edition (w/ Night of the Raven) compared to vanilla Gothic 2? I heard some conflicting reports about the difficulty - is it okay for someone who just completed Gothic 1?
It's more difficult, but most importantly you'll have to do get out a pen and a piece of paper and jot down shit before you start investing LP because it's easy to fuck up a build.
>is it okay for someone who just completed Gothic 1?
I just finished G1 like a week ago, but so far Gold doesn't feel too hard. As of now the hardest part for me was to get used to the slightly reworked combat system, and the much more complex enemy behaviors.
If you just finished 1 you'll be fine. Weenies who hear it's the best game in the series and start with it can't deal with the difficulty and bitch about it, but since you know what the games are about you can deal with it.
NotR is objectively superior. Only babbies that skip 1 complain about the difficulty.
If is true, that basically means there is no way to completely fuck up, no matter how badly you mismanage your LPs. Of course, if you fuck up so hard you have to rely on that 5 damage per hit, things are bound to get very, very interesting.
The biggest difference between vanilla and NOTR (apart from entire new map) is the cost of learning, which doubles and triples at certain points (30 and 60 I think). I suggest playing vanilla first simply because its a smoother experience, NOTR practically forcves you to minmax and exploit everything
On the other hand, only someone who played 1 will feel like crying himself to sleep upon hearing the protagonist's new voice actor.
Melee builds are easier to fuck up than mages.
Mage can just summon skeleton/goblin the entire game and steamroll, mana pots are easy to obtain.
It's the same one in 2. 3 changed it and yeah for the worse, but I got used to it.
What are you talking about, its the same person
No way. The sudden change in VAs during dialog where you have both vanilla and NotR lines is incredibly jarring, that can't be the same guy. NotR guy delivers his lines in such a fucking soulless way.
English or German version?
talking about voices, is there a way to get German cutscenes with English subtitles?
>Xardas is a traitor because he turned to necromancy
>even fire mages are perfectly okay with selling necromancy scrolls to everyone and their mother as long as they have gold
English breh.
The Gothic games are the most boring, bland, uninspired RPGs I've ever been tricked into playing.
Gotta be realistic, summon scrolls are hella useful.
I was talking about the English one. I like it well enough, protagonist and Diego were both great. I'm sure the German is better, but I'd constantly feel like I'm missing out since I don't speak it, so I rather just stick with English.
What's the best scroll in the beginning and why is it ice wave?
>Wasn't the first Risen better than Gothic 3 (even the bugfixed one)?
It was, it's almost as good as NotR, while the characters aren't nearly as memorable, the combat is great and whole island is just beautiful and ripe for exploration
Because Ice wave is the best spell, always. I was spamming it the entire game.
Notr is not hard if you make a dedicated melee/archer/mage build but imo its also not too bad with a mixed build
You're not really missing anything, i tried german version like a year ago and while few characters like Diego or Lester sound better than in english, everyone talks so fucking fast it feels like you're adventuring in land of chipmunks.
Chromanin would be one of the best quests ever if not for the lackluster ending. Although that "wait, that's it?" you feel when it's over is pretty spooky in a way.