I like the censored version better

>I like the censored version better
>It's way sexier

I bet your favourite porn would be strip tease.

Ok random question but can someone post the yellow pic of the guy saying something like "That's it I've had enough of the Internet I'm gonna go take a nap and then go back on the Internet "

This is true for Bravely Default, though . The original skins are completely retarded for the most part.

>someone care about weebshit


Are you just gonna add meme arrows to a true statement and call it a day?

>game censors cleavage

I actually like clothed pictures better than full out naked pictures when wanking to anime girls.

Am I the only one?

I've literally never heard this.
What games have a "censored version" anyway besides australian/german gore reduction?

Got angry at the Juri thread?

>his bait in the street fighter thread isn't working
>better make his own thread to shitpost

People say that all the time to bait people in censorship threads on here.

>Doesn't have fetishes.
Have your balls dropped yet?

Wow it's nothing, I bet you think Karens stockings and jacket are better than her spats and exposed midriff and arms


Arkham Knight

Thx friend

>Being cucked by censorship is a fetish

what was censored

>cleavage is a reason to buy a game

I think the act of censorship should be looked down on no questions asked, but there's nothing wrong with thinking the censored product looks better.

Kiria's censored outfit in #FE looks way better than those retarded assless chaps even if they make your dick hard.

>settling for shit

I'll take flesh like a real man. Keep your latex.

Lets plot a course

here come the cucks

Nintendrones unironically said this so many times as self defence that the treehouse took their word and just look at what happened to #FE

Hmmmm you bet!

it's from super mega comics
you should read them

The censored version of this game is better than the uncensored version, those vaginas look like horrific axe wounds.

In some cases it's true though, of course there are many cases like in #FE where it's plain shit, but there are many censorships that give me harder boners than the original ones.

Noteworthy mention goes to the one that gives tight spats to lolis.


cuck ahaha

cuckolding IS a fetish you retard
further proof you faggots just spout shit you don't know the meaning of

It's just Nintendrones, OP.

That artstyle is fucking putrid. Who the hell thought this was passable?

>giant feet

holy shit the fetal alcohol syndrome on the left one

So you are a cuck.


Shills and falseflagging.

That's true for a lot of eroge. There are a lot of artists that put zero effort into drawing the genitals since it's going to get censored anyway, then when it gets officially translated and uncensored and you see they did the bare minimum, it just makes the h scenes less fappable. I wish the localization companies would start giving a choice between the censored and uncensored versions.

stope falsenagging

But I do like the "censored" version more.

Doesn't mean I agree with design changing through localization.

It's totally okay to like a censored version of a game more.
What isn't okay is using the fact that you like the censored version more to justify censorship.

>mfw my favorite is cam stripping and dancing

Shame Hot isn't online right now.

I never looked at her live.
How does it work ?
Do you have to pay to see or does she do it for free ?

bravely default changed some of its costumes, but honestly I prefer the western versions

Cuck detected

Only retards say that but that.

You can just watch as other people pay her tokens. What I always do. Usually the entire show is pretty bland, or you can just find some of her shit on like camgirlvids/org and download them for free.

She has a few where she sucks a dude off, mostly just showing her tits, that's about it. Dude's dick is tiny as fuck too so I can't imagine she's enjoying herself either.


what a cuck

>is a liberal

Do you even have any, you fat faggot?

I've committed this crime once, and that was in the case of Fatal Frame. Someone please post some webms of the zero suit

They actually did it to appeal to westerners.

I try to avoid other guys dicks whenever I can.
I only found two good ones, white top and black top.
Blondebunny and MissAlice are top tier too.

>tfw SNK won't be censoring shit because they aren't cucks who need to appease the non-gaming masses

To be honest this color scheme looks better on her than the story mode art. The black works really well on her.

Don't know how you guys can claim it's censorship either when all that modes art was fucked up. Nobody was drawn correctly and half the outfits were inconsistent with their models.

Complain if the US version gets alterations in the bikini beach DLC, not hypothetical bullshit that could very well have been updated from the initial concept art.

Nothing was ever confirmed to be "fucked up", you falseflagging shitposter.

>Adopt a kid like this
>Treat her well and let her go out with friends
>Only to bully her with a random airhorn every so often

I'd feel terrible but I'd enjoy it all the same.

She has a bunch of stuff on camgirlvids/org, just look her up there. A lot of her old vids she still had long hair, looks a lot better with short hair.

>Nothing was ever confirmed to be "fucked up"
The artwork itself is terrible and Sean's entire skin color was wrong.
I really like Bengus but the artwork he's done for SFV is a mess.

Who gives a shit what you think, nigger?


>le sluts are more attractive maymay

When did scoobydoo turn into weebshit

Not about what I think, user.
On a technical level it's not good.

This is not the Scooby Doo that I remember.

Zombie Island was and still is the best movie though.

I think Shaggy was hypnotized or some bullshit


thanks for the tip senpai.
I usually use camshowdownloads and there was nothing very interesting at the time.

The one when the go dig a hole and find a ghost ?
It was fucking terrifying.
I remembered being scared as fuck, but it was awesome.

>tfw censorship fetish