User you've been playing your computer games all day, come downstairs and spend some time with mommy

>user you've been playing your computer games all day, come downstairs and spend some time with mommy

>come home from work
>start up a game because siblings hog the living room TV


>he doesn't enjoy his mom's strap-on
I bet you are also ungrateful and bad at video games

how did my mom become a blonde white woman?

i hate it when i hear my wife's son yelling because of his mom's strap-on

Get out shitskin

>tfw your mother's a cunt, and you haven't spoken to her in years.

>mom use to always ask to watch movies
>want to just play vidya

Sorry parents but maybe if you weren't always fighting and getting physical when I was little I would want to spend more time with you. Fucking idiots, this is why I always have a underlying anger and irritability on most days.

>Tfw your mother is dieing from cancer and you spend all the time with her you can.
But no amount of time is enough.
Go call your mom user.


My nigga

this is your OC isn't it?

Why the fuck is that plate of food talking?

No. I could never play video through it.

I was the little one crying

>tfw your mother calls and emotionally blackmails you into spending your free time with your parents, helping them with repairs, instead of resting

I'd help myself user, but you know I am sick, I haven't seen you in weeks, I know you dislike it here but if you could come... I know you don't like me calling, I am an old crazy woman, but it feels good to hear you, and you never call yourself, did you forget me?

I fucking wish I could be hard enough to tell them to fuck off, but I'd be devastated and full of regret, how can I be more edgy?


The first time is always the hardest faggot. Once you do it 3 or 4 times you'll be adjusted so you wont feel anything.

Alternatively just never interact with her again.

Enjoy her while you can, fools.

What games you play with mommy?

The more I look at this the angrier I get.

>tfw my mom was a piece of shit to her parents and others around her
>tfw I have followed suit.
The bad seed lives on.

>granma gets cancer
>visit her every day in the hospital
>she recovers
>happens again a few years later
>visit her every day in the hospital
>she recovers

Ok grandma this is getting annoying you stupid bitch, but I love you

>tfw your mothers cunt


Why would anyone enjoy the strap on? That's gay as dicks

Tell them if you're going to spend time with them then it's with them, not fixing the house, not doing chores; with them as a family.

They be so fucking shocked you want to do it they'll probably organise a lunch and pay for it all just because you asked.

Aren't you missing some text in that pic there Rhodesiaman?

>as soon as I become 18 I leave for a different town
>they suddenly turn into normal adjusted people

Epic. Just fucking epic mom.

>tfw yelled at mom once, said I hated everything about her.

I wonder what it feels like to be yelled at by something you helped create. I was just a little brat.

I don't want to spend time with them, they are terribly simple and boring people, and even though they have the best of intentions they are just too incompetent as parents or friends to ever be good company.

Being around them is an exercise of swallowing guilt and smiling through misery. I am always, 100% of the time happy with my life choices and directions, and perfectly fine with everything going on as it is, except when I am with them and they start talking like I owe them to go back to university, to marry, to own a house rather than rent, to have children, to look for a better paid if more stressful job, etc.

I want the spine to tell them that I dislike being with them and our relationship should remain weekly 5 minute calls, but I just can't.

>tfw mom is a lazy slob who hangs out on the couch playing vidya or watching TV and sometimes can't even be bothered to put clothes on

Still not totally used to it since she started years ago.

>play games for hours (HOURS) straight till mom comes home
>cracks room door open and asks if I have eaten anything today

>creeping guilt of not doing anything more with my life

>apply for jobs but get turned down because it's fast food and they prefer women applicants

Fuck, man. I can't win.

Why wouldnt she? She had to spend her best 18 years raising a memecuck like you, and you probably havent even moved out yet

Your normie mother doesn't think of it that way. Stop projecting your 4deep8u feelings onto her.

now post tthe screencap , you know the one

That scene from Mulholland Dr. gives me the biggest boner

I hope it's the worst feel on the planet because she deserved it desu


Its too late to treat her user?

>my mom survived two cancer operations
>she is cancer free
>but Alzheimers started kicking now

You mean the crippled mom Animal Crossing gif?

>apply for jobs but get turned down because it's fast food and they prefer women applicants

Yeah, i'm sure that's why you get rejected ;)


>mfw getting drunk on wine, listening to rock music and watching movies whenever I visit my parents

Honestly more fun to visit them during the weekend than sitting at home playing video games

Who would you rather get served by? A 20 year old guy or an 18 year old girl? Well? Exactly.

Honestly why do they do this?
Do they just want you to stay there or what?

I'm so sorry, user. My mother passed away about 2 months ago, and I wasn't even able to see her because I was halfway across the country in college.

I really envy you.

My mom would be too busy smoking rock and blowing some biker dude to make me chicken tendies

Am I getting a blow job or a fucking hamburger?

>tfw saving up enough goodboy points for a special birthday blowie joey from mommy
>she boops your nose and leaves cummies on it

no i'm talking about the one with user Mother blaming him for his sister fuck up

You never know if you play your cards right ;)


Are you one of those people that thinks white guys have it the hardest in life?

No, I think I have it pretty easy considering.

>No text to complete the ritual
You can't into meme magic

Its treatment, not a cure you retard.

It was different cancers every time.

Cancer can develop elsewhere.

Never reply to me again unless you have something constructive to contribute to the discussion. You have been warned.

Fuck that hit close to home ;_;

>Be 7 years old
>Alone in the house
>Go rooting around parents room for my birthday presents
>Suddenly a drawer filled with sex toys
>Dont know what it is so think nothing of it
>Remember it years later

It's brain cancer, we caught it at stage 4. Chemo and radiation did nothing. We stopped all treatment. The tumor they removed in surgery right after she was diagnosed grew back, and another one as well.
She was diagnosed just about a year ago. Roughly 13 months ago, they gave her 14 to live.
It's been a year of steady decline. Losing her ability to speak and think clearly. She doesn't remember our names now, her legs don't work and the right size of her body is paralyzed from a recent stroke.
All we do is give her morphine so she sleeps and wait.
I almost wish she had died in surgery a year ago, it would have saved so much suffering.
That's rough shit user. I'm sorry. I spend time with her every day and I couldn't stand not being able to be there.

>Who would you rather get served by?

Doesn't matter who's cooking it in the back though.


>yfw the first time you realised

This used to bother me so much, especially around family friends or the like, but as said, it's just something you learn to ignore, get what I needed and go back in my room

It doesnt fucking matter
It's fast food
I've never heard fast food workers being turned down because they're male
There is definitely a reason behind why you're not being hired

>it's a Sup Forums and their mommy issues episode

What happened to Kain?

This is my family in a nutshell.
>8 aunts, 9 uncles, 16 first cousins, 7 second cousins
>I'm literally the only person in the entire family who likes vidya and the only person who doesn't like sports
>Every single time for Christmas or Fourth of July I get some comment like this
One of these days when someone says it to me I'm just going to walk right outside, get in my car, and go home

do it, it's even more powerful than throwing a fit, just leave

if they stop you physically say don't want to be near them

because you're too far gone

deepest lore

What did she mean by this?

stop being such a sour puss user. lrn2festivespirit. some time off vee could be good 4u.

>tfw your mother is unironically this type of clingy bitch and you cut contact with her


make contact with her again dumbass

>inb4 she's dead
no she's not you memeing faggot

Moms are great, never forget. You better be loyal.

>come home from work
>wife made coffee and food
>drink coffee outside on balcony while smoking cigs and reading Sup Forums
>eat with wife and go play games with friends

Such is the life of a normie

Just start addressing them like a cave man, that's what I started doing and eventually they got the point and stopped being cunts.